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Symmetry Festival, Aug. 7, 2013 Symmetrical Immersions of Low-Genus Non-Orientable Regular Maps (Inspired Guesses followed by Tangible Visualizations)

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Presentation on theme: "Symmetry Festival, Aug. 7, 2013 Symmetrical Immersions of Low-Genus Non-Orientable Regular Maps (Inspired Guesses followed by Tangible Visualizations)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Symmetry Festival, Aug. 7, 2013 Symmetrical Immersions of Low-Genus Non-Orientable Regular Maps (Inspired Guesses followed by Tangible Visualizations) Carlo H. Séquin EECS Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley

2 A Very Symmetrical Object in R3 The Sphere

3 The Most Symmetrical Polyhedra The Platonic Solids = Simplest Regular Maps {3,4} {3,5} {3,3} {4,3} {5,3}

4 The Symmetry of a Regular Map u After an arbitrary edge-to-edge move, every edge can find a matching edge; the whole network coincides with itself.

5 All the Regular Maps of Genus Zero Platonic SolidsDi-hedra (=dual) Hosohedra {3,4} {3,5} {3,3} {4,3} {5,3}

6 Background: Geometrical Tiling Escher-tilings on surfaces with different genus in the plane on the sphere on the torus M.C. Escher Jane Yen, 1997 Young Shon, 2002

7 Tilings on Surfaces of Higher Genus 24 tiles on genus 3 48 tiles on genus 7

8 Two Types of “Octiles” u Six differently colored sets of tiles were used

9 From Regular Tilings to Regular Maps When are tiles “the same” ? u on sphere: truly identical  from the same mold u on hyperbolic surfaces  topologically identical (smaller on the inner side of a torus) Tilings should be “regular”... u locally regular: all p-gons, all vertex valences q u globally regular: full flag-transitive symmetry (flag = combination: vertex-edge-face)  Regular Map

10 On Higher-Genus Surfaces: only “Topological” Symmetries Regular map on torus (genus = 1) NOT a regular map: different-length edge loops Edges must be able to stretch and compress 90-degree rotation not possible

11 NOT a Regular Map u Torus with 9 x 5 quad tiles is only locally regular. u Lack of global symmetry: Cannot turn the tile-grid by 90°.

12 This IS a Regular Map u Torus with 8 x 8 quad tiles. Same number of tiles in both directions! u On higher-genus surfaces such constraints apply to every handle and tunnel. Thus the number of regular maps is limited.

13 How Many Regular Maps on Higher-Genus Surfaces ? Two classical examples: R2.1_{3,8} _12 16 triangles Quaternion Group [Burnside 1911] R3.1d_{7,3} _8 24 heptagons Klein’s Quartic [Klein 1888]

14 Nomenclature R3.1d_{7,3}_8R3.1d_{7,3}_8 Regular map genus = 3 # in that genus-group the dual configuration heptagonal faces valence-3 vertices length of Petrie polygon:  Schläfli symbol {p,q} “Eight-fold Way” zig-zag path closes after 8 moves

15 2006: Marston Conder’s List u 6104 Orientable regular maps of genus 2 to 101: R2.1 : Type {3,8}_12 Order 96 mV = 2 mF = 1 Defining relations for automorphism group: [ T^2, R^-3, (R * S)^2, (R * T)^2, (S * T)^2, (R * S^-3)^2 ] R2.2 : Type {4,6}_12 Order 48 mV = 3 mF = 2 Defining relations for automorphism group: [ T^2, R^4, (R * S)^2, (R * S^-1)^2, (R * T)^2, (S * T)^2, S^6 ] R2.3 : Type {4,8}_8 Order 32 mV = 8 mF = 2 Defining relations for automorphism group: [ T^2, R^4, (R * S)^2, (R * S^-1)^2, (R * T)^2, (S * T)^2, S^-2 * R^2 * S^-2 ] R2.4 : Type {5,10}_2 Order 20 mV = 10 mF = 5 Defining relations for automorphism group: [ T^2, S * R^2 * S, (R, S), (R * T)^2, (S * T)^2, R^-5 ] = “Relators”

16 R2.2_{4,6}_12 R3.6_{4,8}_8 “Low-Hanging Fruit” Some early successes... R4.4_{4,10}_20 and R5.7_{4,12}_12

17 A Tangible Physical Model u 3D-Print, hand-painted to enhance colors R3.2_{3,8}_6

18 Genus 5 {3,7} 336 Butterflies Only locally regular !

19 Globally Regular Maps on Genus 5

20 Emergence of a Productive Approach u Depict map domain on the Poincaré disk; establish complete, explicit connectivity graph. u Look for likely symmetries and pick a compatible handle-body. u Place vertex “stars” in symmetrical locations. u Try to complete all edge-interconnections without intersections, creating genus-0 faces. u Clean-up and beautify the model.

21 Depiction on Poincare Disk u Use Schläfli symbol  create Poincaré disk. {5,4}

22 Relators Identify Repeated Locations Operations: R = 1-”click” ccw-rotation around face center; r = cw-rotation. S = 1-”click” ccw-rotation around a vertex; s = cw-rotation. R3.4_{4,6}_6 Relator: R s s R s s

23 Complete Connectivity Information u Triangles of the same color represent the same face. u Introduce unique labels for all edges.

24 Low-Genus Handle-Bodies u There is no shortage of nice symmetrical handle-bodies of low genus. u This is a collage I did many years ago for an art exhibit.

25 Numerology, Intuition, … u Example: R5.10_{6,6}_4 First try: oriented cube symmetry Second try: tetrahedral symmetry

26 A Valid Solution for R5.10_{6,6}_4 Virtual model Paper model (oriented tetrahedron) (easier to trace a Petrie polygon)

27 OUTLINE u Just an intro so far; by now you should understand what regular maps are. u Next, I will show some nice results. u Then go to non-orientable surfaces, which have self-intersections, and are much harder to visualize!

28 Jack J. van Wijk’s Method (1) u Starts from simple regular handle-bodies, e.g. a torus, or a “fleshed-out”, “tube-fied” Platonic solid. u Put regular edge-pattern on each connector arm: u Determine the resulting edge connectivity, and check whether this appears in Conder’s list. If it does, mark it as a success!

29 Jack J. van Wijk’s Method (2) u Cool results: Derived from … a dodecahedron 3×3 square tiles on torus

30 Jack J. van Wijk’s Method (3) u For any such regular edge-configuration found, a wire-frame can be fleshed out, and the resulting handle-body can be subjected to the same treatment. u It is a recursive approach that may yield an unlimited number of results; but you cannot predict which ones you will find and which will be missing. u You cannot (currently) direct that system to give you a solution for a specific regular map of interest. u The program has some sophisticated geometrical procedures to produce nice graphical output.

31 J. van Wijk’s Method (4) u Cool results: Embedding of genus 29

32 Jack J. van Wijk’s Method (5) u Alltogether by 2010, Jack had found more than 50 symmetrical embeddings. u But some simple maps have eluded this program, e.g. R2.4, R3.3, and: the Macbeath surface R7.1 ! u Also, in some cases, the results don’t look as good as they could...

33 Jack J. van Wijk’s Method (6) u Not so cool result for R3.8: too much warping: My solution on a Tetrus:

34 Jack J. van Wijk’s Method (7) u Not so cool results: too much warping: “Vertex Flower” solution

35 “Vertex Flowers” for Any Genus u This classical pattern is appropriate for the 2 nd -last entry in every genus group. u All of these maps have exactly two vertices and two faces bounded by 2(g+1) edges. g = 1 g = 2 g = 3 g = 4 g = 5

36 Some Models

37 New Focus u Now we want to construct such models for non-orientable surfaces, like Klein bottles. u Unfortunately, there exist no regular maps on the Klein bottle ! u But there are several regular maps on the simplest non-orientable surface: the Projective Plane.

38 The Projective Plane -- Equator projects to infinity. -- Walk off to infinity -- and beyond … come back from opposite direction: mirrored, upside-down !

39 The Projective Plane is a Cool Thing! u It is single-sided: Flood-fill paint flows to both faces of the plane. u It is non-orientable: Shapes passing through infinity get mirrored. u A straight line does not cut it apart! One can always get to the other side of that line by traveling through infinity. u It is infinitely large! (somewhat impractical) It would be nice to have a finite model with the same topological properties...

40 Trying to Make a Finite Model u Let’s represent the infinite plane with a very large square. u Points at infinity in opposite directions are the same and should be merged. u Thus we must glue both opposing edge pairs with a 180º twist. Can we physically achieve this in 3D ?

41 Cross-Surface Construction

42 Finite Models of the Projective Plane (and their symmetries) Cross surface Steiner surface Boy surface mirror: C 2v tetrahedral cyclic: C 3

43 The Hemi-Platonic Polyhedra Cube Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron Hemi-Cube Hemi-Octa-h. Hemi-Dodeca-h. Hemi-Icosa-h. Q

44 Hemi-Octahedron u Make a polyhedral model of Steiner’s surface. Need 4 copies of this!

45 Hemi-Cube u Start with 3 perpendicular faces...

46 Hemi-Icosahedron u Built on Hemi-cube model

47 Hemi-Dodecahedron u Built on Hemi-cube model with suitable face partitioning. u Movie_HemiDodeca.mp4

48 Embedding of Petersen Graph in Cross-Cap

49 Hemi-Hosohedra & Hemi-Dihedra u All wedge slices pass through intersection line. N = 12 N = 2 : self-dual

50 Hemi-Hosohedra with Higher Symmetry u Get more symmetry by using a cross-surface with a higher-order self-intersection line. N = 12 N = 60

51 Regular Maps on Non-Orientable Surfaces of Genus-2 and Genus-3 u There aren’t any !! Genus-2: Klein Bottles Genus-3: Dyck’s surface

52 Low-Genus Non-Orientable Regular Maps u From: Marston Conder (2012)

53 A Way to Make Any Surface u A sphere to start with; u A hole-punch to make punctures: Each increases Euler Characteristic by one. u We can fill these holes again with: l Disks: Decreases Euler Characteristic by one. {useless!} l Cross-Caps: Makes surface single-sided. l Boy-caps: Makes surface single-sided. l Handles (btw. 2 holes): Orientability unchanged. l Cross-Handles (btw. 2 holes): Makes surface single-sided. Euler Char. unchanged

54 Constructing a Surface with χ = 2 ‒ h u Punch h holes into a sphere and close them up with: handles or cross-handles cross-caps or Boy caps or Closing two holes at the same time:

55 Topological Diagrams for N4.1d u Diagrams from: N.S. Weed (2009, 2010); (This saves tedious work that I normally perform on the Poincaré disk.) u Other options: 4 cross-caps on a sphere... n.o.-genus = 4; Euler characteristic = ‒ 2 N4.1d: 4 hexagons, 6 val-4 vertices, 12 edges, Petrie-length=6,

56 Concept of a Genus-4 Surface 4 Boy caps grafted onto a sphere with tetrahedral symmetry.

57 Regular Maps with Tetrahedral Symmetry N4.2: 6 quads, 4 val-6 vertices. N4.2d: 4 hexagons, 6 val-4 vertices. For both: 12 edges, Petrie-length=3.

58 Genus-4 Surface Using 4 Boy-Caps Start with a polyhedral representation and smooth it with subdivision:

59 Genus-4 Surface Using 4 Boy-Caps (60°rotation between neighbors) Employ tetrahedral symmetry! ( 0°rotation between neighbors) (one more level of subdivision)

60 N4.1 Revisited N4.1: 6 quads, 4 val-6 vertices, 12 edges, Petrie-length=6. N4.1d: 4 hexagons, 6 val-4 vertices, 12 edges, Petrie-length=6. A cross-handle (schematic)

61 Regular Maps N5.1 and N5.1d N5.1: 15 quads, 12 val-5 vertices, 30 edges, Petrie-length=6. N5.1d: 12 pentagons, 15 val-4 vertices 30 edges, Petrie-length=6. Make a genus-5 surface with (oriented) tetrahedral symmetry by grafting 4 Boy caps onto the bulges of a Steiner surface.

62 Regular Map N5.3 (self-dual) N5.3: 6 pentagons, 6 val-5 vertices, 15 edges, Petrie-length=3. Unfolded Steiner net; a folded-up paper model; virtual Bézier model. Use again Steiner surface with 4 Boy caps added.

63 The Convoluted Map N5.4 (self-dual) N5.4: 3 hexagons, 3 val-6 vertices, 9 edges, mF=mV=3, Petrie-length=3. It has vertex and face multiplicities of 3! Use torus with 3 Boy caps (two views) or with 3 cross-caps.

64 Regular Map N6.2d u Make use of 3 cross-handle tunnels in a cube N6.2d: 6 decagons, 20 val-3 vertices, 30 edges, mF=2, Petrie-length=5. Virtual model unfolded net complete paper model

65 Regular Map N7.1 Match creases! N7.1: 15 quads, 10 val-6 vertices, 30 edges, Petrie-length=5. N7.1d: 10 hexagons, 15 val-4 vertices 30 edges, Petrie-length=5. A genus-7 surface. Movie !

66 Construction a Genus-8 Surface Concept: 8 Boy caps grafted onto sphere in octahedral positions. N8.1: 84 triangles, 36 val-6 vertices, 126 edges, Petrie-length=9.

67 Octa-Boy Sculpture Two half-shells made on an RP machine

68 Octa-Boy Sculpture The two half-shells combined

69 Octa-Boy Sculpture Seen from a different angle

70 Conclusions u Many more maps remain to be modeled. u Several puzzles among maps of genus ≤ 8. u Can this task be automated / programmed ? u Turn some interesting maps into art...

71 Light Cast by Genus-3 “Tiffany Lamp” Rendered with “Radiance” Ray-Tracer (12 hours)

72 Orientable Regular Map of Genus-6

73 Light Field of Genus-6 Tiffany Lamp

74 Epilog u “Doing math” is not just writing formulas! u It may involve paper, wires, styrofoam, glue… u Sometimes, tangible beauty may result !

75 Questions ?

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