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WG1 Technology watch Aim: The objective of this group is to provide timely alerts on new technology developments in next generation sequencing. The members.

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Presentation on theme: "WG1 Technology watch Aim: The objective of this group is to provide timely alerts on new technology developments in next generation sequencing. The members."— Presentation transcript:

1 WG1 Technology watch Aim: The objective of this group is to provide timely alerts on new technology developments in next generation sequencing. The members read papers about latest technology, applications, and things that are coming, and tell rest of the action' s members what is the latest fashion.

2 Topics 1.Sequencing technology (existing & upcoming) 2. Applications & Methods (in coop. with WG2,3) RNA-seq Exome Methylation Genome assembly Comparative genomics ChIP-seq microRNA metagenomics related technology 3. Data integration & functional analysis 4. Databases, resources 5. New genomes 6. Personalized medicine 7. Genetics, statistics 8. Hardware, parallel computing 9. Meetings, projects

3 Organization - regarding the main task of reading & reporting papers: -> Read and summarize at least one paper/tech report per 14 days (ca. 100 paper per year minimum for the entire group) -> Summary should contain: - description of technology - application domain - main results - Pubmed link - monthly update of the web site - telcon or skype every 3 months (max. 1 hour)

4 Activities (according to work plan) - Reports on (recent) NGS technologies, software and hardware, - Communication with the sales and PR departments of NGS- technology-related hardware and software companies, - Attendance at major conferences where NGS is on the agenda, and representation at smaller events advertised on the Internet, - Frequent tele-conferences and establishment of a common, wiki- based information exchange system (on the WG5 portal) to ensure that informatics bottlenecks are detected early and that solutions are proposed.

5 Deliverables (according to work plan) - Initial technology report, - Material on the portal related to database, software, elements for communication (blogs, wiki, fora etc.) and e-learning, - Twice-yearly reports on recent technology advances, and available solutions from inside and outside the COST Action published as white papers, peer-reviewed article, blogs, wikis, etc.

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