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Towards Collaborative Global Case Studies Jane Gifford, Manager Digital Communications & Media Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Collaborative Global Case Studies Jane Gifford, Manager Digital Communications & Media Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Collaborative Global Case Studies Jane Gifford, Manager Digital Communications & Media Relations

2 Why Global Case Studies?

3 As a tool for NRENs to build the profile, awareness and reputation of R&E networks and services (and thus NRENs) at a global level. (Global PR Network Vision) +

4 demonstrate the importance of NRENs for research, societal and economic impact to funding bodies secure integrity and credibility in national R&E organisations, as part of a global, interoperable fabric of R&E networks build confidence in the trust and value in the networking services they provide to user communities

5 Possible Themes? Infectious Diseases – Denge Fever eEducation Telemedicine Food Security ?

6 How do we build these case studies?


8 Denge Fever Case Study

9 Information we have so far: Research Collaborations Asia (SingaREN) Eliminate Denge, University of Melbourne, JCU (AARNet) FP7 DengueTools Project (Dante) University of Oxford (Dante) International Institute of infection and immunology (CANARIE) Community building Bandung Workshop

10 What material do we need? Multimedia content? text images video

11 Next steps? Who does what and by when?

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