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Le Français III / IV - Lesson Plan: Leçon 1 ACTFL Standards: CONNECTIONS - Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Le Français III / IV - Lesson Plan: Leçon 1 ACTFL Standards: CONNECTIONS - Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Le Français III / IV - Lesson Plan: Leçon 1 ACTFL Standards: CONNECTIONS - Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language COMPARISONS - Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Objective: Student will use the appropriate definite article with specific nouns in the target language Assessment Informal. Observation of student utilization of appropriate definite articles Formal: Students will construct contextualized communication pieces Prerequisite Knowledge: Knowledge of nouns and definite article in English and/or their heritage language New Knowledge/ Academic Language: Student will utilize definite articles with various nouns in French Class Time: 50 minutes Materials from teacher: Smart Board with related tech items, and PowerPoint presentation Materials from student: Student French notebook and writing utensils as described in COURSE EXPECTATIONS Connection: Texas Language Arts Differentiation: As per Individualized Education Program Teacher’s Reflection: Student’s Reflection:

2 les Pronoms Sujets Subject Pronouns Singulier 1 personne je /j(ә)/ I tu /ty/ you “informal” il /il/ he elle /El/ she Pluriel > 1 personne nous /nu/ we vous /vu/ you “formal” or “you all” ils /il/ they “male or male+female” elles /El/ they “female”

3 Le Pronoms Sujets + Le verbe être Subject Pronouns + The verb “to be” Singulier 1 personne je suis I am tu es you “informal” are il est he is elle est she is Pluriel > 1 personne nous sommes we are vous êtes you “formal” or “you all” are ils sont they “male or male+female” are elles sont they “female” are

4 Une révision: Un dialogue-Les nationalités Je suis brésilienne. I am Brazilian. (female) Tu es américain? You(informal) is an American. (male) Vous êtes français? You(formal) is French. (male or female) Quelques nationalités: allemand(e) australien(ne) russe anglais(e) japonais(e) italien(ne) marocain(e) chinois(e) suédois(e) mexicain(e) espagnol(e) africain(e)

5 Le Pronoms Sujets + Le verbe être + Les n ationalités Subject Pronouns + Verb “to be” + Nationalities Écrivez – Dessinez – Parlez – Écoutez / Write – Draw – Speak - Listen Mon nom: _____________ Mon dessin (drawing) Quelque chose d’un pays (country) Écris ta nationalité Je suis ______________. Son nom: _____________ Son dessin (drawing) Quelque chose d’un pays (country) Écris sa nationalité Il/elle est ______________.

6 La Marseillaise French National Anthem Allons enfants de la Patrie, Let's go children of the fatherland, Le jour de gloire est arrivé The day of glory has arrived! !Contre nous de la tyrannie, Against us tyranny's L’étendard sanglant est levé ! Bloody flag is raised! L’étendard sanglant est levé ! Bloody flag is raised! Entendez-vous dans les Campagnes In the countryside, do you hear Mugir ces féroces soldats ? The roaring of these fierce soldiers? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras They come right to our arms Egorger nos fils et nos To slit the throats of our sons, our compagnes! friends!

7 La Marseillaise French National Anthem Refrain Aux armes, citoyens ! To arms, citizens! Formez vos bataillons ! Form in battalions! Marchons ! March ! Qu’un sang impur Let impure blood Abreuve nos sillons ! Water our furrows!

8 Je suis à - Je suis en - Je suis de - Je suis chez Je suis à San Antonio (ville). I am in San Antonio (town) at the moment. Je suis en France (pays). I am in France (country) at the moment.. Je suis de Austin. I am from Austin. Je suis Chez moi. I am at my place. Je suis Chez mes amis. I am at my friends’ place. Où es tu alors? Where are you now? _____________________________________ D’où es tu? Where are you from (origin)? _____________________________________ Avec qui es tu ? At whose house are you? _____________________________________

9 Les articles definis: le - la - les - l’ precedes nouns of unique (specific) person or thing Nous sommes le 25 août. Today’s date is August 25. specific date Foz do Iguaçu est la plus grande chute d‘eau au Brésil. Foz do Iguaçu is the largest waterfall in Brazil. Les Américains sont gentils. Americans are friendly. L’écologie est très importante. The ecology is very important. ____ Marocain qui... ____ argent que... ____ amis de mon frère... J’aime ____ fromage.

10 Lesson Plan: Leçon 1 Student’s Reflection: Write down in your notebook at the end of this lesson: 1)Through this lesson I have learned... 2)This means...

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