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North Carolina’s Natural Resources. Activator  Which of these following animals is still in North Carolina today?????  How many have you actually seen.

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Presentation on theme: "North Carolina’s Natural Resources. Activator  Which of these following animals is still in North Carolina today?????  How many have you actually seen."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Carolina’s Natural Resources

2 Activator  Which of these following animals is still in North Carolina today?????  How many have you actually seen in the wild?


4 Loam, Loam, Loam, Loam LOAM!!!!  Mixture of clay sand and decaying plants up to 36 inches deep.  Easy to plow and grow crops!


6 Rocks and Minerals LocationCoastal PlainPiedmontMountains Name of MineralPeat, phosphate, lime Slate, granite, good clay, bricks, quartz Marble, limestone, talc, rubies, sapphires, diamonds UsesProtect plants and fertilizer Building materials bricks

7 Wooded Paradise?? MMany Europeans enjoyed the warm climate and variety of species FForests cover 60% of land in NC. The variety of trees make NC the leading producer of furniture in the world

8  ource=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=nlO- mktaZWwP_M&tbnid=PQkNrYIx6Y5aGM:&ved=0C AUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.worthingcourtbl invitation.html&ei=- 9YlUuvjJ4SK9ATd5YGACA&bvm=bv.51495398,d.cW c&psig=AFQjCNHQBwrxZq- NIul9Gjc8wmIoWUB0gQ&ust=1378297970453424

9 Fishing  Off the coast fisherman can catch channel bass, sea mullet, tuna

10 Rivers and Water table  NC has a very high water table meaning it is easy to drill fresh water wells  NC has many rivers that provide transportation


12 Think like a historian…  A secondary source is written information about an event that has taken place in the past.  You are going to write a secondary account of Dr. Brickell’s picture on how North Carolina was in early 1700’s


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