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Polymer Synthesis & MW Viscoelasticity & Rheology $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Potpourri Polymer Crystallinity $400 $500 Chemical Structure & FTIR.

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3 Polymer Synthesis & MW Viscoelasticity & Rheology $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Potpourri Polymer Crystallinity $400 $500 Chemical Structure & FTIR

4 Final Jeopardy!!! Category: Time-temperature- superposition

5 Final Jeopardy This equation can be used to determine the temperature shift factor in the range T g <T<(T g +100  C) What is ….. (write out the equation)

6 Final Jeopardy WLF Equation

7 Polymer Synthesis & MW For $100 Two ways that polymers can be characterized based on their chemistry of synthesis. What are...

8 Back to Game Condensation and Addition

9 Polymer Synthesis & MW For $200 Five different ways that average molecular weights can be measured What are...

10 End group analysis Colligative property measurements (membrane osmometry) Light scattering Ultracentrafuge Dilute-solution viscosity Size-Exclusion Chromatography MALDI-TOF mass spec. Back to Game

11 Polymer Synthesis & MW For $300 For a given polydisperse polymer system, list number average MW, weight average MW, and viscosity average MW in order of increasing magnitude. What is...

12 Back to Game

13 Polymer Synthesis & MW For $400 What is... This is what MALDI-TOF mass spec stands for.

14 Back to Game MALDI-TOF mass spec: Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization – Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy

15 These are the three major stages that control addition polymerization What are... Polymer Synthesis & MW For $500

16 1.Initiation 2.Propagation 3.Termination Back to Game

17 Three common spectroscopic methods What is... Chemical Structure & FTIR For $100

18 Back to Game 1.Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 2.Raman Spectroscopy 3.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

19 List three of the six“Types of Molecular Vibration” measured with FTIR and act them out. What are... Chemical Structure & FTIR For $200

20 Bond Stretching 1.Symmetric 2.Asymmetric Bond Bending 1.In-plane rocking 2.In-plane scissoring 3.Out-of-plane wagging 4.Out-of-plane twisting Bond Stretching Bond Bending symmetric asymmetric In-plane rocking In-plane scissoring Out-of-plane wagging Out-of-plane twisting Back to Game

21 What two functional groups combine to make a nylon linkage What are... Chemical Structure & FTIR For $300

22 di-acid and di-amine Back to Game Amine Functional Groups hexamethylenediamine Cl Adipoyl chloride

23 In the FTIR lab, the polymer is cast onto this material because it is transparent to IR. What are... Chemical Structure & FTIR For $400

24 Back to Game KBr glass

25 What is... Chemical Structure & FTIR For $500 Come to the board and draw the chemical structure for PS, PMMA, PEG, and LDPE (the four polymers analyzed in the FTIR lab).

26 Back to Game

27 Potpourri For $100 List three instruments that can be used to measure T g, and what property changes with each What are...

28 Back to Game DSC – Step change in heat capacity at Tg DMA – Storage modulus drop or peak in tan delta and loss modulus TMA – Step change in CTE (or change in slope of Volume vs Temp) at Tg

29 Potpourri For $200 List three of the six factors that influence T g What are...

30 Back to Game 1.Free Volume 2.Secondary Bonds between Molecules 3.Internal Mobility, freedom to rotate about bonds 4.Stiffness of the chains 5.Chain length (Mw) 6.Crosslinking

31 The name of this famous equation: What is... Potpourri For $300

32 Back to Game Bragg’s Law

33 The phenomenon in many thermoplastics where small (microscopic) crack-like entities form in a direction perpendicular to the applied stress, giving an opaque or “white” appearance to the material. What is... Potpourri For $400

34 crazing Back to Game Craze band in polystyrene

35 These are the two different types of DSCs What are... Potpourri For $500

36 Back to Game 1.Power compensated 2.Heat flux

37 Polymer Crystallinity For $100 The observation (by x-ray measurements) that the polymer chains were aligned perpendicular to the large flat faces of the crystals led to this conclusion. What is...

38 Back to Game The chain must fold back on itself

39 Polymer Crystallinity For $200 Crystallites often aggregate into these supermolecular structures What are...

40 Back to Game Sphereulites

41 Normal spherulite growth in the bulk proceeds until this occurs. What is... Polymer Crystallinity For $300

42 Impingement with another spherulite. Back to Game

43 What are... Polymer Crystallinity For $400 Name two artifacts in the POM image below.

44 Maltese cross and Ringed Pattern Back to Game

45 What is... The relationship between spherulite radius and time for isothermal crystalization. Polymer Crystallinity For $500

46 Back to Game Linear

47 Viscoelasticity & Rheology For $100 The science of the deformation and flow of materials What is...

48 Back to Game Rheology

49 Viscoelasticity & Rheology For $100 These fluids obey this law: What are...

50 Back to Game Newtonian Fluids


52 Viscoelasticity & Rheology (Daily Double) This model for non-Newtonian Fluids is capable of predicting both the upper and lower Newtonian behavior for Polymer melts and solutions What is...

53 Back to Game The Carreau model

54 Viscoelasticity & Rheology For $400 This viscoelastic model does not exhibit permanent set on creep recovery. What is...

55 Back to Game Voigt-Kelvin Element

56 Viscoelasticity & Rheology For $500 Identify the types of materials on the flow curve below What is...

57 Back to Game N, Newtonian; P, pseudoplastic (shear thinning); B-P, Bingham plastic; D, dilatant (shear thickening)

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