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Diseases in Plants and Animals Dr. Jim Whitfield.

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1 Diseases in Plants and Animals Dr. Jim Whitfield

2 Pascack Hills HS Faculty Whitfield, James Env. Bio. Period #2

3 Microorganisms

4 As you have previously learned microorganisms are microscopic living things, generally classified as bacteria, protists, fungi and some algae

5 Microorganisms As you have previously learned microorganisms are microscopic living things, generally classified as bacteria, protists, fungi and some algae Microorganisms are found in all environments and play an important role in our lives

6 Microorganisms As you have previously learned microorganisms are microscopic living things, generally classified as bacteria, protists, fungi and some algae Microorganisms are found in all environments and play an important role in our lives There are no good or bad microorganisms. However, some of them improve the quality of our lives and some of them have negative effects on us.

7 Microorganisms Some microorganisms cause diseases in both plants and animals

8 Microorganisms Some microorganisms cause diseases in both plants and animals Theses types of microorganisms are called “Pathogens”

9 Pathogens in Humans Pathogens enter our bodies through a variety of means. These include

10 Pathogens in Humans Pathogens enter our bodies through a variety of means. These include Through the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, though direct contact with a contaminated individual or though contact with an infected animal

11 Pathogens in Humans Pathogens enter our bodies through a variety of means. These include Through the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, though direct contact with a contaminated individual or though contact with an infected animal Microbial diseases that can spread from an infected person to a healthy person are called communicable diseases

12 Pathogens in Humans Pathogens enter our bodies through a variety of means. These include Through the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, though direct contact with a contaminated individual or though contact with an infected animal Microbial diseases that can spread from an infected person to a healthy person are called communicable diseases Some examples include, chicken pox, tuberculosis, cholera, influenza, the common cold and AIDS

13 Carriers Some insects and animals can act as carriers of disease causing microbes (Humans may also act as carriers – they may or may not be sick – think of Typhoid Mary)

14 Carriers Some insects and animals can act as carriers of disease causing microbes (Humans may also act as carriers – they may or may not be sick – think of Typhoid Mary) In the tropical regions of the world when we think of carriers we should think of mosquitos

15 Carriers Some insects and animals can act as carriers of disease causing microbes (Humans may also act as carriers – they may or may not be sick – think of Typhoid Mary) In the tropical regions of the world when we think of carriers we should think of mosquitos The Anopheles mosquito carriers the protist called Plasmodium falciparum which causes Malaria and the female Aedes mosquito carries the Flavivirus that causes Dengue fever – both of these have had a tremendous effect on the health and economy of India

16 Carriers Dr. Padam Singh of the Indian Council of Medical Research states that on average 40,000 people in India die each year of Malaria out of the 9.7 million people infected yearly, with an economic loss of over $300 million US dollars - The Times of India, Jan. 3 rd, 2013

17 Carriers Dr. Padam Singh of the Indian Council of Medical Research states that on average 40,000 people in India die each year of Malaria out of the 9.7 million people infected yearly, with an economic loss of over $300 million US dollars - The Times of India, Jan. 3 rd, 2013 Dengue fever presents with much lower numbers however, there is a risk of dying. Fifty-five people in Kerala have died in the last three years, and there is a significant economic drain on the local and national economy - The Hindu, July 16 th, 2015

18 Emerging Diseases I will be discussing Dengue fever in much more depth later this week and next in the zero period as we do a lesson on emerging diseases

19 Some Common Human Diseases

20 Animal Pathogens Microorganisms cause a number of serious diseases in animals. Among these are Anthrax (Anthracic bacillus) Foot and Mouth Disease (picornavirus) and Brucellosis (Brucella Melintensis) All of these are diseases of cattle, sheep and goats. These diseases can all be transmitted to humans and may on occasion be fatal., Of these Anthrax is of greatest concern because of the possibility of making it into an aerosol and using it as a bioweapon

21 Foot and Mouth Disease

22 Plant Pathogens A number of microorganisms cause disease in economically important plants such as rice, potatoes, apples and oranges, tobacco and sugarcane

23 Plant Pathogens A number of microorganisms cause disease in economically important plants such as rice, potatoes, apples and oranges, tobacco and sugarcane In many cases these can be controlled by the judicious use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. However, each of these presents its own problems.

24 Plant Pathogens A number of microorganisms cause disease in economically important plants such as rice, potatoes, apples and oranges, tobacco and sugarcane In many cases these can be controlled by the judicious use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. However, each of these presents its own problems. Plant pathogens cause tremendous financial losses and increased consumer prices every year

25 Some Common Plant Diseases

26 Plant Pathogen and History “Late Blight of Potato” is caused by a mold called Phytophthora Infestans it also effects tomatoes, eggplants and chili peppers and bell peppers

27 Plant Pathogen and History “Late Blight of Potato” is caused by a mold called Phytophthora Infestans it also effects tomatoes, eggplants and chili peppers and bell peppers This mold caused what the Irish call “An Gorta Mor – The great Hunger”. In the US we call it the Irish potato famine. It ravished Ireland from 1845 – 1852. 40% of Ireland survived exclusively on potatoes. During the famine more than 25% of the population starved to death. Mostly Irish Catholics who were the poorest of the poor

28 Plant Pathogen and History During that 7 year period more than 2.5 million Irish emigrated to the US (an additional 10% died en route) it was one of the largest mass migrations in history and the largest ever to America.

29 Plant Pathogen and History During that 7 year period more than 2.5 million Irish emigrated to the US (an additional 10% died en route) it was one of the largest mass migrations in history and the largest ever to America. While initially met with scorn and signs of “Irish need not apply” eventually the Irish integrated into society and forever changed American society as well as forever linking our two countries together.

30 Images of the potato famine and late blight

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