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AASC 2012 July 9-12 Destin, FL. 9/11/2011 NDSU Wins FCS National Championship NDSU-Sam Houston State FCS Championship. Jan. 7, 2012, Frisco, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "AASC 2012 July 9-12 Destin, FL. 9/11/2011 NDSU Wins FCS National Championship NDSU-Sam Houston State FCS Championship. Jan. 7, 2012, Frisco, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 AASC 2012 July 9-12 Destin, FL

2 9/11/2011

3 NDSU Wins FCS National Championship NDSU-Sam Houston State FCS Championship. Jan. 7, 2012, Frisco, TX

4 ND Wins the CoCoRaHS Cup Again

5 Helmet use for tornado safety is finally catching on. CDC Statement on Helmets and Tornadoes “…helmets should be considered just one part of their overall home tornado preparedness kit…”

6 ND Participating in Reference ET Observations.

7 NDAWN MOBILEVERIZON WIRELESS 25MB/$15 Plan (Includes $5 per station to be in the shared plan) Average Monthly Usage per Station = 5MB @ 10-min frequency





12 Corn GDD in Fargo, ND increased 33.5 heat units per decade since 1890 There are 335 additional heat units available today for corn development compared to 100 years ago. That is 16% of total heat units necessary to mature a corn plant in Fargo.

13 Badh, A., F. A. Akyüz, 2010: Evaluating Trend Changes in Annual Accumulated Growing Degree Days for Corn Grown in the Northern Plains, United States of America. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp.127-136.Volume 2Issue 2 Badh, A., and Akyüz, 2010: A. Studying Climate Change and Precipitation Trends for North Dakota, United States. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 2010, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp.97-108.Studying Climate Change and Precipitation Trends for North Dakota, United StatesVolume 2 Issue 2 Badh, A., F. A. Akyüz, G. Vocke, B. Mullins, 2009: Impact of Climate Change on the Growing Seasons in Select Cities of North Dakota, United States of America. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. V.1, Number 1, 105-117.

14 Rank March Snowfall Value (in)Year 10.02010, 1961, 1905 40.11910 Extreme Lowest Monthly Total Snowfall Ranking for March in Fargo, ND (Records from 1881 through 2011 from ACIS)

15 March 1905 DayPrecipitationSnowfall 100 200 300 400 500 6TT 7TT 80.020 9TT 10TT 1100 1200 1300 1400 15T0 1600 170.040 180.040 1900 200.02T 21TT 220.060 23T0 24T0 2500 2600 270.30 280.020 2900 3000 3100 Sum0.500 5 Trace Events in 1905

16 March 1961 DayPrecipitationSnowfall 1T0 20.010 300 4TT 5TT 600 700 8TT 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 17T0 1800 1900 2000 210.01T 22TT 2300 2400 250.020 260.34T 27TT 28TT 29TT 3000 31TT Sum0.380 10 Trace Events in 1961

17 March 2010 DayPrecipitationSnowfall 100 200 300 400 500 60.030 700 80.010 90.040 100.650 110.510 120.070 1300 140.020 150.080 1600 1700 1800 19TT 2000 2100 2200 2300 24T0 2500 2600 27TT 2800 2900 3000 3100 Sum1.410 2 Trace Events in 2010

18 1. Count number of un-measurable snowfall events (Trace) among the months that had no measurable snow events. 2. Give higher ranking for the months that produced the least number of “Trace” events Rank March Snowfall Value (in)Year 10.02010, 1961, 1905 40.11910 Ranking Prior to the Manual Procedure Rank March Snowfall Value (in)Year 10.02010 2 0.01905 3 0.01961 40.11910 Ranking After the Manual Procedure

19 We developed a proper tie-breaker procedure: minimize climatic ties, and properly identify an extreme precipitation event in a dataset where the record event may seem to be hidden among the other events sharing the same magnitude before the traces are properly evaluated.

20 Assign “T” a numerical value such that it a.Would not change the magnitude of the precipitation b.Would only help automate manual procedure to incorporate “T” events into ranking calculations

21 Row #DatePrecipitation (in) Precipitation (in) Accumulated Precipitation 1Jan 1T0.00001 2Jan 2T0.000010.00002..... 365December 31T0.000010.00365 Annual Total0.00

22 Climate Data Management Systems such as ACIS may be programmed to retain the “T” for display but treat it as a numerical value of 0.00001 for calculation purposes.

23 A publication submission to JSC (4/12/2012) by a sub- group within NDST  Adnan Akyüz, SC  Karsten Shein, NCDC  Mike Asmus, NWS

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