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Presentation to the Board of Trustees Gretchen Morgan May 27, 2015.

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1 Presentation to the Board of Trustees Gretchen Morgan May 27, 2015


3 We have been using the current program for past 5 years Large variation across district Time to ensure program is meeting the needs of our students and staff FYI: Theological virtues: faith, hope, love Cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance

4 Virtue: A Virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do good. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of themselves. The virtuous person tends toward the good with all their sensory and spiritual powers; they pursue the good and choose it in concrete actions.

5 MONTHVIRTUE SeptemberFaith OctoberGratitude NovemberPrudence (wisdom) DecemberCharity JanuaryFortitude (courage) FebruaryTemperance (self-control) MarchForgiveness AprilJustice MayHumility JuneHope

6 Our mandate is to review our current program and make changes to “revitalize” Finish our initial work in late May/early June Materials to principals in June Professional development on June 26 PA day Effective 2015-2016 school year Working committee – everyone played a very important role to get this important work done

7 What do you like about the virtues program? What would you like to keep? What do you dislike about the program? What would you like to remove, add or change? What support do you need in order to bring these virtues to light in your school Results for staff and students

8 As we move forward with our virtue revitalization project, we would like your input on which teachings from the Church we should focus on starting in the 2015-2016 school year. “Voting for Virtues” Social Teachings of the Church Fruits of the Holy Spirit Grandfather Teachings Virtues Other

9 Approx. 125 surveys (some done individually and some done as a school community) Despite 42 options – many of our current virtues were selected as the most popular Similar results at both Elementary and Secondary panels

10 Most Catholic School boards in Ontario currently have a virtues/social justice/teaching of the Church Some look more like character education programs while other stick to the virtues Some of the 29 Catholic School Boards have very prominent areas on their website

11 Things we liked most: Ties to Catholic Social Teachings & Virtues Fruits of the Holy Spirit English & French resources Resources 20+ pages (Eng & French, elementary & secondary) Calendar is not specific to year Opportunity to build and grow resources over time Resources and lesson plans ready for staff Easy to use

12 MONTHVIRTUE September/OctoberFaith November/DecemberLove January/FebruaryForgiveness March/AprilHope May/JunePrudence (wisdom)

13 MONTHVIRTUE September/OctoberGratitude November/DecemberJustice January/FebruaryRespect & Responsibility March/AprilFortitude (courage) May/JuneTemperance (self-control)

14 10 virtues but will cover them over 2 years (year 1 & year 2) Taking 2 months to cover virtues Month # 1 – explicit teaching Month # 2 – ties to social justice and LIVING OUR FAITH Plans for yearly board-wide contests

15 Bring our Catholic Faith to life Lead person in each school community Resource package for each school (print & digital) Opportunity to add resources over time Connections to areas of curriculum Elementary & Secondary materials and resources Every staff member has responsibility to teach across the curriculum

16 Refusing to “water-down” our faith Make materials accessible (print & electronic) Materials in French & English We would like this to be a living program – tied to Church teachings, social justice and ACTION Consistency across the district (reporting on report cards, lists of items to “look for” in school and classrooms, etc.)

17 Support – in various forms Help ensure that we are different than our co- terminous schools We need your help to bring our faith to life Budget considerations

18 Print resources for each school community (printing & binders) – this summer Release Virtues Committee to continue to work on year # 2 materials during 2015-2016 school year New resources for each school for 2015-2016 Revised posters for each school community Continued budgetary support over the next 3 years Creation of shared site for digital accessibility Support to run yearly district-wide contests Graphic artist to create logo Your ideas and suggestions?

19 Todd Bosak, Mike Buhler, Cristina Corbett, Melanie Dixon-Flurey, Brenda Doyle, Jeanette Foy, Brenda Gagne, Sylvie Guevremont, Lori Hurtubise, Lisa Johnston, Laura Kelly, Liliane Lachance, Father John Lemire, Sharon Maisonneuve, Andrew Marks, Karen MacGregor, Gretchen Morgan, Lori-Ann Parkes, Peggy Sirosky, Pauline Sterling and Glenn Sheculski


21 If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me Gretchen Morgan – St. Patrick School - Kap THANK YOU

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