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An Engaging Introduction To Computer Science. Making Our Students Think For Themselves!

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Presentation on theme: "An Engaging Introduction To Computer Science. Making Our Students Think For Themselves!"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Engaging Introduction To Computer Science

2 Making Our Students Think For Themselves!

3 Computer Science Has A Severe Reputation Problem

4 a n + b n = c n not possible for n > 2

5 Wish list… Enthusiasm for the subject Confident interactions with others Asses themselves and other people Challenge facts Solve problems creatively

6 I am part of the problem

7 Greenfoot Michael Kolling – University of Kent

8 DAY 1… Real code and it’s fun

9 Greenfoot Michael Kolling – University of Kent

10 Does coursework in a foreign language make it easier to be immersed in the new language or is immersion the only way to learn?

11 Projects to avoid... Calculating Pi or Fibonacci numbers Widget manufacturing HR or Payroll Systems Anything involving companies called Acme or Northwind University student management systems

12 Barbara Ericson And Mark Guzdial Georgia Tech

13 Media Computation

14 Colour and Geometry

15 Contrast enhancement and image sharpening Challenging maths!


17 Chromakey Chicken on the moon

18 Logic Networks Abstraction The Internet Algorithm design Binary arithmetic Software testing Database design & SQL Pictures, videos and sound

19 Lecture The process of transferring instructor’s notes to student notebooks......without passing through the brains of either.

20 Eric Mazur – Havard Peer Instruction In Physics Lectures

21 Eric Mazur – Havard 1 minute – pose the question 2 minutes – think individually Write the answer down on paper Several minutes peer discussion Share the solution Start with silence

22 Outcomes… Students still regard the subject as ‘cool’. They engage quickly with the course and often exceed assignment requirements They collaborate well in teams Creative problem solving is a well developed habit

23 Thank you!

24 a n + b n = c n not possible for n > 2

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