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‘ Thought for the day: “Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.”Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "‘ Thought for the day: “Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.”Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘ Thought for the day: “Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.”Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation.

2 3.1 Role of Marketing (3.1.1) Market Segmentation (3.1.4) Mass & Niche Marketing (3.1.5) & Market Research (3.1.2) Pg 123 - 133

3 Homework YEARYear 9 iGCSE SUBJECTBusiness Studies TOPICSBusiness Activity to achieve objectives: Section Two: 3.1 Marketing - 20% Assessment Three TASK TYPE Creating a Business Plan CRITERI A  Knowledge and Understanding (AO1)  Skills (AO2 & AO3)  Communication (AO4) DUE DATE Section Two: Marketing - 19 th August 2013 To come: Section Three: Marketing – 7 th of October 2013

4 TargetLearning ObjectiveWho?Keywords  Describe the role of marketing. Knowledge and understanding of how market research can be carried out Understand the difference and significance of mass and niche markets in terms of size and customer needs ALL D-C (AO1)  Consumers  Customers  Market- orientated  Market segment  Mass market  Niche market  Product- orientated  Bias  Closed questions  Desk research  Market research  Multiple- questions  Open questions  Primary research  Questionnaire  Secondary resear4ch  Understand the concept of a market orientated business Show awareness of the use of market research information to a Business Understand how a business carries out market research; limitations of market research Knowledge of the difference between primary and secondary research, advantages and disadvantages of each Understand the factors that influence the accuracy of market Research MOST C-B (AO2 & 3)  Appreciate the need for market research Appreciation of the reasons why market research data might be inaccurate or of limited use Appreciate the difference between mass marketing and niche marketing SOME A (A04)

5 Starter: What is the role of marketing? Activity: Identify some marketing strategies of businesses using newspapers, magazines, students’ experiences and so on. Marketing Market orientated? Product oriented?

6 The Market – can be identified in serval ways… Consumer markets for products being bought by individual consumers Mass markets – large number of consumers Commercial markets for goods and services bought by business and other organisations Market for individual goods & services Niche markets consisting of smaller number of consumers for a more specialised product

7 Learning Objective: 3.1.1 Role of marketing Describe the role of marketing Understand the role of marketing in a business

8 Marketing The process of getting customers interested in the product…. Through… Research of customer needs, promotion, selling and distribution of products.

9 Market Size Market size represents all the sales of companies in a market. -Volume -Value NB: helps to think about the size of the market as it helps you tell whether the market is growing or shrinking (and how fast) as well as being the basis for calculating market share data.

10 Market Growth -Measures how fast a given market is expanding.

11 Market Share -measures what proportion of the total market’s sales is held by one organisation.

12 ACTIVITY Pg 125 Business in context

13 Niche Marketing Learning objective: Appreciate the difference between mass marketing and niche marketing Understand the difference and significance of mass and niche markets in terms of size and customer needs

14 Niche vs Mass Marketing Niche Marketing - What is it? What is the advantage of supplying a niche market? Pg 124

15 Market Segmentation 3.1.4 Market segmentation (purpose and methods) Understand how and why market segmentation is carried out Show how markets can be segmented according to age, socioeconomic groupings, location or gender Demonstrate an understanding of why such segmentation can be of use to a business Select and justify a method of segmentation appropriate to given circumstances

16 Market Segmentation What is it? How can markets be segmented? What is the advantage for a business? Pg 124 Extension Activity: 21.1 TIP: ‘When thinking about segmentation, who you are selling to will have a big influence on the price and the product, and how and where it is sold’

17 Do8 Do8 Pg 124 Market orientation Product Orientation

18 What is marketing? -Pg 125 -What is it? -What activities does it include? Extension: pg 126 'Exemplar question'


20 Learning Objective: 3.1.2 Market Research (primary and secondary) Appreciate the need for market research Understand the concept of a market orientated business Show awareness of the use of market research information to a business Understand how a business carries out market research; limitations of market research Knowledge of the difference between primary and secondary research, advantages and disadvantages of each Knowledge and understanding of how market research can be carried out Understand the factors that influence the accuracy of market research Appreciation of the reasons why market research data might be inaccurate or of limited use

21 Think about it….. As long as the business is successful there is no need to do market research…. 2oQ (launch – APPLE) 2oQ

22 Activity Pg 128  Level 1,2,3,4

23 Carrying out market research Bullet point main points: What do you need to know? How will you find it out? -pg 129

24 Market research·


26 Activity  In pairs  Discuss  Note. What is primary research? What methods are used? Note the main types and their advantages and disadvantages (teacher prep – grid jumbled up and students stick in book) DISADVATAGES OF Primary (pg 132)

27 Activity  In pairs  Discuss  Note. What is Secondary research? What methods are used? DISADVATAGES OF secondary (pg 132)

28 TargetLearning ObjectiveWho?Keywords  Describe the role of marketing. Knowledge and understanding of how market research can be carried out ALL D-C (AO1)  Consumers  Customers  Market- orientated  Market segment  Mass market  Niche market  Product- orientated  Bias  Closed questions  Desk research  Market research  Multiple- questions  Open questions  Primary research  Questionnaire  Secondary resear4ch  Understand the concept of a market orientated business Show awareness of the use of market research information to a Business Understand how a business carries out market research; limitations of market research Knowledge of the difference between primary and secondary research, advantages and disadvantages of each Understand the factors that influence the accuracy of market Research MOST C-B (AO2 & 3)  Appreciate the need for market research Appreciation of the reasons why market research data might be inaccurate or of limited use SOME A (A04)

29 Plenary Level achieved_____ What do you now know as a result of today’s lesson? What are your areas for improvement? What are you going to do about this?

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