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T HE C ATCHER IN THE RYE J.D. Salinger. P REPARATION FOR S OCRATIC SEMINAR What is wrong with Holden? Decide what is his biggest fault. List character.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE C ATCHER IN THE RYE J.D. Salinger. P REPARATION FOR S OCRATIC SEMINAR What is wrong with Holden? Decide what is his biggest fault. List character."— Presentation transcript:


2 P REPARATION FOR S OCRATIC SEMINAR What is wrong with Holden? Decide what is his biggest fault. List character traits. List actions this person took that support your analysis. List things this person said that support your analysis Mark passages in the novel with post-its so you can find them. You will need to prove your position, and the best way to do that is with quotes. You will compose 2-3 open ended, higher-order thinking questions about the Catcher in the Rye for us to discuss in class. Overarching DiscussionYour Questions

3 B LOOM ’ S TAXONOMY Use the verbiage to help you create higher order thinking questions for our seminar tomorrow.

4 D URING THE SEMINAR …. Be sure to contribute at least 2-3 times with substantial thought. References specific textual evidence will earn more points. Dominating the conversation can decrease your discussion points. Be mindful of those who need to contribute. Be respectful and exercise good listening.

5 G UIDING Q UESTIONS What is wrong with Holden?

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