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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada RESEARCH TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMS Postdoctoral.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada RESEARCH TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMS Postdoctoral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada RESEARCH TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMS Postdoctoral Level September 2008

2 TODAY’S AGENDA 1.SSHRC Graduate Research Training Support Programs 1.Objectives 2.Overview 2.Postdoctoral Fellowships Program 1.Purpose 2.Value and tenure 3.Eligibility 4.Key dates 5.Selection process 6.Evaluation criteria 7.Institutional Nomination form 8.Research Appraisal form 9.Letter of Appraisal forms 10.Choosing a selection committee 3.Enterprise Awards Management System (EAMS) 1.Pilot Project - EAMS 2.How to apply through EAMS 3.Application process 4.Where to seek help

3 1.1 OBJECTIVES OF SSHRC RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAMS Develop research skills Assist in the training of highly-qualified personnel Support Canada’s best graduate students and Postdoctoral researchers in the social sciences and humanities

4 1.2 SSHRC RESEARCH TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMS Masters ―Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s Program ―CGS Foreign Study Supplements (New) Doctoral ―Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Program ―SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and supplements ―Canada Graduate Scholarship Vanier Program (New) ―CGS Foreign Study Supplements (New) Postdoctoral ―SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships and supplements

5 1.2 FELLOWSHIP AWARD SUPPLEMENTS – Postdoctoral Level  SSHRC Postdoctoral Prize Annual award for most outstanding SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship recipient  Aileen D. Ross Fellowship Awarded to an outstanding SSHRC Doctoral award or Postdoctoral Fellowship holder conducting research in sociology, specifically for research on poverty  Sport Participation Research Initiative To help support holders of SSHRC doctoral awards who are doing policy-relevant research on participation in sport in Canada

6 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada 2. POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS PROGRAM

7 2.1 PURPOSE Funds can be used for the following purposes: Undertaking original research Publishing research findings Developing networks of research contacts; and/or Broadening research experience

8 2.2 VALUE AND TENURE 12 to 24 months in duration $38,000 per year plus a research allowance of up to $5,000 Must be held at a recognized university or research institution

9 2.3 ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada Have earned a first doctorate from a recognized university no earlier than October 2, 2005 (date all degree requirements were completed, not the date of graduation) –or have completed a first doctorate no earlier than October 2, 2002, but have had their career interrupted or delayed for the purpose of childrearing Not hold a tenure or tenure-track faculty position Have finalized arrangements for affiliation with a recognized university or research institution

10 ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY (cont’d) Have applied not more than twice before for a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Not be applying in the 2008-09 academic year to NSERC or CIHRNSERC CIHR Applicants wishing to hold their award at a foreign university may do so only if their PhD was earned at a Canadian university

11 ELIGIBILITY TO HOLD AN AWARD Have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree Engaged in full-time postdoctoral research for the period of the award Conducting research in an area that falls within the SSHRC mandate Not hold a tenure or a tenure-track position or any other employment

12 2.4 KEY DATES Application Deadline: October 15, 2008 Results Announced: February 2009

13 2.5 SELECTION PROCESS SSHRC’s staff screen applications for eligibility SSHRC’s staff forward all eligible applications to one of five multidisciplinary committees One of five multidisciplinary committees evaluate all eligible applications and recommend successful candidates SSHRC informs all applicants of their results in February 2009

14 2.6 EVALUATION CRITERIA Fellowships, scholarships or other awards obtained Previous research experience and/or publications The duration of the doctoral studies Originality, potential significance, and feasibility of the proposed program of work Comments of the referees and the supervisor at the intended place of tenure Appropriateness of the intended place of tenure, evidenced by the Institutional Nomination form

15 2.7 INSTITUTIONAL NOMINATION FORM Completed by the Department Head at the proposed institution Describes the manner in which the proposed university will be able to support you

16 2.8 RESEARCH APPRAISAL FORM The Research Appraisal form describes: How your project relates to the research interests and strengths of your proposed department How your supervisor will serve as a mentor What you will be able to offer as a fellow

17 2.9 LETTERS OF APPRAISAL (2 required) The Letter of Appraisal forms are completed by: 1.An acknowledged specialist in your proposed area of research 2.Someone who can comment on your past and potential contribution to research

18 2.9 LETTERS OF APPRAISAL (cont’d) Appraisers assess and comment on the candidate’s: 1.Track Record Past and potential contributions to scholarly research 2.Program of Work Originality Significance and feasibility Strengths and weaknesses Appropriateness of the proposed institution of affiliation

19 2.10 CHOOSING A SELECTION COMMITTEE Committee 1 (7521) Fine Arts; Literature (all types) Committee 2 (7522) Classical Archaeology; Classics; Classical and Dead Languages; History; Mediaeval Studies; Philosophy; Religious Studies Committee 3 (7523) Anthropology; Archaeology (except Classical Archaeology); Archival Science; Communications and Media Studies; Criminology; Demography; Folklore; Geography; Library and Information Science; Sociology; Urban and Regional Studies, Environmental Studies Committee 4 (7524) Education; Linguistics; Psychology; Social Work Committee 5 (7525) Economics; Industrial Relations; Law; Management, Business, Administrative Studies; Political Science

20 STATISTICS for 2008 Total funding offered: $13.5 over two years Number of applications: 676 Number of awards: 171

21 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada 3. ENTERPRISE AWARDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

22 3.1 ENTERPRISE AWARDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EAMS) Pilot limited to the following two programs: –SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships Program –NSERC Collaborative Research Projects EAMS Pilot for SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships program –Launched in August 2008; Integrated with Canadian Common CV (CCV)

23 3.2 HOW TO APPLY THROUGH EAMS Only electronic application submission from EAMS will be accepted for the Postdoctoral Fellowships program. Click on: “Apply for Funding” and chose “Postdoctoral researchers” “Application form” “Create account” and fill out the form, attaching any.PDF files Common CV Using the link, create an account on the Common CV web site Once complete, it will prompt you to attach it to your EAMS application


25 3.3 APPLICATION PROCESS 1.Ensure your eligibility to the program 2.Enterprise Award Management System (EAMS) 3.Supporting letters for your application: –Research Appraisers (2) –Research Supervisor –Head of the Department (or designate) at the institution of affiliation 4.Canadian Common CV 5.Attach your CV to your EAMS application form 6.Submit your complete EAMS application form

26 4. WHERE TO SEEK HELP @ YOUR UNIVERSITY Your supervisor Your peers Past SSHRC Fellowship recipients The department Head The Faculty of Graduate Studies

27 WHERE TO SEEK HELP @ SSHRC For more information about our programs: (613) 943-7777 or For technical assistance with on-line forms: (613) 995-4273 or Web site:


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