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THE WORD. The Word Words mean something The Word Words mean something Transfers meaning from one mind to another.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WORD. The Word Words mean something The Word Words mean something Transfers meaning from one mind to another."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Word Words mean something

3 The Word Words mean something Transfers meaning from one mind to another

4 The Word Words mean something Transfers meaning from one mind to another God's Word in scripture John 1:1 The Word

5 The Word Words mean something Transfers meaning from one mind to another God's Word in scripture John 1:1 The Word Stern word for Jews John 5:46-47

6 The Word Words mean something Transfers meaning from one mind to another God's Word in scripture John 1:1 The Word Stern word for Jews John 5:46-47 God said of His Word Isa. 55:11

7 From the beginning Gen 1:1

8 God Said: Let there be light Gen 1:3 God Said: 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:14, 1:20, 1:24

9 From the beginning Gen 1:1 God Said: Let there be light Gen 1:3 God Said: 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:14, 1:20, 1:24 God used WORDS to create

10 From the beginning Gen 1:1 God Said: Let there be light Gen 1:3 God Said: 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:14, 1:20, 1:24 God used WORDS to create A purpose and lesson

11 From the beginning Gen 1:1 God Said: Let there be light Gen 1:3 God Said: 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:14, 1:20, 1:24 God used WORDS to create A purpose and lesson God's Command 1:22

12 And Then - Gen. Chap 3 Twisting God's word Gen 3:1

13 And Then - Gen. Chap 3 Twisting God's word Gen 3:1 God arrives and......3:9-11

14 And Then - Gen. Chap 3 Twisting God's word Gen 3:1 God arrives and......3:9-11 Adam uses words 3:12

15 And Then - Gen. Chap 3 Twisting God's word Gen 3:1 God arrives and......3:9-11 Adam uses words 3:12 The correct way 1 John 1:9

16 And Then - Gen. Chap 3 Twisting God's word Gen 3:1 God arrives and......3:9-11 Adam uses words 3:12 The correct way 1 John 1:9 The Protevangelium 3:15

17 And Then - Gen. Chap 3 Twisting God's word Gen 3:1 God arrives and......3:9-11 Adam uses words 3:12 The correct way 1 John 1:9 The Protevangelium 3:15 God's Plan from before the foundation of the world 1 Peter 1:20

18 Walking with God Enoch Gen 5:22-24

19 Walking with God Enoch Gen 5:22-24 Noah Gen 6:9

20 Walking with God Enoch Gen 5:22-24 Noah Gen 6:9 David 1 Kings 5:25

21 Walking with God Enoch Gen 5:22-24 Noah Gen 6:9 David 1 Kings 5:25 Christians 1 John 1:7

22 Walking with God Enoch Gen 5:22-24 Noah Gen 6:9 David 1 Kings 5:25 Christians 1 John 1:7 Walking with God means keeping His commands Jer. 26:4

23 Consider The Word

24 The miracles of Jesus John 21:25

25 Consider The Word The miracles of Jesus John 21:25 Declaration of power Matt 28:18

26 Consider The Word The miracles of Jesus John 21:25 Declaration of power Matt 28:18 Our temptations 1 Cor. 10:13

27 Consider The Word The miracles of Jesus John 21:25 Declaration of power Matt 28:18 Our temptations 1 Cor. 10:13 The sword of the spirit Eph. 6:17

28 The Lesson

29 Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1

30 The Lesson Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1 Very important to us Heb. 4:15

31 The Lesson Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1 Very important to us Heb. 4:15 Jesus fasted 40 days Matt 4:2

32 The Lesson Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1 Very important to us Heb. 4:15 Jesus fasted 40 days Matt 4:2 The temptations Matt 4:3-10

33 The Lesson Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1 Very important to us Heb. 4:15 Jesus fasted 40 days Matt 4:2 The temptations Matt 4:3-10 What weapon did Jesus use?

34 The Lesson Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1 Very important to us Heb. 4:15 Jesus fasted 40 days Matt 4:2 The temptations Matt 4:3-10 What weapon did Jesus use? He could have used any method.

35 The Lesson Jesus was tempted Matt 4:1 Very important to us Heb. 4:15 Jesus fasted 40 days Matt 4:2 The temptations Matt 4:3-10 What weapon did Jesus use? He could have used any method. He did not use supernatural means.

36 What Heaven Provided Us: God did not leave us with instructions to try this or that.

37 What Heaven Provided Us: God did not leave us with instructions to try this or that. He gave us the most powerful and effective weapon in the universe. THE WORD

38 What Heaven Provided Us: God did not leave us with instructions to try this or that. He gave us the most powerful and effective weapon in the universe. THE WORD Our Lord left us this example. More powerful that any supernatural power.

39 Heaven’s Invitation: Hear the Gospel Romans 10:17 Believe Jesus is the Christ Acts 16:31 Repent of Your Sins Luke 13:3 Confess Jesus as Lord Matt. 10:32 Be Baptized Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, 1Pet. 3:21 Faithfully Serve Jesus Rev 2:10

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