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Information Afternoon. What we hope to achieve? Introduce new facilitators to Tournament of Minds Provide guidance for team selection and ways to approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Afternoon. What we hope to achieve? Introduce new facilitators to Tournament of Minds Provide guidance for team selection and ways to approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Afternoon

2 What we hope to achieve? Introduce new facilitators to Tournament of Minds Provide guidance for team selection and ways to approach ToM Explain the structure of ToM and necessary procedures Offer resources that are available

3 The two components of ToM The teams are given 6 weeks to work through a Long Term Challenge to be presented before a panel of judges and a live audience on Finals Day. Teams receive the challenges early in Term 3. The teams receive NO assistance from teachers, parents or peers. On Finals Day, they then participate in an unseen Spontaneous Challenge before only a panel of judges. This challenge requires rapid interchange of ideas, the ability to think creatively and well developed group cooperation skills. The team receives only 3-4 minutes to develop a creative response to the challenge.

4 Which kids gain from the ToM experience? Look for the Gifted Look for the Able Bright Learner Look for the student with a Specific Talent Look for the student who is motivated and enthusiastic Look for the Collaborator

5 Selection Procedures There are three main issues Which students to select? How to select? How to put teams together?

6 Which students to select? The following criteria can be useful Gifted, general high academic achievement or a specific talent (music, art, technology, mathematics, drama) Enjoys creative thinking Able to work independently Good public speaking ability or dramatic talent A good leader or good cooperative skills Motivated, willing to give up their own time and shows a sense of commitment Energy and enthusiasm

7 How to select? Teacher nomination Student nomination Open invitation Auditions/applications Mock ToM finals (spontaneous challenge) Combination of above

8 Team requirements Teams are made up of 7 students, with a maximum of 4 from any year level. Secondary (Middle in Darwin) teams must have two team members from their year of entry.

9 How to put teams together? Teacher selection based on prior knowledge of students and performance Student choice A combination of the above

10 Facilitator’s responsibilities Become familiar with the Important Dates Calendar Return the School Registration Form by 16 May Read the 2008 ToM Instructional Manual Return Team Nomination Forms by 8 August

11 All following information available on our web page Click link to Northern Territory Announcements Important dates calender 2008 Information Letter 2008 Resource Order Form School Registration Form Ongoing Forms/information

12 Important Dates Calendar

13 Registration Form

14 How to prepare students for ToM Some possible ways to allocate time for ToM: A ToM Club – meets at lunch time A whole class activity Within school activity – lesson time is provided across classes Mini Tournament – students work in own time

15 Facilitators should assist teams with the following but teams must complete their own admin requirements ToM rules and school expectations ToM administration requirements of the team (allowable materials, cost form, performance skills form, copies of script, outside assistance form etc.) Practise Spontaneous Challenges (includes role definition and time management) Provide a plan of attack for the Long Term Challenge

16 Warm up games – 5 minutes Skills and strategies – 30 minutes Drama skills Public speaking practice Cooperative games Brainstorming techniques Creative thinking strategies Role definition A plan of attack for the Long Term Challenge The Long Term Challenge – 30 minutes Time to work through some Challenges as a group with an aim to presenting one for practice judging at the end of Term 2 Reflection and Evaluation – 10 minutes Self and team evaluation A typical ToM Session may include:

17 Resources ToM Manual Spontaneous Challenge CD Long Term Challenge CD 3 Hour Challenge CD

18 Resource Order Form

19 Potential Disciplines for 2008 Will be chosen from: Language/Literature Maths/Engineering Social Science Technology

20 Addition Support / Opportunities for teams and facilitators Full day Skills workshops for teams and facilitators Tony Ryan – Thinkers Keys Full day workshops

21 A final note It is a good idea to send notes home to parents or hold a parent meeting, to ensure everybody is aware of their obligations All facilitators and students participating in ToM should be aware that the NT finalist teams and their facilitators will travel to Melbourne for the Australasian Pacific Finals to be held on Saturday 25 October 2008.

22 Enjoy the Challenge!

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