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SOL 3.9 Tina Owen. What is the water cycle? The water cycle is the movement of water from the ground to the air and back to the ground by evaporation,

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Presentation on theme: "SOL 3.9 Tina Owen. What is the water cycle? The water cycle is the movement of water from the ground to the air and back to the ground by evaporation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SOL 3.9 Tina Owen

2 What is the water cycle? The water cycle is the movement of water from the ground to the air and back to the ground by evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Watch the water cycle!water cycle

3 The Sun The energy that drives the water cycle comes from the sun.

4 Water Cycle Processes 1. Evaporation – liquid water is heated by the sun and changed into a gas called water vapor that rises from the surface of the Earth into the atmosphere 2. Condensation – gas called water vapor is cooled and changed back into a liquid causing tiny drops of water to form clouds 3. Precipitation – water as a liquid or a solid falls back to the ground (rain, snow, sleet, hail, or ice)

5 The Water Cycle Song Listen and learn! Listen

6 Water Supply The amount of water on the Earth has been constant for millions of years; however, the water is cycled, cleaned, and made fresh for future use. At the same time, our water supply is limited due to pollution. We should conserve water carefully! Turn off faucets when brushing teeth Take shorter showers Collect rainwater for watering house plants

7 More Water Cycle Water Cycle Demonstration Water Cycle Video

8 Works Cited zX6b4b417903567172644259&t=Water-Cycle games/science-games/the-water-cycle.html www.kimballmedia.drippy https://encrypted- LSIqLRxb0tzZclA2TaLNz41c0MefgdBihYtSjL X9FE8UeCgsxA https://encrypted- ayFWEzHCm9OhUN67dgpS5LnTpW9Vhz9 Ysw7sfRWJeevae2T

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