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Reproductive Terminology
Castration Removing the testicles of male animals to prevent breeding Colostrum The first milk produced after a mammal gives birth that contains antibodies needed for immunity Conception The time when an egg is fertilized to create new life
Elastor Castrator
Burdizzo Castrator
Surgical Castration
Reproductive Terminology
Embryo The early stage in the development of the fetus Estrus The time a female animal is receptive to be bred, also called heat Fertilization The union of sperm and egg
Embryonic Development
Reproductive Terminology
Gamete A mature germ cell (sperm or egg) that is capable of initiating the formation of a new individual by fusion with another gamete Gestation The time an animal is pregnant
Reproductive Terminology
Insemination The act of placing sperm in the reproductive tract of a female Lactation The period of time that milk is secreted by the mammary glands Ovulation The release of a mature ovum by the ovary
Artificial Insemination
Artificial Insemination
Percent of Animals Born Via AI
Reproductive Terminology
Parturition The act of giving birth by female mammals Pregnant The condition in which a female carries unborn young Reproduction The process by which offspring are produced
Breeding Systems Purebred Crossbreeding
Mating registered male and female of the same breed Angus x Angus Crossbreeding Mating a male and female of different breeds Angus x Hereford = crossbred Crossbred x Purebred =crossbred Crossbred x Crossbred= crossbred
Breeding Systems Inbreeding Linebreeding
Mating closely related animals Brother X Sister Son x Mother Father x Daughter Linebreeding Breeding more distant relatives than inbreeding, can be traced back to one common ancestor Cousin X Cousin
Breeding Systems Grading Up Hybrid Vigor
Mating purebred males to grade, unregistered or crossbred females to improve herd Yorkshire Boar x Yorkshire/Hampshire Sow Hybrid Vigor Superior traits come from crossbreeding causing the offspring to have traits better than either parent
Female Reproductive System
Ovary Organ that produces eggs and the two female sex hormones Ovum Female gamete or reproductive cell; also called an egg Oviduct The tube that carries the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus; also called the Fallopian tubes Fertilization occurs here
Female Reproductive System
Infundibulum The funnel-shaped end of the oviduct that is close to the ovary Uterine Horn The points where the uterus and the uterine tubes meet Uterus Where the fetus grows; also called the womb
Female Reproductive System
Cervix The thick muscular neck of the uterus, which separates the uterus from the vagina Vagina The passage between the cervix and the vulva Semen is most often deposited here Vulva The external opening of the female reproductive and urinary systems
Female Reproductive System
Embryo develops inside the females body Gestation periods Cattle 283 days Swine 114 days Sheep 148 days Horses 336 days
Female Reproductive System-Sow
Uterine Horn Ovary Oviduct Infundibulum Uterus Cervix Vagina Vulva Clitoris
Female Reproductive System-Cow
Uterus Ovary Oviduct Uterine Horn Bladder Vulva Vagina Rectum Cervix
Ovum Ovary Infundibulum Oviduct Uterine Horn Bladder Uterus Cervix Vagina Vulva
Female Poultry Reproductive System
Left Ovary The functional organ that produces ovum Right Ovary The non-functional organ Yolk The ovum produced in the left ovary Oviduct A five part organ that develops the layers of the egg
Female Poultry Reproductive System
Infundibulum Fertilization occurs here Magnum The thick white (albumen) of the egg is secreted Isthmus The two shell membranes are added to the egg
Female Poultry Reproductive System
Uterus Secretes the thin white shell and shell pigment Vagina Holds the egg until it is laid Cloaca Egg passes through Semen is deposited here Vent Egg passes out of the body Outside opening of the hen
Female Poultry Reproductive System
Embryo develops outside the females body Incubation periods Chicken 21 Days Turkey 28 Days Duck
Female Poultry Reproductive System
Ovary Ovum Mature Ovum Infundibulum Oviduct Isthmus Magnum Uterus Vagina Rectum Vent Cloaca Right Ovary
Male Reproductive System
Scrotum The sac like structure outside the body cavity that contains the testicles and epididymis Testicles Organs that produce sperm cells Epididymis A long, coiled tube that is connected to each testicle Sperm matures here
Male Reproductive System
Vas Deferens The tube that connects the epididymis with the urethra Provides the passageway for sperm cells Seminal Vesicles Produces fluid that protects and transports sperm Prostate Gland Produces a fluid that mixes with the seminal fluid
Male Reproductive System
Cowper’s Gland Produces a fluid that moves ahead of the seminal fluid, cleaning and neutralizing the urethra Retractor Muscle Extends the penis from the sheath and draws it back in after copulation Sigmoid Flexure Extends the penis from the sheath for copulation
Male Reproductive System
Urethra Tube that connects penis to vas deferens and bladder Releases seminal fluid and urine Penis Contains the urethra and deposits sperm into the female reproductive tract Sheath A tubular fold of skin that covers and protects the penis
Male Reproductive System
Accessory Sex Glands Produce fluid to protect and carry sperm Cowper’s Gland Prostate Gland Seminal Vesicles Sperm must be kept at a specific temperature to survive The testicles raise and lower from the body cavity to keep a constant temperature
Male Reproductive System-Bull
Cowper’s Gland Prostate Gland Seminal Vesicles Vas Deferens Penis Sheath Epididymus Testicles Scrotum Sigmoid Flexure Retractor Muscle
Rectum Seminal Vesicles Bladder Prostate Gland Cowper’s Gland Epididymis Testicle Urethra Retractor Muscle Penis Sigmoid Flexure Vas Deferens Scrotum Sheath
Male Poultry Reproductive System
Testicles Organs that produce sperm cells Vas Deferens Tube that connects the testicles to the cloaca Cloaca Contains papilla Papilla Organ in the cloacal wall that secretes semen
Male Poultry Reproductive System
The testicles in poultry are located inside the body cavity near the spine Poultry do not have a penis, instead they have papilla inside the cloaca which secretes semen
Male Poultry Reproductive System
Testicles Kidneys Ureters Vas Deferens Papilla Cloaca
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