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Multiculturalism and Monoculturalism Adapted by Janice de Haaff 1.

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1 Multiculturalism and Monoculturalism Adapted by Janice de Haaff 1

2 Multicultural Overview of England and France From International Ideas to Domestic Policies: Educational Multiculturalism in England and France Author(s): Erik Bleich. Similar: multicultural education policy in England and France. Both experienced relatively large-scale ethnic minority immigration in the decades following the end of WWII interaction between two variables: the different governing structures of controlling the policy process and the different diversity Multiculturalism first appeared on the education policy agenda for both in the 1960s Policy in France was centralised meaning governments made all decisions about education Maggie Thatcher decentralised education policy making local governments responsible for strategy. publication of the Swann Report, Education for All, in 1985 2

3 Diversity Policies Lines of Intent Multicultural Monocultural Active Multicultural Passive Multicultural Preparationist Assimiilationist Diversity policies are any policies which take ethnic, racial, or cultural diversity into account in their formula-tion or implementation

4 Assimilationist policies, are aimed at minorities with the goal of erasing cultural differences and promoting cultural homogeneity. Preparationist policies foster cultural differences with the intent of preparing for the expulsion or departure of cultural minorities. multicultural diversity policies accept other cultures as fully legitimate within the nation Passive multiculturalism is an attempt to allow for a measure of cultural diversity by making certain exceptions for minorities while limiting the effect of changes on the majority. Active multiculturalist policies go further by attempting to create a new national culture which encompasses minority as well as majority cultures and perspectives

5 Active Multicultural Swan Report (1985) education for all Margaret Thatcher –Conservative party Salisbury group which played up prominent cases of parent or teacher discontent with multiculturalism Decentralised authorities had multicultural, antiracist, or equal opportunity policies in existence, under review, or in preparation, up from 80 percent in 1989

6 English students-at least a significant portion of them-continue to learn about England as a multiethnic society through a combination of passive and active multicultural systems England Today Passive and Active

7 Current government and Multiculturalism The decision follows a watershed series of inspectorate reports into 21 Birmingham secular schools, which uncovered a limited, Islam-based ideology; rigged staff appointments; inappropriate use of school funds; and a "culture of fear and intimidation". All schools must promote 'British values', says Michael Gove.

8 Czech Education in terms of Multiculturalism How would you describe your educational system? President Vaclav Klaus caused controversy by suggesting there was a link between the terrorist attacks in London and multiculturalism. Describing multiculturalism as a "tragic mistake", President Zeman’s statements are nothing more than misinformed stereotyping and Islamophopic, the Secretary General added. Madani stressed that such statements, issued even before the identification of culprits and motives, are not only irresponsible but also feed the existing stereotyping, incitement to hatred, discrimination and violence against Muslims based on their religion. It also runs contrary to the ongoing global efforts to strengthen dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions to promote multiculturalism, understanding, acceptance and peace.

9 From International Ideas to Domestic Policies: Educational Multiculturalism in England and France Author(s): Erik Bleich Source: Comparative Politics, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Oct., 1998), pp. 81- 100 Published by: Ph.D. Program in Political Science of the City University of New York Stable URL: Accessed: 05/02/2010 13:38 Reference


11 Thank you for your attention Name: Janice de Haaff EAP Lecturer and Teacher-Trainer Language Center Masaryk University Komenského nám. 2, 601 77 Brno phone: +420 549 496 447 e-mail: web:

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