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S OCIAL A NXIETY IN S CHOOLS By: Emily Garvey. P RESENTATION O VERVIEW What is social anxiety? What are symptoms and risk factors associated with social.

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Presentation on theme: "S OCIAL A NXIETY IN S CHOOLS By: Emily Garvey. P RESENTATION O VERVIEW What is social anxiety? What are symptoms and risk factors associated with social."— Presentation transcript:


2 P RESENTATION O VERVIEW What is social anxiety? What are symptoms and risk factors associated with social anxiety? How are students effected by social anxiety? What role does social anxiety play in school and learning? What interventions or strategies can be implemented to help students with social anxiety?

3 S OCIAL A NXIETY D EFINED Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is marked by a constant anxiety of facing social or performance situations, in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others (Shachar, 2013). Video: u_Wx2g u_Wx2g

4 S YMPTOMS AND R ISK F ACTORS Genetics Environment SES Exposure to violence Degree to which they can cope with anxiety Parenting styles Physical symptoms (Warner, 2007)

5 E FFECTS OF S OCIAL A NXIETY Academic Social Vocational (Warner, 2007)

6 S OCIAL A NXIETY IN S CHOOLS Undiagnosed social anxiety can often times be mistaken for learning issues. Speaking in public Trouble with group work Asking questions

7 I NTERVENTIONS AND S TRATEGIES FRIENDS PROGRAM Individual counseling Computerized cognitive behavioral interventions Counseling Groups Establishing Positive Relationships School Wide Interventions Resiliency techniques (Thompson)

8 C ONCLUSION Early Interventions Many risk factors and symptoms Improvements in Academic, Social and career areas

9 R EFERENCE P AGE Shachar I., Aderka I.M., Gilboa-Schechtman E. (2014). The factor structure of the liebowitz social anxiety scale for children and adolescents: Development of a brief version. Child Psychiatry Human Development, 45, 285-293. Thompson E. H., Robertson P., Curtis R., Frick M. H. Students with anxiety: Implications for professional school counselors. ASCA Professional School Counseling, 16, 4. 222-232. Warner C. M., Fisher P. H., Shrout P. E., Rathor S., Klein R. G. (2007) Treating adolescents with social anxiety in school: an attention control trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48:7, 676-686

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