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1 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center May 2007 Gary Wick, Rapporteur GHRSST-8 Session-8 Reanalysis.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center May 2007 Gary Wick, Rapporteur GHRSST-8 Session-8 Reanalysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center May 2007 Gary Wick, Rapporteur GHRSST-8 Session-8 Reanalysis and Climate Data Records Kenneth S. Casey NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center May 2007 Gary Wick, Rapporteur

2 2 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Agenda Quick review of Reanalysis Goals DLJ and Gary presentations Related GCOS SST/SI activities (Nick Rayner) Review of Individual Reprocessing Efforts Discussion

3 3 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 RANnual Review: Goals of RAN Create delayed mode products with higher accuracy and consistency - CDRs Link to longer term climate records Enable a sustained reprocessing capability

4 4 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 RANnual Review: Current Targets Spatial: Follow real-time L4 grid ~ 9 km (higher only if feasible) Temporal: Once per day Types: L4 SSTfnd (plus 4 diurnal offsets) Error Stats: Bias and Standard Deviation at each output grid point Data Format: netCDF with CF metadata SST fnd (Modified from A. Stuart-Menteth)

5 5 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 RANnual Review: Revised Targets Spatial: Goal 4-5 km globally with 1-2 km regional products Temporal: Once per day Types: L4 SSTfnd (plus 4 diurnal offsets) Error Stats: Bias and Standard Deviation at each output grid point Data Format: netCDF with CF metadata SST fnd (Modified from A. Stuart-Menteth)

6 6 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 DLJ and Gary Presentations

7 7 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Remaining Agenda Connection with GCOS SST/SI WG and intercomparison Review of Reprocessing Chart Discussion

8 8 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 GCOS SST intercomp diagnostics Initial phase: –Time series of global and hemispheric anomalies –Time-latitude sections of anomalies –Fields of standard deviation, linear trend and lag1 correlation Follow on phase: –Maps of RMS differences between fields –Time averaged difference maps –Time series for selected regions and a small selection of GHRSST diagnostic data set sites –Spatial autocorrelations. Done on Weekly, 1-degree and Monthly, 5- degree basis Examine relationships to Jim’s metrics classes and suggestions for GHRSST L4 analysis

9 9 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 GCOS Initial Intercomp Products Kaplan et al HadISST1 NOCS SST analysis ERSST AVHRR Pathfinder V5 OISSTv2 Daily OI SST OSTIA Plus input data, including ICOADS and HadSST2 Host Website: GHRSST-PP Reanalysis Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility:

10 10 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Nick: What’s in it for us? Let’s feed the GHRSST Reanalysis data sets into this process from the start –Addresses compatibility with the climate record GCOS WG “seal of approval” on outputs WG benefits from the infrastructure

11 11 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Review of Individual Reprocessings NASA MEaSURE Proposal GOES Reprocessings TMI - AMSRE? Status of fast (A)ATSR reformatting Status of (A)ATSR Reanalysis for Climate (ARC) Project Other activities?

12 12 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Ongoing and Future Activities

13 13 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Ongoing and Future Activities - G8 Rev. Andy Harris and Eileen Maturi w/ NCDC Version 2 in Spring 2008, ARC Version 3 in 2009 NASA MEaSURE Proposal - Cornillon et al. - possible start in Fall 2007 NASA MEaSURE NOAA Scientific Data Stewardship - Evans, Kilpatrick, and Casey - beginning July 2007

14 14 Agenda Review Issues Melbourne, May 2007 Issues for Discussion What “qualifies” as a “GHRSST” reanalysis? Ensemble means and intercomparison efforts (e.g., Jiping Xie’s talk) More emphasis on individual sensor reprocessing efforts and inter-sensor calibration Metrics L3P and L4 Other items?

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