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Chapter 3: Theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3: Theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3: Theme

2 What is theme? (page 116-117) The truth of the story
Usually reveals message about life Gives the story power A lesson the character learns

3 How to find the theme? You must INFER! Be a detective
Read between the lines. You must INFER! Look for word clues/ language “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” “ The Tortoise and the Hare”

4 Ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is the writer (author) trying to tell you a specific point of view 2) What does the title signify? 3) Is the title a clue to the theme? 4) How does the main character change in the story? 5) What do the word choices and imagery reveal about the theme?

5 How are themes conveyed?
Through a character’s thoughts and ideas A character’s actions Details and images

6 Don’t Be Fooled! The theme of a story can often be confused with the story’s subject There can be more than one theme in a story A story from a long time ago can show that people have the same ideas about life as we do now.

7 Universal Themes Relate to the human condition
Examples: love, fear, jealousy, friendship, loyalty, responsibility, truthfulness, happiness, sadness, ego, hope, bravery, peace, childhood, fairness, anger, integrity, respect, etc. Read King Midas

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