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Educational reforms, ICT and the changing role of teachers Experiences from an international comparative perspective by Hans Pelgrum, The Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational reforms, ICT and the changing role of teachers Experiences from an international comparative perspective by Hans Pelgrum, The Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational reforms, ICT and the changing role of teachers Experiences from an international comparative perspective by Hans Pelgrum, The Netherlands

2 As said (very often) before: Life Long Learning Needs to be learned Changes in educational systems needed

3 Content of this presentation Professional background Policy rational: LLL and the role of ICT in compulsory education. Policy initiatives Past ten years: what happened? Reflections about future developments

4 Professional background CompEd (1989&1992): Primary focus - availability of equipment and software in schools - testing students’ IT competencies Secondary focus - integration of ICT in the curriculum (learning with ICT) SITES (1998,2001,2006): Primary focus - facilitation of teaching & learning - educational change & pedagogical innovation. Secondary focus - conditions for ICT integration and educational change * leadership * infrastructure * staff development * support - SITES2006: 22 countries - 9000 schools - 35000 teachers

5 Which pedagogical approaches are used and what is the role of ICT? Traditional Life Long Learning Connectedness Why this question?

6 Why? 1. Policy rhetoric/slogan/mantra Information society Shelf life of knowledge decreases Hence, LLL is a must and needs to be learned in compulsory education But insufficiently in existing educ. system Hence, teaching and learning need to change Policy initiatives for educ. Change were undertaken Result?  Monitor developments

7 Why? 2. Monitor  increase insight 1. Equipment phase (1980s) 2. Disappointment: ~1990 3. Revival: a rational was born Info Society  LLL  small scale reforms 4. Now: Transition or Stagnation  going back or forward?

8 What did we learn? We observed changes For instance (~200 worldwide case-studies in 2001): Students produce Autonomous learning Collaboration Enthusiasm of teachers and students Teachers as coaches Etc. Infrastructure improved dramatically Substantial number of schools adopted LLL next to traditional BUT……..

9 BUT….. Inequities in infrastructure Integration is very low, slow changes For instance:

10 Frequent use of ICT at school? Source:OECD-PISA data bases

11 BUT….(continued) Tensions about side-effects of educational reforms Case of the Netherlands:  Worries among employers  Students protest  Parliamentary inquiry SITES Module-2 case studies:  High workload (recipe for quick burnout)  Not fit in curriculum  Lack of support  Lower achievement

12 Problematic relationship between ICT and education? Educational actors have high expectations about potential of ICT In practice many frustrations and low use! Why can teachers survive without ICT while workers in many other professions cannot?

13 No simple answer See next sheet



16 About the future LLL and compulsory schooling: what are basic skills needed and how can they be learned (from Kindergarten onwards, see Freinet) Conservative effects of achievement Olympics (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS) Avoid naïve innovation strategies (don’t throw away traditional, efficiency important) Self-regulated learning: certification! Userfriendly tools needed for job orientation, learning planner, self assessment, peer review, learning logs, etc.

17 Finally Thank you for your attention !

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