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 Hyperon atom : Σ atom, Ξ, analysis of atomic data Level width : Determination of the coupling constants Σatom : Ξatom : Level Shift : Determination of.

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Presentation on theme: " Hyperon atom : Σ atom, Ξ, analysis of atomic data Level width : Determination of the coupling constants Σatom : Ξatom : Level Shift : Determination of."— Presentation transcript:

1  Hyperon atom : Σ atom, Ξ, analysis of atomic data Level width : Determination of the coupling constants Σatom : Ξatom : Level Shift : Determination of the optical potential depth Hyperon Atom and Y-N Interaction ストレンジネスとエキゾティクス・理論の課題 2007/3/1--3 三 重・鳥羽 Akihiro Haga RCNP and Yataro Horikawa J.U.

2 Hyperon 原子

3 強い相互作用による Level shifts と level widths の微細構造 に対する影響 Anomalous moment

4 R. J. Powers et al., Phys. Rev.C 47, 1263(1993)

5 R.J. Powers et al. Phys. Rev. C47, 1263 (1993) Energies of the 10l to 9k transitions in Pb and W


7 Experience in muonic atom Nuclear size effect Vacuum polarization of e - -e + field ⇒ Solve the Dirac equation with the Coulomb field. Nuclear polarization Self-energy effect (Bethe log. + Anomalous moment) Vacuum polarization of μ - -μ + field Relativistic recoil effect Electron screening effect

8 真空偏極と結合した核分極補正ダイアグラ ム(単独でゲージ不変) =ゲージ不変 核分極補正 ダイアグラム 最低次の核分極補正

9 Hydrogenlike atom ー QED の高精度検証 ー Theoretical value :

10 Pure Coulomb energy of circular orbits (MeV) κE(C)E(point)ΔE -20.456929-238.04010217.583478 1-17.060348-61.06724944.0069011 -2-17.060348-54.85139237.7982685 7-3.3568652..-3.35708430.00021917 -8-3.3541835-3.35439250.00020903 8-2.6510666-2.65107195.3129E-06 -9-2.6495983-2.64960345.0486E-06 9-2.1465824-2.14658258.83E-8 -10-2.1457267-2.14572688.37E-8


12 Hyperon atom and Relativistic EFT



15 Spectra of Σ- Pb atom Binding energy (MeV) Quantum number κ of angular momentum Parameter set NLSH + Mares

16 NLSH TM1 RHAT Binding due to the strong interaction becomes weak

17 J. Mares and B. K. Jennings, Phys. Rev. C49, 2472 (1994) using NLSH for nucleon sector





22 Transition energy of 10l to 9k in 208 Pb; 505.321(48) keV One can reproduce this data by adjusting a parameter of σ-Σ coupling constant. Parameter set g σ g σΣ NLSH 10.4444 6.258(59.9%) TM1 10.0289 5.959(59.4%) RHAT 6.0350 3.270(54.2%) A l most same ratio ! Level shifts of 10l and 9k in 208 Pb ; less than 1keV !!  repulsive unbound potential

23 Potential necessary to reproduce energy shifts


25 width の計算

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