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Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 1 Leaders & Administrators Meeting OBF #96 November 6, 2006 Sacramento, CA.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 1 Leaders & Administrators Meeting OBF #96 November 6, 2006 Sacramento, CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 1 Leaders & Administrators Meeting OBF #96 November 6, 2006 Sacramento, CA

2 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 2 Introductions OBF Co-Chairs –Dave Thurman (Sprint Nextel) –Dawn Kaplan (Telcordia) Co-Chairs & Administrators –Name and Committee

3 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 3 Leadership Announcements Lonnie Keck (Cingular) was elected OBF Co-Chair for the 2007-2008 term. Many thanks to Dave Thurman (Sprint Nextel) as he successfully completes his last General Session as OBF Co- Chair. Erin Bjornberg (Level 3) was elected Billing Co-Chair replacing Syl-Vonna Mabie (Hawaiian Telecom). Barry Richards (Windstream) was elected Message Processing Co-Chair replacing Ron Seigle (Telcordia). Jackie Feicht (Creative Support Solutions) was re-elected MECAB Co-Chair for a second term.

4 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 4 Leadership Announcements (continued) Chris Gallagher (AT&T) was re-elected ESOC Co- Chair for a second term. Ryan Gfeller (EMBARQ) was elected IP-NNI Co- Chair replacing Mike Browning (Verizon). Nikki Shukla (Telcordia) was re-elected UOM-LSR Co-Chair for a second term. Deb Tucker (Verizon Wireless) was elected Wireless Co-Chair replacing Lonnie Keck (Cingular).

5 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 5 Leadership Announcements (continued) Effective December 31, 2006, John Pautlitz, ATIS Director Industry Forums, will be retiring from ATIS. Effective November 1, 2006, Yvonne Reigle has been named Director – Standards Development. –Coincident with this change, Joe Scolaro and Alissa Medley will report to Yvonne. –Joe will continue in his current role. In addition to Alissa’s current responsibilities, the OBF Committee Administrators will report to her.

6 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 6 Vacancies and Upcoming Elections Elections: December 2006 –ISOP – Mark Rubino* (Telcordia) –LSOP – Jim Mahler* (Verizon) –SAG F&B – Shirley Loewen –SNAC – Jonnie Bond* (AT&T) January 2007 –ETB – Marvin Neal (BellSouth)* –Wireless Technical Subcommittee – Jason Kempson (Telcordia)* * - Held position for two terms February 2007 –SAG TFO Subcommittee– Sue Tiffany (Sprint Nextel) March 2007 –Intermodal Subcommittee – Jim Mahler (Verizon)* –MECAB – Subcommittee Claudia Cavanaugh (AT&T) –MPC – Pat Gregory (MACC) –SECAB – Bruce Walth (NISC) –WIR – Sue Tiffany (Sprint Nextel) Vacancies: SAG Co-Chair, TFO Co- Chair, and SECAB Subcommittee

7 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 7 Acceptance of Interim Activity Meeting Notes Approval of October 18, 2006 L&A Meeting Notes

8 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 8 Missoula Plan Review of ATIS Reply Comments to FCC regarding the Missoula Plan

9 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 9 Committee Reports (available on the Meeting Records page – Leaders) –Cross-committee Initiatives (issues, meetings, correspondence) –Committee Scheduling How many new Issues are coming in during this OBF General Session? Any items of significance that will dominate the agenda and when they are scheduled to be discussed? How long is the committee scheduled to meet and what is the likelihood that you will either need more time to work or may finish early? –High-profile Issues

10 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 10 Committee Reports Billing –Erin Bjornberg (Level 3 Communications) –Larry Martin (Sage Management, Inc) ESOC –Chris Gallagher (AT&T) –Carolyn Mitchell (BellSouth) ETB –Todd Christofferson (Verizon Business) –Marvin Neal (BellSouth) IP-NNI –Ryan Gfeller (EMBARQ) –Dave Whitney (BellSouth)

11 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 11 Committee Reports ISOP –Rosemarie Kusmier (AT&T) –Mark Rubino (Telcordia) LSOP –Jim Mahler (Verizon) –Monet Topps (AT&T) LSMS –Joe Scolaro (ATIS) Message Processing –Pat Gregory (Mid America Computer Corp) –Barry Richards (Windstream) SAG –Chris Read (AT&T) SNAC –Jonnie Bond (AT&T) –Jon Durst (Verizon Business)

12 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 12 Committee Reports Subscription –Sue McCormack (Creative Support Solutions) –Eileen Sherman (AT&T) UMA JLT –Joe Scolaro (ATIS) UOM-ASR –Steve Edwards (Qwest) –Kevin Walsh (Verizon) UOM-LSR –Carl Larson (Wisor) –Nikki Shukla (Verizon) Wireless –Sue Tiffany (Sprint Nextel) –Deb Tucker (Verizon Wireless)

13 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 13 OBF #96 Meetings - Recap Full SAG: Monday, November 6, 4:00-6:00PM in Golden State A/B –Reminder: new SAG TFO Mission Statement will be reviewed; emphasizes the importance that all committees are represented. Joint OBF IP-NNI/TMOC AIP-IPTV meeting Tuesday and Wednesday in Regency B UMA JLT: Tuesday, November 7, 5:00-6:30PM in Regency D

14 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 14 OBF Interim Meetings OBF Interim Meetings Interim Meetings held between OBF #95 and OBF #96

15 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 15 2007 Meeting Planning OBF Leadership Training – January 17-19, 2007 Location to be finalized; likely Florida? OBF #97 – Either the week of February 5 or 12 OBF #98 – To be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting either the week of April 30 or May 7 Ongoing efforts to determine meeting requirements for 2007 OBF General Sessions

16 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 16 2007 Meeting Planning All OBF Committees are being asked to evaluate committee work activities to assist in developing a forecast for face-to-face meeting requirements in 2007. –Please factor in meeting in conjunction with the ATIS Annual Meeting and then determine if the needs of your committee can be met virtually or by participating in the other three quarterly General Sessions. –A preliminary view will be discussed at Tuesday’s Leaders meeting, and then input will be collected at the end of your meeting.

17 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 17 Planning for OBF #97 Consideration is being given to the timing for the new attendee orientation at OBF #97. More details to follow. Full SAG Meeting to be held Monday from 4:00-6:00PM (ET) A host for the Networking Reception is still needed

18 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 18 Reminders Meeting Highlights—November 29, 2006 –Template is available on Meeting Records page - Leaders Old Issue Roadmaps—November 29, 2006

19 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 19 Tuesday Leaders Meeting To be held from 7:30 to 8:00AM in Tahoe –Suggestions for Topics for OBF Leadership Training –Preliminary 2007 Face-to-Face Meeting Projections –General Committee Input and Open Discussion

20 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 20 OBF 2006 Meeting Due Dates

21 Leaders & Administrators November 6, 2006 21 Open Discussion Q&A

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