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Session 6 Assessment and Feedback. Looking Back, Last Session This year we have covered: –Explicit Instruction –Teaching Strategies Through Explicit Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 6 Assessment and Feedback. Looking Back, Last Session This year we have covered: –Explicit Instruction –Teaching Strategies Through Explicit Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 6 Assessment and Feedback

2 Looking Back, Last Session This year we have covered: –Explicit Instruction –Teaching Strategies Through Explicit Instruction –Reading Widely –Writing Widely –Application of Literacy Skills

3 Looking Back Which session have you enjoyed the most? Which session was the most useful? What professional development would you like to see for next year in regards to literacy? Which session was the least helpful?

4 Assessment- What’s the point? Assessment can provide teachers with information that can assist them in their instruction. Assessment provides information about what students are ‘getting’ and what students still misunderstand and which students fall into which categories

5 Types of assessments that check for understanding: Oral language Questions Writing Projects and Performances Tests

6 Feedback is Effective when it is Timely This allows students time to act on the feedback and the students still know the learning target or goal. Timely feedback includes returning a test or assignment the next day, immediate oral responses to questions of fact and misconceptions, and study methods like flash cards that give immediate feedback

7 Feedback is Effective when there is the right amount Students need enough feedback so they understand what to do but so much that they get overwhelmed or the work is done for them. Feedback should be given on two or three main points of a paper, on learning targets of goals, and having at least as many strengths as areas of improvement

8 Feedback is effective when it is given in the right method Feedback needs to be communicated in the most appropriate way. Written feedback should be used for comments students will need to refer to, oral feedback can be used for students who don’t read well, and demonstrations should be used if the student needs to see how to do something.

9 Feedback is effective when it takes into consideration the audience Each student should receive their own personal feedback. A mini-lesson may be used when multiple students require the same feedback

10 Feedback is effective when it is focused Feedback should refer to the learning targets or goals, include information about students strengths and areas for growth, build self-efficacy, and avoid personal comments.

11 Feedback is effective when it includes comparisons and has a purpose Feedback should be given by using comparisons to established criteria or possibly to past performances.

12 Examining your own feedback Using the piece of student work you brought with your feedback, fill out the Examining your Feedback checklist

13 Table Discussions What did you learn by going through this checklist? How will you use this checklist in the future? How could you improve the feedback given on this piece of student work? What did you do well in your feedback?

14 Last Thoughts…

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