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Published byShonda Harrington Modified over 9 years ago
1 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Recent Results from Parity Violation Electron Scattering Experiments at JLab (and elsewhere) Xiaochao Zheng 郑晓超 (Univ. of Virginia) August 2, 2011 The Physics of PVES on nucleon/nuclear targets Nucleon strangeness structure study: results from MAINZ A4, G0 and HAPPEX-III Nuclear Physics study: results from PREX Standard Model study: Qweak and PVDIS Plan for PVDIS (and Moller) at the upgraded JLab
2 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Parity Violation parity The parity symmetry: the physical laws behind all phenomena is the same as those behind their mirror images (The Lagrangian is invariant under transformation ) ; This symmetry is broken in weak interactions; Weak interaction is carried by charged or neutral weak currents, described under the framework SU(2) L xU(1) Y Chen-Ning Yang Tsung-Dao Lee Chien-Shiung Wu "for their penetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the elementary particles" 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics: with q W. experimental proof using beta decay of 60 Co.
3 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Parity Violating Electron Scattering Weak Neutral Current (WNC) Interactions at Q 2 << M Z 2 Longitudinally Polarized Electron Scattering off Unpolarized Fixed Targets longitudinally polarized e The Physics accessible by PVES: elastic scattering from the proton: strange form factors or nucleon weak charge from (heavy) nuclei: nuclear physics deep inelastic scattering: weak structure of the nucleon, quark neutral weak couplings A4, HAPPEX, G0 PREX Qweak PVDIS
4 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Nucleon Strange Form Factors
5 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Nucleon in QCD Nucleon Form Factors Electromagnetic probe hadronic flavor structure: (these encode information on spatial distributions of charge & magnetization, but not enough for flavor separation) s and s have different spatial distributions What would non-zero strange form factors imply? G s E ≠ 0 G s M ≠ 0 s and s have different magnetization distributions, may contribute to magnetic moment, etc. Neutral weak probe the same hadronic flavor structure, with different couplings: cVucVu cVdcVd cVscVs
6 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Isolating individual form factors: vary kinematics or target Forward angle Backward angle “anapole” radiative corrections are problematic proton + isospin rotation, and assuming G s,p = G s, n + linear combinations of G E Z and G M Z linear combinations of G E S and G M S
7 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Kent Paschke User’s Group Annual Meeting, JLab - June 7, 2011 Experimental Overview SAMPLE HAPPEX Precision spectrometer, integrating Forward angles A4 open geometry, integrating, back-angle only Open geometry Fast counting calorimeter for background rejection Forward and Backward angles G0 Open geometry Fast counting w/ magnetic spectrometer + TOF Forward and Backward angles over a range of Q 2
8 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Nucleon Strange Form Factor Program Expt/Lab Target / Angle Q 2 (GeV 2 ) Apv (ppm) SensitivityComplete SAMPLE/Bates SAMPLE I LH2/1450.1-6GM + 0.4GA2000 SAMPLE IILD2/1450.1-8GM + 2GA2004 SAMPLE IIILD2/1450.04-4GM + 3GA2004 HAPPEx/JLab HAPPExLH2/12.50.47-15GE + 0.39GM1999 HAPPEx IILH2/60.11-1.6GE + 0.1GM2006, 2007 HAPPEx He4He/60.11+6GE2006, 2007 HAPPEx IIILH2/140.63-24GE + 0.5GM2011 PV-A4/Mainz LH2/350.23-5GE + 0.2GM2004 LH2/350.11-1.4GE + 0.1GM2005 LH2/1450.23-17GE + ηGM + η’GA 2009 LH2/350.63-28GE + 0.64GM(2009) G0/JLab ForwardLH2/350.1 to 1-1 to -40GE + ηGM2005 BackwardLH2/LD2/1100.23, 0.63-12 to -45GE + ηGM + η’GA 2009
9 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan World Data on G s all forward-angle proton data “Form Factor” error: precision of EMFF (including 2γ) and Anapole correction
10 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan World Data on G s all forward-angle proton data At Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2, G s < few percent of G p “Form Factor” error: precision of EMFF (including 2γ) and Anapole correction
11 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan World Data on G s all forward-angle proton data At Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2, G s < few percent of G p “Form Factor” error: precision of EMFF (including 2γ) and Anapole correction Q 2 ~ 0.22 G0-backward A4-backward A4-forward
12 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan World Data on G s all forward-angle proton data At Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2, G s < few percent of G p “Form Factor” error: precision of EMFF (including 2γ) and Anapole correction Q 2 ~ 0.22 Q 2 ~ 0.62 G0-backward A4-backward A4-forward
13 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan World Data on G s all forward-angle proton data At Q 2 ~ 0.1 GeV 2, G s < few percent of G p “Form Factor” error: precision of EMFF (including 2γ) and Anapole correction Q 2 ~ 0.22 Q 2 ~ 0.62 G0-backward A4-backward A4-forward Strange form factors contribute at most a few % to overall vector form factors… except maybe near Q 2 = 0.6…
14 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan HAPPEX-III Results (“Close-book” measurement) A PV = -23.80 0.78 (stat) 0.36 (syst) ppm at Q 2 = 0.6241 ± 0.0028 GeV 2 G s E + 0.52 G s M = 0.003 ± 0.010 (stat) ± 0.004 (syst) ± 0.009 (FF) See talk by Mark Dalton, on HAPPEX-III Ahmed et al. (HAPPEX Collaboration) arXiv:1107.0913 [nucl-ex] HAPPEX-III: Ran in Aug-Oct 2009
15 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan HAPPEX-III Results (“Close-book” measurement) A PV = -23.80 0.78 (stat) 0.36 (syst) ppm at Q 2 = 0.6241 ± 0.0028 GeV 2 G s E + 0.52 G s M = 0.003 ± 0.010 (stat) ± 0.004 (syst) ± 0.009 (FF) See talk by Mark Dalton, on HAPPEX-III Ahmed et al. (HAPPEX Collaboration) arXiv:1107.0913 [nucl-ex] HAPPEX-III: Ran in Aug-Oct 2009 Strange form factors contribute at most a few % to overall vector form factors at all Q 2 measured s and sbar have similar spatial distribution and their spin/magnetic moments largely cancel, when viewed via electron elastic scattering.
16 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Weak Charge Distribution of Heavy Nuclei – Testing Nuclear Physics and Beyond
17 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Weak Charge Distribution of Heavy Nuclei Nuclear theory predicts a neutron “skin” on heavy nuclei 208 Pb Neutron distribution is challenging to interpret from strongly interacting probes (protons, pions, etc.), and is not accessible to the charge-sensitive photon. protonneutron Electric charge10 Weak charge~0.081 But the weak interaction sees the neutrons clearly: See talk by Dustin McNulty
18 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan A crucial calibration point for nuclear theory ( R.J. Furnstahl ) The single measurement of F n translates to a measurement of R n via mean-field nuclear models R n calibrates the equation of state of neutron rich matter Example: important in describing neutron star mass vs. radius and cooling processes. neutron stars 208 P b
19 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PREX (Pb Radius EXperiment) Results and Interpretation ppm at Q 2 = 0.00906 GeV 2, 5 o angle, Statistics limited (9%) Systematic error goal achieved ! (2%) 9.2 %2.0 % A PV ~ 0.6 ppm, original goal: 3% error Ran in April-June 2010: confirming the “neutron skin” ! Preliminary estimate from C.J. Horowitz, confirming the “neutron skin” !
20 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PREX-II (25 PAC days, submitted to PAC38) PREX-II projected
21 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Testing the EW Standard Model – SU(2) L xU(1) Y
22 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Select Results on the Weak Mixing Angle (expected) figure from K. Kumar, Seattle 2009 EIC Workshop EW talks SLAC E158: Moller scattering, ran in 2002-2003
23 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Weak Neutral Couplings A V V A g A,V follow PDG convention Different conventions exist, here:
24 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan SAMPLE C 2u +C 2d 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 -0.5 -0.75 C 2u -C 2d - 0.5 PVES provides a factor of 5 increase in precision of Standard Model test PRL99,122003(2007) Quark Weak Neutral Couplings C 1,2q with recent PVES data without JLab data all are 1 s limit PDG best fit SLAC/ Prescott
25 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan SAMPLE C 2u +C 2d 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 -0.5 -0.75 C 2u -C 2d - 0.5 Quark Weak Neutral Couplings C 1,2q with recent PVES data and Qweak (projected) without JLab data all are 1 s limit PDG best fit SLAC/ Prescott Qweak in Hall C (2010-): another factor of 5 improvement in knowledge of C 1q, New Physics scale from 0.9 to 2 TeV 1 H + e e’ + p
26 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Parity Violation in Deep Inelastic Scattering For an isoscalar target ( 2 H), structure functions largely simplifies: 0 1 at high x PVDIS: Only way to measure C 2q
27 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PVDIS at 6 GeV (JLab E08-011) 100uA, 90% polarized beam, 20-cm LD2 target Scaler-based fast counting DAQ specifically built to accommodate the 500kHz DIS rate with 10 4 pion rejection
28 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PVDIS at 6 GeV (JLab E08-011) Q 2 =1.1 Q 2 =1.9 Ran in Oct-Dec 2009, measured A d at Q 2 =1.1 and 1.9 GeV 2 to 3% and 4% (stat.), resp. Systematics dominated by beam polarization (2%). Data being analyzed, may finish by late 2011. spokespeople: R. Michaels, P.E. Reimer ,郑晓超 Grad students: 邓晓燕 (UVa M.A.), 王殿成 (UVa), 潘凯 (MIT) Postdoc: Ramesh Subedi Statistical quality of data:
29 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan E08-011 Projected Results on C 2q with recent PVES data and Qweak with JLab 6 GeV all are 1 s limit SAMPLE SLAC/ Prescott C 2u +C 2d 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 -0.5 -0.75 C 2u -C 2d - 0.4 PVDIS @6GeV: potential to improve C 2 q by factor of six if hadronic effects are small.
30 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PVDIS at Higher Precision – Hadronic Physics Study Sensitivity will be further enhanced if u+d falls off more rapidly than u- d as x 1 u-d mass difference EM effects Direct observation of parton-level CSV would be very exciting! Important implications for high energy collider pdfs Could explain significant portion of the NuTeV anomaly For A PV in electron- 2 H DIS: CSV Higher Twist (non-perturbative nature of strong interactions)
31 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Strategy: requires precise kinematics and broad range xyQ2Q2 New Physics noyesno CSV yesno Higher Twist yesnoyes Fit data to: Coherent PVDIS Program with SoLID @ 11 GeV “SoLID” spectrometer
32 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Coherent PVDIS Program with SoLID @ 11 GeV figure from K. Kumar, Seattle 2009 EIC Workshop EW talks Error bar σ A /A (%) shown at center of bins in Q 2, x 4 months at 11 GeV 2 months at 6.6 GeV
33 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan SAMPLE R. Young ( combined ) all are 1 s limit PVDIS@11 GeV with SoLID: potential to improve C 2q knowledge by another order of magnitude and better separation from hadronic effects. Knowledge on C 1,2q with Projected JLab 12 GeV Results C 2u -C 2d C 2u +C 2d
34 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan N ee ~ 25 TeV JLab Møller LHC New Contact Interactions Møller Parity-Violating Experiment: New Physics Reach (a large installation experiment with 11 GeV beam energy) Czarnecki and Marciano (2000) Erler and Ramsey-Musolf (2004) Expected precision comparable to the two most precise measurements from colliders, but at lower energy. No other experiment with comparable precision in the forseeable future! 12 GeV 6 GeV
35 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Summary and Perspectives Recent Results: Program on nucleon strange form factors now concluded: G S E,M < a few percents of G P E,M at all Q 2 studied; PREX provided the first results on the neutron skin of heavy nuclei, follow-up measurement proposed Future: PVDIS @ 6 GeV completed, results on C 2q coming soon Qweak ongoing, best results on C 1q expected New “construction” experiments at JLab 12 GeV: PVDIS @ 11 GeV will provide sensitivity to Standard Model test, observation of CSV, and the higher twist effects Moller @ 11 GeV Many thanks to K. Paschke, D. Armstrong, R. Michaels, P. Souder for helping me to put these slides together.
36 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Backup Slides
37 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan SoLID Spectrometer Baffles GEM’s Gas CerenkovShashlyk Calorimeter ANL design JLab/UVA prototype Babar Solenoid International Collaborators: China (Gem’s) Italy (Gem’s) Germany (Moller pol.)
38 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PVDIS on the Proton: d/u at High x Deuteron analysis has large nuclear corrections (Yellow) A PV for the proton has no such corrections (complementary to BONUS) The challenge is to get statistical and systematic errors ~ 2% 3-month run
39 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Beyond Strangeness: Parity-Violating Electron Scattering as a Standard Model Test
40 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PV-A4: Forward angle (MAMI) Q 2 (GeV 2 ) APV ± stat ± syst (ppm) G E s + η G M s 0.230 -5.44 ± 0.54 ± 0.26G E s + 0.225 G M s = 0.039 ± 0.034 0.110-1.36 ± 0.29 ± 0.13G E s + 0.106 G M s = 0.071 ± 0.036 Counting – fast energy histograms At Q 2 =~0.1 GeV 2, G s < few percent of G p all low Q 2 data
41 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan “Parity Quality” of JLab polarized beam Beam Parameter HAPPEx-IHAPPEx-IIPREX Charge asymmetry< 0.1 ppm0.41 ppm200 ppb Position difference -11±2.3 nm, -10±1.0 nm 0.56±0.53 nm, 1.69±0.83 nm 2 nm angle difference 0.2±0.6 nrad, 3±0.2 nrad -0.26±0.24 nrad, 0.21±0.25 nrad 1 nrad Energy difference -4±1 ppb 0.2ppb (0.6 eV)1 eV Total correction-0.02 ± 0.02 ppm0.08 ± 0.03 ppm HAPPEx-II (2005): superlattice (P B >85%) 35 A ee PREX (2010): superlattice (P B >85%) 50-100 A HAPPEx-I (1999): strained GaAs (P B ~69%) 40 A beam current High “parity-quality”, negligible uncertainties due to beam; Most of 6 GeV experiments measured strange quark contribution to proton form factors: less than 5% to G E p and less than 20% to G M p
42 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan JLab 6 GeV Experiment 08-011 100-105 A, 6 GeV, 87% polarized beam on a 20-cm LD2 target; Two Hall A High Resolution Spectrometers detect scattered electrons; Measured PV asymmetry A d at Q 2 =1.10 and 1.90 GeV 2 to 3 and 4%(stat.), respectively. A d at Q 2 =1.10 will set a limit on the higher twist effects; If HT is small, can extract 2C 2u -C 2d from A d at Q 2 =1.90 to ±0.05-0.06 (or with reduced precision if higher twists are unexpectedly large) Co-spokesperson & contact: X. Zheng Co-spokesperson: P.E. Reimer, R. Michaels (Hall-A Collaboration Experiment, approved by PAC27; Re-approved by PAC33 for 32 days, rated A-; Ran Nov-Dec 2009)
43 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PV DIS and Other SM Test Experiments E158/Moller (SLAC) NuTeV (FNAL)Atomic PV PVDIS (JLab) Qweak (JLab) 2 (2C 1u +C 1d ) Coherent quarks in the proton Purely leptonic Weak CC and NC difference Nuclear structure? Other hadronic effects? Coherent Quarks in the Nucleus - 376C 1u - 422C 1d Nuclear structure? (2C 1u -C 1d )+Y(2C 2u -C 2d ) Isoscalar quark scattering Cartoons borrowed from R. Arnold (UMass) Different Experiments Probe Different Parts of Lagrangian, PVDIS is the only one accessing C 2q
44 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Hall A large acceptance “solenoid” device: PR09-012 Measure A d to 1% for a wide range of (x,Q 2,y), clean separation of New Physics (via C 2q and sin 2 W ), HT and CSV possible; Extract d/u at large x from PVDIS on a proton target, free of nuclear effects; Other hadronic physics study possible: A 1 n at large x, Semi-inclusive DIS. Higher precision, possibly sensitive to 1) New Physics beyond the SM; 2) Charge Symmetry Violation (CSV) Two approaches: Hall C “baseline” SHMS+HMS: PR12-07-102 (P.E. Reimer, X-C. Z, K. Paschke, 1% on A d, extraction of C 2q, sin 2 W (if higher-twists and CSV are negligible); PVDIS Program at JLab 12 GeV (conditionally approved)
45 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan N ee ~ 25 TeV JLab Møller LHC New Contact Interactions Møller Parity-Violating Experiment: New Physics Reach (example of large installation experiment with 11 GeV beam energy) A FB (b) measures product of e- and b-Z couplings A LR (had) measures purely the e-Z couplings Proposed A PV (b) measures purely the e-Z couplings at a different energy scale Not “just another measurement” of sin 2 ( w )
46 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Projected PVDIS Measurement with SOLID@11 GeVSOLID@11 figure from K. Kumar, Seattle 2009 EIC Workshop EW talks
47 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan ONGOING CONSTRUCTION EFFORTS Hall D - Central Drift Chamber Endplates @ CMU Hall C – Drift Chambers @ HU & Scintillators @ JMU Hall B - Drift Chambers @ JLab, ODU and ISU 12 GeV Groundbreaking (Apr2010) Hall D Concrete Wall Erection (Apr 2009)
48 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Backup Slides
49 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Staff: ~650 User community: ~1300 A CB
50 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Beam was first delivered in 10/95 In full operation for ~13 years (since 11/97); 283 PRL and PL to date: ½ expt, ½ theory) 334 PhDs to date and 249 in progress (~1/3 of US PhDs in Nuclear Physics)
51 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Three Experimental Halls (Present) Hall A: pair of high resolution spectrometers (HRS), E' up to 4 GeV/c, = 7 msr luminosity up to 10 39 cm -2 s -1 Hall C: High Momentum (HMS and Short-Orbit Spectrometers (SOS) luminosity up to 10 39 cm -2 s -1 Hall B: CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) luminosity up to 10 34 cm -2 s -1
52 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Measurement of P-V Asymmetries e.g. 5% Statistical Precision on 1 ppm -> requires 4x1014 counts Rapid Helicity Flip: Measure the asymmetry at 10-4 level, 10 million times High luminosity: thick targets, high beam current Control noise (target, electronics) High beam polarization and rapid flip
53 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Medium & High Energy Physics Facilities for Lepton Scattering High luminosity, yet “continuous” polarized beam makes JLab an unique facility. ~ns: “continuous” >>ns: “pulsed”
54 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan PREX & Neutron Stars Crab Pulsar ( C.J. Horowitz, J. Piekarewicz ) R calibrates EOS of Neutron Rich Matter Combine PREX R with Obs. Neutron Star Radii Some Neutron Stars seem too Cold N N Crust Thickness Explain Glitches in Pulsar Frequency ? Strange star ? Quark Star ? Cooling by neutrino emission (URCA) 0.2 fm URCA probable, else not Phase Transition to “Exotic” Core ?
55 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Measured Asymmetry Weak Density at one Q 2 Neutron Density at one Q 2 Correct for Coulomb Distortions Small Corrections for G n E G s E MEC Assume Surface Thickness Good to 25% (MFT) Atomic Parity Violation Mean Field & Other Models Neutron Stars R n PREX Physics Output Slide adapted from C. Horowitz
56 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Deuterium: PVDIS Asymmetries A PV = + + g: coupling constant, : mass limit, h A q : effective coefficient New physics sensitivity: Sensitive to: Z' searches, compositeness, leptoquarks Mass limit:
57 X. Zheng, University of Virginia, Talk at OCPA7, August 1-5, Kaotsiung, Taiwan Plan View of the Spectrometer BaBar Solenoid?
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