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1/15/10.  Get lunch and settle in  Review your notes/line of learning from past session: ◦ Understanding by design/Backward design ◦ Clear learning.

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Presentation on theme: "1/15/10.  Get lunch and settle in  Review your notes/line of learning from past session: ◦ Understanding by design/Backward design ◦ Clear learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/15/10

2  Get lunch and settle in  Review your notes/line of learning from past session: ◦ Understanding by design/Backward design ◦ Clear learning targets ◦ Interactive strategies/CFU  Get computer ready for map and talk  Know how to access Wiki

3 Examples of scaffolding in maps and lessons Clear and explicit model of UBD and LO Interact with others across the district to see how ideas are used Plan with job-alike peers on real units/lessons Seeing real lessons and maps helps to put all pieces together

4  Look toward my culminating outcome before I write my lesson objectives  Link LO and skills in my map  Incorporate more planned CFU’s & interactive strategies  Activities are important in my lessons but skills in maps are about what students will be able to do  Embed more WTL strategies

5  Plan, plan, plan  Write essential questions that are relevant and motivating  Backward design is a new way of thinking for me  Getting more comfortable with the mapping tool after playing around with it

6  Observe my lessons and give me targeted feedback  Plan with others  Continue to have new teacher workshops

7  By next workshop - Be prepared to bring a unit (map) and a lesson using the unit/lesson design template ◦ UBD/EDI concept reflected in planning ◦ Expanded skill statements in maps ◦ Clear learning objectives/targets in lesson plan ◦ Planned CFU and interactive strategies

8  PK-6 West; 7-12 East including administrators  Find partner 1 from the opposite level  Find partner 2 from same level  Stay with partner 2  Come to front if you are still searching

9  How did you apply Understanding by Design in your map? (Share one essential question with your partner)  Share evidences of: ◦ Scaffolding (Expanded Skills) in your map (K-6) ◦ Interactive strategies in your lesson (7-12)  Be ready to share your partner’s examples or insights

10 1. Design units and lessons that reflect UBD, clear targets and scaffolding 2. Plan, reflect and collaborate lessons and units via web tools 3. Embed interactive strategies (including CFU) in lessons 4. Design lessons with Think Aloud moves 5. Self-assess implementation 6. Confirm coaching sessions with admin



13 Complex Thinking

14  Form Triads; Assign ABC  Read all parts and highlight  A shares for 45 seconds;  B shares for additional 30 seconds without repeating anything A said  C shares additional 15 seconds without repeating A or B  ABC summarize the differences among all three parts

15  Moves are for fidelity!  Missing moves will NOT have impact on learning!  Find ways to make moves happen in your teaching during the first 21 trials!


17  Use move organizer to record during demo  Independently organize own notes before sharing Demo– PK-1 Demo – 2-12

18  UBD/Clear LO/Essential Understanding  Model/Think Aloud Moves  Interactive Strategies/CFU  Scaffolding

19  How might students learn differently if the teacher explains the steps without using think aloud moves?  Line of learning What have I learned from the demo and the teacher’s reflection?

20  Use the tool ◦ As you plan ◦ After you teach ◦ While you collaborate ◦ When you conference with your principal or mentor

21  Identify a real unit you will teach/have taught  Write at least one or two skill statements that will require Think Aloud (complex thinking)  Be ready to share in 15 minutes  Ask for help!


23  Work independently  Must follow the moves  May use the lesson template or the Web lesson tool  Share with a peer at the end of 20 minutes  Ask for help!

24  Two Stars  One Wish

25  Think independently for a moment  Start with one person, go clock wise  Key words only  Silent activity  Go around until all ideas are on the chart  Can pass

26  Add to your map as you plan, revise or dialogue  Design and teach think aloud lessons ◦ Frequency - about once or twice a week ◦ Complex thinking  USE THE MOVES WITH FIDELITY

27  Work on the map and lesson with your PP or Mentor  Confirm with your principal regarding a coaching and feedback session  Wiki – Describe how you used the Think Aloud moves to develop complex thinking in your students–minimum one entry or response.

28 Show your map and bring three copies of a typed lesson ◦ Link lesson to your map ◦ Map and lesson reflect UBD and clear LO Evidence of scaffolding (expanded skills on map and lesson) Reflects EDI with think aloud moves Planned CFU (before, during and after each lesson) Embed interactive strategies to cognitively engage students in learning

29  Go to Wiki to fill out the self assessment form  Principals will observe your lesson and provide support to you before we meet again

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