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Blogging Week 1 Lecture 2. Website Focus Language guide Picture Dictionary Multiple Languages Good quality sound files and.

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1 Blogging Week 1 Lecture 2

2 Website Focus Language guide Picture Dictionary Multiple Languages Good quality sound files and images

3 What is a blog? Intro Basic form it is a diary It is created on-line Can be read by whoever you decide Usually written but you can make video blogs too Normally made by one person Normally made by one person Date stamped

4 Features Access to massive audience (if cultivated) Allows embeds, images Vote,Favourite Control access Entries can be labelled You can allow comments Offers plug-ins ( growing) Indexed by Google and other search engines Generally easy to learn

5 How to view blogs? Think about the roles Students make blogs Students read blogs ( consume) Teachers make blogs Teachers read blogs (consume) Class make blogs

6 Examples of blogs in ELT (creating them) Teachers using them to add information for the class-class read Teachers using them to talk about their teaching-other teachers read Students for reflection on a course- teacher/students read Students for writing practice (simple diary)-teacher/students read Students for homework, weekly questions to answer etc

7 Famous Blogs in ELT General Blogs ( for reading) Ken Wilson Scott Thornbury Jeremy Harmer ELT Blogs ( for getting information) Nik Peachey Ian James Blog Vicky’s Blog

8 What things go wrong with blogs? Used too frequently An audience isn’t developed Teacher is too removed Tasks are boring/not defined enough Motivation levels drop Technical problems Students don’t buy into the idea Institutional resistance

9 The readings Carla Arena”Blogging in the classroom: it doesn’t just happen” Blogs need to be a conversation Develops digital literacies Higher order thinking skills Give a voice to all students Teachers relinquish control Importance of the audience-impact on editing Offers real communication (write for an audience) Tagging and labelling

10 Augmenting learner autonomy through blogging Bhattacharya/Chahan Blogging develops autonomy Especially in the area of cognitive skills ( generating ideas/purpose/research skills etc) Decision making ( at all levels- content/style/actual blog system) Motivation-sense of achievement ( intrinsic above extrinsic)

11 My thoughts Good Feeling of ownership/achievement as new Learn some technical skills that are transferable Broadens and changes the nature of a course Generates a communal interest Course audience widens

12 My thoughts Difficult to assess Hard to keep up reviewing/commenting on Danger of setting too much/too little Getting the tasks right Problems with the initial curve to learn the tool

13 Readings Carla Arena Carla Arena Carla Arena Carla Arena Gloria Smith Gloria Smith Gloria Smith Gloria Smith Claudia Trajtemberg Claudia Trajtemberg Claudia Trajtemberg Claudia Trajtemberg József Horváth József Horváth József Horváth József Horváth Atanu Bhattacharya and Kiran Chauhan Atanu Bhattacharya and Kiran Chauhan Atanu Bhattacharya and Kiran Chauhan Atanu Bhattacharya and Kiran Chauhan dee2-4b49-b77d-e99a6af9c492 dee2-4b49-b77d-e99a6af9c492

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