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KMOS Instrument Overview & Data Processing Richard Davies Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics  What does KMOS do?  When will it do it?

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Presentation on theme: "KMOS Instrument Overview & Data Processing Richard Davies Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics  What does KMOS do?  When will it do it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 KMOS Instrument Overview & Data Processing Richard Davies Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics  What does KMOS do?  When will it do it?  What does the data look like?  How is the data processed?

2 What & When? Phase B start July 2004 Preliminary Design Review May 2006 Final Design Review July 2007 Preliminary Acceptance Europe Spring 2010 Preliminary Acceptance Chile Autumn 2010 2m 2800kg

3 Science Drivers Investigate the physical processes which drive galaxy formation and evolution over redshift range 1<z<10 Map the variations in star formation histories, spatially resolved star-formation properties, and merger rates Obtain dynamical masses of well-defined samples of galaxies across a wide range of environments at a series of progressively earlier epochs need: multiplexing (large numbers of sources), NIR (optical diagnostics at z>1), moderate spectral resolution (kinematics), integral field (mergers vs disks)

4 Instrumental Features R~3500 spectroscopy at 0.8-2.5  m 7.2arcmin patrol field 24 robotic pickoff arms, each with a 2.8”×2.8” FoV sampled at 0.2 arcsec IFUs are consolidated in groups of 8 each set feeds one of 3 identical spectrographs pick off mirror (covered) roof mirror to K-mirror & filter wheel multiple-object cryogenic integral field spectrograph

5 Instrumental Features 24 arms in 2 layers, 20mm above & below focal plane positioning within 0.1” (<60μm) mass ~4.5kg each size ~30cm each path has 45 optical surfaces in total 1080 optical surfaces and 60 cryogenic motors

6 Fixed instrument configuration: Non-configurable itemOptions available Pixel scale0.2arcsec x 0.2arcsec Field of View2.8arcsec x 2.8arcsec Observing modeintegral field spectroscopy Spatial resolution modeseeing limited Configurable itemOptions available Filter (bandpass)K H YJ Iz HK 1.95-2.50μm 1.45-1.85μm 0.975-1.33μm 0.80-1.15μm 1.5-2.38μm R ~ 3700 R ~ 3900 R ~ 3300 R ~ 2800 R ~ 2200 Instrumental Configuration(s) Instrument configuration options:

7 Raw Data Format first RTD: raw data from the 3 2k×2k detectors wavelength spatial position 14 pixels per slitlet (plus a gap) 14 slitlets per IFU 8 IFUs per detector 3 detectors IFU 1 IFU 2

8 Reconstructed Images second RTD: reconstructed images for each of the 24 IFUs either arrayed in a grid

9 Reconstructed Images second RTD: reconstructed images for each of the 24 IFUs or positioned in the 7.2’ patrol field

10 Association Map

11 calibration templates & recipes: kmo_dark kmo_flat kmo_illumination kmo_spec_align kmo_wave_cal kmo_std_star KMOS_spec_cal_dark KMOS_spec_cal_calunit KMOS_spec_cal_skyflat KMOS_spec_tec_verticalslit KMOS_spec_cal_wave KMOS_spec_cal_std Templates & Recipes science templates & recipes: kmo_rtd_image kmo_sci_red any acquisition frame KMOS_spec_obs_nodtosky KMOS_spec_obs_stare KMOS_spec_obs_mapping note: reconstruction works on 1 IFU at a time (i.e. in effect recipe runs 24 times for each data set).

12 Basic Tools used in recipes: kmo_create_cube kmo_set_value kmo_arithmetic kmo_stats kmo_copy kmo_rotate kmo_shift kmo_flip_axis kmo_euro3D_convert More Complex Tools used in recipes: kmo_reconstruct kmo_make_image kmo_extract_spec kmo_combine kmo_sky_mask* kmo_sky_tweak* kmo_bkg_sub* kmo_fit_profile kmo_cosmic* † Additional (Advanced) Tools: kmo_extract_pv* kmo_fit_continuum kmo_extract_moments* kmo_convolve kmo_median kmo_voronoi* * = prototype version in use for SINFONI data † = based on ‘L.A.Cosmic’ by P. van Dokkum other Recipes Modular design also useful to observer when re-processing their data back home

13 Recipe Hierarchy

14 What KMOS will & won’t do Things we will do (and think are a good idea)  keep everything modular so astronomers can add in their own extra processing steps or leave some out  provide basic tools so astronomer can manipulate their datacubes  provide some more advanced tools to extract information from a datacube (e.g. emission line kinematics, Voronoi binning, etc) Things we won’t be providing  a 3D data viewing tool (since there are already many good ones, e.g. QFitsView)  tools for deconvolution, line deblending, extracting stellar kinematics, etc (because they’re very user/data/model dependent)  mosaicing tool – it will be possible to combine datacubes with the right offsets to make a larger field, but no scaling/background adjustments will be made


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