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Robotics with Parallax Tommy Gober, MS DIY. Who I am…  Tommy Gober MS Instructional Technology  Instructional Designer and School of Education instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotics with Parallax Tommy Gober, MS DIY. Who I am…  Tommy Gober MS Instructional Technology  Instructional Designer and School of Education instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotics with Parallax Tommy Gober, MS DIY

2 Who I am…  Tommy Gober MS Instructional Technology  Instructional Designer and School of Education instructor at LeTourneau University  Former Technology/CTE Teacher at Pine Tree High School  On Twitter: @MrGoberTX  Fervent Constructivist (Dewey/Piaget/Papert)  Amateur radio operator

3  Headquartered in Rocklin, California, USA  Founded in 1987  Sold at Radio Shack, Frys  Here! Booth 508

4 Teachers Institute  Free, week-long professional development experience for teachers  Topics: Wireless Technology, Electronics, Radio, Satellites, Robotics  Arm-load of resources for your classroom No strings attached!

5 A Continuum…

6 Outline  Basic “raw”, off-the-shelf electronic parts  What is a Microcontroller?  Simple “Whiskers” (bump sensors)  Newest Propeller robotic platform  Tie in with Computer Programming / Remote Sensing / CTE funding

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