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Coordination of Activities in Forwarding the Implementation of MDG Goals Training Workshop on MDG Indicators in CIS countries and Georgia Geneva 8 – 11.

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1 Coordination of Activities in Forwarding the Implementation of MDG Goals Training Workshop on MDG Indicators in CIS countries and Georgia Geneva 8 – 11 November 2010 Petteri Baer, Marketing Manager, Statistics Finland

2 8 - 11 November 2010 Work on a joint UNECE-UNICEF-UNDP Reporting System on MDGs in 2006-2010 Developing the idea of working together DVD and CD – produced as a joint effort of the UNECE, UNICEF, UNDP and UNFPA in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 DevInfo used as a data platform Difficulties in having sufficiently updated information Difficulties encountered by users Problems with the functionality Regional database services has been a dream

3 8 - 11 November 2010 Background of the Backgrounds in support of activities towards an MDG Database UNECE Support for Statistical Capacity Building Increasing the focus on MDGs Two Expert Group Meeting on MDGs in Astana in 2009 Much experience with databases UNICEF Monitoring information on children Support for MICS surveys TransMonee, Innocenti Social Monitoring UNDP Presence in the relevant countries Support for PRSPs Data for the Human Development Index UNFPA Presence in the relevant countries Population related data Assistance in Census preparations

4 8 - 11 November 2010 ECOSOC Decision on UNECE in its 2006 Session - a strong mandate for building up an MDG Database E/2006/15/Add.1, page 11

5 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Present situation (1) We have a good and comprehensive UNECE Report on MDGs of 2010 We have had a good start in building the Regional MDG Database as a joint effort We have access to all the World level MDG reporting of the UNSD

6 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Present situation (2) But... We have no real user monitoring The level of marketing or dissemination activities on available MDG information materials is low And still – after so many years – Coordination is not very good

7 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Challenges we face today (1) Difficult to easily find comparable MDG data In and about related countries Comparisons on specific indicators By users outside the related countries, e.g. donors Difficult also in the case you would have access to the in 2006-2009 published UNECE-UNICEF-UNFPA- UNDP “database” or CD Relevance difficulties when using the global reporting materials

8 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Challenges we face today (2) The content of the the UNECE-UNICEF-UNFPA- UNDP MDG service has not been well defined in relation to the Global MDG Reporting Much of the metadata has been missing Much of the data is old, sometimes really old Very little – if any – proactive marketing Difficulties in using the material, when available

9 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 What to do (1)? Что делать (1)? 1. Develop the “logics” of reporting Relation to the global reporting Relation to the MDG goals and indicators specified by countries Development of the relevancy of the reported indicators

10 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 What to do (2)? Что делать (2)? 2. Develop the quality of the reporting Regularity of reporting National cooperation in division of labour and responsibilities Improve coordination! National level Comparability across borders More metadata!

11 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 What to do (3)? Что делать (3)? 3. Develop the service tools User friendly database services on MDGs On the national level Regionally Internationally Transparent MDG reporting on the web Also CDs, DVDs, due to slow internet connections Regularity, coverage, comparability, accessibility

12 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 What to do (4)? Что делать (4)? 4. Make the MDG goals and the availability of MDG indicators better known Inform policy and decision makers about the services Organize national seminars and workshops highlighting the recent development Present materials in an understandable way Build contacts and relations

13 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 A stronger focus on statistical capacity building Building good MDG indicator services is not a separate work To provide good MDG indicators is part of general Statistical Capacity Building, part of a strategic development plan for enhancing statistical services

14 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Resources available – International Organizations support and assistance (1) UNECE Numerous projects with reference to developing MDG reporting Since 2009: One new post based on the UN “Development pillar” MDG Database orientation since 2006 EXCOM Practical work

15 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Resources available – International Organizations support and assistance (2) UNSD World level MDG services on the web General advocacy for the MDG approach Development of reported indicators Organization of annual global IAEG meetings on MDG reporting since 2003 Paris 2008, Geneva 2009 xxx 2010 Participating in & co- organizing this meeting

16 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Resources available – International Organizations support and assistance (3) UNICEF TransMonee DevInfo MICS to be developed into a regular part of NSIs regular work Other ways UNDP & UNFPA UNDAF planning Other ways

17 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 A good compilation of MDG issues in the Region Good cooperation of the production of this comprehensive publication You can see it already on the Cover page And on the list of 16 international organizations that participated in its production Also this material would not have been possible without national input Available at ission/MDGs/2010_MDG_O ptimized.pdf

18 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Highlights in the recent UNECE publication (1) For countries of the EECCA and SEE regions, the economic transition to a market economy has led to setbacks in development, causing serious hardship, displacement and social stress Much concrete material on this is included in the publication

19 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Highlights in the recent UNECE publication (2) 36 per cent of the population in Emerging Europe and Central Asia, about 160 million people were considered poor or at risk of poverty, living on less than $5 per day HIV prevalence has climbed the fastest in this region, especially among young people and increasingly among women

20 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Highlights in the recent UNECE publication (3) Of the 27 countries worldwide that account for 85 per cent of all multidrug- resistant tuberculosis cases, 15 are in Emerging Europe and Central Asia Conflicts in the Caucasus, Cyprus, the Republic of Moldova, and parts of the Western Balkans and Central Asia converted millions of people into refugees and internally displaced persons. The conflicts are now frozen rather than resolved and can potentially flare up again any time.

21 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Highlights in the recent UNECE publication (4) Migration has been a safety valve for largely jobless growth, with several countries greatly relying on remittances to support consumption. In these countries, many vulnerable households rely on remittances, rather than social protection, to make ends meet. Prior to the crisis, remittances accounted for 38 per cent of GDP in the Republic of Moldova and 46 per cent in Tajikistan

22 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Annex 2 – Abundant collection on this Region The 4 slides above, with highlights on the content are just examples of the rich material of this MDG publication Annex 2 of the MDG publication, compiled by the Statistical Division Provides abundant statistical material on MDG indicators in the Region Is based on material, compiled from all levels of sources: International, Regional and National

23 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Who benefits from our work on developing good reporting on MDG Indicators (1)? Policy makers, Decision makers – by knowing more Development program planners – by having more evidence based materials to use Non-Governmental organizations – by having more advocacy arguments

24 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Who benefits from our work on developing good reporting on MDG Indicators (2)? International Organizations – by having improved reporting and materials Vulnerable groups in society – by getting better attention through disaggregated MDG information The population in general – by having more facts on progress and development – or backlashes

25 Petteri Baer8 - 11 November 2010 Conclusion Just do it! Thank you for your attention Petteri Baer

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