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Kimmie Edwards instructor Kimmie Edwards CONTACT ME: 6 th Grade Common Core 2015 - 2016 MATHEMATICS.

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Presentation on theme: "Kimmie Edwards instructor Kimmie Edwards CONTACT ME: 6 th Grade Common Core 2015 - 2016 MATHEMATICS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kimmie Edwards instructor Kimmie Edwards CONTACT ME: 6 th Grade Common Core 2015 - 2016 MATHEMATICS

2 Who Is Mrs. Edwards? Bachelors in Elementary/Middle Education with a concentration in Math AND Masters in Educational Technology 13 th year of teaching – 9 years in middle/high schools in Montgomery County and 3 years in Carroll County Twin sons in 2 nd grade at Eldersburg Elementary

3 Units of Study Period 2 & 5: Units of Study UNIT 1:Decimals UNIT 2:Fractions UNTI 3:Integers UNIT 4:Ratios & Proportions UNIT 5:Expressions UNIT 6:Equations Unit 7: Inequalities UNIT 8:Geometry UNIT 9:Statistics & Probability Period 1 & 4 : Problem Solving Unit at beginning : Period 3: Same units but slightly different order [ACADEMIC] [FOUNDATIONAL] [ADVANCED]

4 CCPS GRADING POLICY Grades for this class will be determined by the following: All grades will be posted and available on HOME ACCESS center! [usually within 2 days] Graded Unit Tests will be sent home for signature, however, they must be returned to school. I will keep a folder of graded tests for each student. Category Periods 1 2 4 and 5 (Academic & Foundational) Period 3 (Advanced) Formative Homework10% Formative Assignments30%20% Summative Tests/Quizzes60%70%

5 HOMEWORK [Foundational ONLY] Homework will be assigned at the beginning of each week and collected at the end of each week (not daily). These assignments will be divided into 3-4 sections to suggest that students complete one section each night. It is graded on a 2-point scale per section: 2 = complete and MOSTLY correct 1 = complete with MANY mistakes 0 = incomplete or late Late homework will not be accepted. double-check **Calculators ARE ALLOWED to double-check answers! example 

6 HOMEWORK PRACTICE Homework will be assigned MOST nights and should be a way for students to PRACTICE at home. It is graded on a 2-point scale: 2 = complete and MOSTLY correct 1 = complete with MANY mistakes 0 = incomplete or late Late homework will not be accepted. double-check **Calculators ARE ALLOWED to double-check answers!

7 MISSED WORK/ABSENCE It will be the student’s responsibility to gather and make up all work missed during an absence. Assignments are expected to be turned in as soon as possible. There is a class bulletin board where worksheets are posted (when necessary).

8 SECOND CHANCE LEARNING SECOND CHANCE LEARNING [ERROR LOG]  When a student fails a formative quiz, he/she is given the opportunity to earn back 50% of the points missed due to concept mistakes (not careless errors).  This assignment is voluntary and must be completed one school day after the test is handed back.  The “Error Log” is available in class and online – and can always be emailed home if needed.

9 ONLINE RESOURCES Students will log in using their school login username/password There will be assignments, activities, practice games, videos, re-teaching, etc.

10 MATH TECHBOOK replaces our traditional textbook ONLINE RESOURCES


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