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1 The m-Powering & Smart Sustainable Development Model Initiatives Onder Cetinkaya ITU - BDT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The m-Powering & Smart Sustainable Development Model Initiatives Onder Cetinkaya ITU - BDT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The m-Powering & Smart Sustainable Development Model Initiatives Onder Cetinkaya ITU - BDT

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3 3 m-Powering Development ‣ Today ’ s societies need hyperconnectivity. Everyone. Everywhere. Anytime. ‣ Mobile and wireless technologies fueling economic growth and social integration. ‣ Networks are basic infrastructure in all ITU Member States because of their growing impact on the economy, jobs, health, education, banking and other public and private services. Leveraging Wireless Technologies for Knowledge Societies

4 4 The Mobile Landscape m-Powering the world Now more than 6 billion mobile subscribers More than 2 billion mobile broadband subscribers by end of 2013 The volume of mobile broadband traffic has been doubling each year, reaching 1,577 Petabytes per month in 2013

5 5 7 Steps to m-Powerment Optimum telecom scare resources such as spectrum and satellite capacity Generate incentives to reduce prices of mobile services Increase the use of mobile services and applications in our daily lives, in order to improve economic activity, particularly in rural areas Harness mobile networks in health, education, agriculture, banking, commerce and other fields that foster development Promote public-private partnerships for sharing and reducing costs of deploying mobile networks Build up information highways, where different programs and initiatives can be implemented Foster mobile services in areas that may not be economically profitable for operators today, but socially beneficial

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7 7 The Disaster Landscape The importance of emergency telecoms Natural disasters have a massive impact upon economies and loss of life Meaningful development must take into account disaster risk reduction and management During disasters, ICTs assist in rapid response and provide important access to relevant best practices

8 8 5 Steps to Smart Sustainable Development Model (SSDM) Link rural telecommunications / ICT development to disaster risk reduction and management initiatives Ensure deployment of robust communication networks that function in an emergency Make optimal use of scare and high cost resources, taking advantage of unused capacity already in place Avoid duplication in efforts and reduce costs of infrastructure investments for ICT ’ s in rural communities Create ecosystems where investments made for deploying telecom infrastructures for emergency services have other economical returns

9 9 Common Goals of the m-Powering and SSDM Initiatives ‣ Calls upon like-minded organizations to create partnerships for faster socio-economic development, improvement of health, education, agriculture, commerce, banking and emergency communications ‣ Means to achieve targets of the Broadband Commission ‣ Complements initiatives of ITU and other organizations ‣ Fosters mobile growth for both business and development needs M-Powering SSDM

10 10 Next Steps: Turning Vision into Reality Implement Constitute Advisory Boards Funding & Resources Identify Targets Refine Strategy Consult & Set Timelines Constitute both Advisory Boards Refine the strategies of both initiatives Propose target populations and pilot projects in different stages of each initiative Consult with Advisory Boards actions to be undertaken to meet objectives and timelines Raise funds, resources and commitments Implement activities and review

11 11 Why Join? ‣ Address solutions to common problems through crowdsourcing and partnerships ‣ Leverage your ideas by making use of expertise of ITU and others ‣ Get your voice heard to shape the future by collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders ‣ Be Part of solutions

12 12 Who will be there? M-Powering Development

13 13 Who will be there? Smart Sustainable Development Model

14 14 Thank You

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