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OREF Helping Residents Updated July 2009. How can OREF help you? How can OREF help you?

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Presentation on theme: "OREF Helping Residents Updated July 2009. How can OREF help you? How can OREF help you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 OREF Helping Residents Updated July 2009

2 How can OREF help you? How can OREF help you?

3 In 50 words or less… OREF was founded in 1955 by leaders from the AAOS, AOA, and ORS. Purpose: Fund clinically relevant research and education that will reshape the science and practice of orthopaedics, and improve quality of life for everyone. Emphasis: Cultivating and nurturing new investigators and educators.

4 Why support OREF? OREF raises funds for research and education to improve care for all of orthopaedics. –Research grants and awards based on the NIH model of independent peer review. –Education grants and awards based on review by prominent educators. –Fellowship, residency enhancement, and continuing medical education grants kept free of donor bias

5 Reshaping the science and practice of orthopaedics Research and education projects funded by OREF have led to direct improvements in day- to-day clinical practice. –Reduction of intra-operative infection through laminar air flow. –Treatments for osteoporosis that reduce the risk of fractures and other injuries. –The groundwork for the first and many subsequent generations of BMP.

6 Reshaping the science and practice of orthopaedics Research and education projects funded by OREF have led to direct improvements in day- to-day clinical practice. –A searchable database on the pathology of bone, cartilage, and soft-tissue diseases that orthopaedists can use to make better treatment decisions. –Legislation to improve coding changes, increasing reimbursement for total joint revisions. –MANY MORE contributions to effective, evidence- based orthopaedic care and treatment.

7 Key metrics Since 1955, OREF has awarded more than 3,300 grants totaling nearly $98 million, including $3.2 million in 2009-2010 graduate medical education fellowship grants awarded in July 2009. In the last 10 years alone, OREF has provided more than $6.6 million in individual resident grants and awards.

8 Funding Resident Investigators OREF Resident Clinician Scientist Training Grants One-year grants of $20,000 prepare residents for a career with research as a major component. Applications due to OREF October 1, 2009. OREF/DePuy Orthopaedic Resident Educational Grants One-year grants of $5,000 encourage residents and fellows in developing their research interests. Applications due to OREF October 26, 2009.

9 New forums, new skills The OREF/JBJS Journal Club Grants encourage skill- building for analyzing and assessing scientific literature, and support programmatic aspects of Resident journal clubs. Apply by August 3 for academic year 2009- 2010. Next call for applications late May 2010. OREF Resident Research Symposia offer opportunities to share research findings with peers, be critiqued by established researchers, and win cash awards. Spring 2010 schedule currently in development.

10 Progress through partnership Academy Fellows are asked to give $1,000 or more each year to support OREF-funded research and education. –$500+ goes to OREF* and the balance, if the donor chooses, to one or more orthopaedic partners. Established Orthopaedic Surgeons are asked to give $20,000 or more. A growing number of donors are establishing named awards with gifts of $500,000 or more, assuring future generations of continued orthopaedic advances. *Essential to fund research in the coming year.

11 How you can help “Special Consideration” — Residents who make an annual contribution of $20 … $50 … $100 … or more to OREF will receive a resident donor pin, and recognition in the OREF Annual Report. –For more information, please visit OREF online at …or call (847) 384-4354. Please join the thousands who support our mission each year — whose gifts have benefited residents over the decades. THANK YOU!

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