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An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Part 3: Example Applications Georgia Tech Engineering Information Systems Lab Contact:

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1 An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Part 3: Example Applications Georgia Tech Engineering Information Systems Lab Contact: Russell S. Peak Revision: March 15, 2001 Copyright © 1993-2001 by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 USA. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Permission to use for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted provided this notice is included.

2 2 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Short Course Outline Part 1: Constrained Objects (COBs) Primer –Nomenclature Part 2: Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) Primer –Analysis Integration Challenges –Overview of COB-based XAI Part 3: Example Applications »Airframe Structural Analysis (Boeing) »Circuit Board Thermomechanical Analysis (DoD: ProAM; JPL/NASA) »Chip Package Thermal Analysis (Shinko) –Summary Part 4: Advanced Topics & Current Research

3 3 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Airframe Structural Analysis GIT Work in Boeing PSI Project Current Situation: Limited Analysis Integration Manually-Maintained Associativity Error-Prone, Labor-Intensive, Little Knowledge Capture flap support assembly inboard beam (a.k.a. “bike frame”) bulkhead assembly attach point diagonal brace attach point Analysis Documentation Design Objects

4 4 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Airframe Structural Analysis Target Situation: Enhanced Analysis Interoperability Analysis Objects Modular, Integrated, Active, Multidirectional, Reusable, User-Definable flap support assembly inboard beam (a.k.a. “bike frame”) bulkhead assembly attach point diagonal brace attach point Pullable Views lug analysis fitting analysis Design Objects

5 5 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Analysis Tools Flexible High Diversity Design-Analysis Integration Phase 1 Airframe Examples: “Bike Frame” / Flap Support Inboard Beam Analysis Modules (CBAMs) of Diverse Feature:Mode, & Fidelity Design Tools Materials DB FEA Elfini* MATDB-like Analyzable Product Model XaiTools Fitting: Bending/Shear 3D 1.5D Modular, Reusable Template Libraries MCAD Tools CATIA Lug: Axial/Oblique; Ultimate/Shear 1.5D Assembly: Ultimate/ FailSafe/Fatigue* * = Item not yet available in toolkit (all others have working examples) Fasteners DB FASTDB-like General Math Mathematica In-House Codes Image API (CATGEO)

6 6 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Today’s Fitting Catalog Documentation from DM 6-81766 Design Manual Channel Fitting End Pad Bending Analysis Angle Fitting Bathtub Fitting Channel Fitting Categories of Idealized FittingsCalculation Steps

7 7 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Object-Oriented Hierarchy of Fitting ABBs Fitting Casing Body Channel Fitting Casing Body* Bathtub Fitting Casing Body Angle Fitting Casing Body Fitting System ABB Fitting Wall ABB Fitting End Pad ABB Fitting Bolt Body* Open Wall Fitting Casing Body Fitting End Pad Bending ABB Fitting End Pad Shear ABB* Open Wall Fitting End Pad Bending ABB Channel Fitting End Pad Bending ABB* e se tr P f 0 2   3 )2( b 1 teKC  2 1 e be ht P Cf  21 1 KKC  ),,,( 011 erRrfK  ),( 2we ttfK  ),,( 13 hbrfK   ba R   2 df Re   ),min( wbwaw ttt  bolt load Fitting Washer Body Specialized Analysis Body P ABB Specialized Analysis System washer casing * = Working Examples

8 8 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Channel Fitting System ABBs End Pad Bending Analysis End Pad Shear Analysis

9 9 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Implementation of Channel Fitting Factor, K3 as a Reusable Relation in an External Tool DM 6-81766 Graph (Figure 3.3) Mathematica Implementation Design Manual Curves

10 10 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Reusable Channel Fitting Analysis Module (CBAM)

11 11 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Diagonal Brace LugBulkhead Fitting Casing Application to an Airframe Part APM Associativity with Tagged CATIA Model Bike Frame CATIA CAD Model rib8.thickness cavity3.inner_width

12 12 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC APM Interface with Tagged CAD Models APM COB Tool 7) Solve idealizations 8) Use in analysis part_number : “9162”; hole1.radius : ?; hole2.radius : ?; length1 : ?; tk/tcl CATGEO wrapper CATIA (CAD tool) part_number : “9162”; hole1.radius : 2.5; hole2.radius : 4.0; length1 : 20.0; 1) 2) request 4) 5) 6) response GIT Interface program 0) Designer - Creates design geometry - Defines APM-compatible parameters/tags 3) 3 and 4 similar to other CAD APIs COB instance format

13 13 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Bike Frame APM Constraint Schematic Bulkhead Fitting Portion (partial) bulkhead assy attach, point fitting cavity 3 rib 8 bike_frame rib 9 end_pad base wall width, b base inner_width min_thickness thickness, t 8 thickness, t 9... hole thickness, t e 22 11 Idealization Relations - Reuse from standard APM fitting template or adapt for part feature-specific cases (as here) Idealized features (std. APM template) Detailed design features

14 14 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Explicit Capture of Idealizations (part-specific template adaptation in bike frame case) Features/Parameters Tagged in CAD Model (CATIA) zfzf xfxf cavity3.base.minimum_thickness yfyf xfxf rib8 cavity 3 rib9 = t 8,t 9 rib8.thickness rib9.thickness cavity3.width, w 3 zfzf yfyf xfxf zfzf xfxf yfyf  i - Relations between CAD parameters and idealized parameters  1 : b = cavity3.inner_width + rib8.thickness/2 + rib9.thickness/2  2 : t e = cavity3.base.minimum_thickness Idealized Features Tension Fitting Analysis yfyf Missing in Today’s Process 22 11

15 15 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Typical Analysis Results Documentation Missing Explicit Design-Analysis Associativity CAD Model bulkhead assembly attach point CAE Model channel fitting analysis material properties idealized analysis geometry analysis results detailed design geometry No explicit fine-grained CAD-CAE associativity inconsistency little automation little knowledge capture

16 16 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Bike Frame Bulkhead Fitting Analysis COB-based Analysis Template (CBAM) - Constraint Schematic

17 17 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Bike Frame Bulkhead Fitting Analysis COB-based Analysis Template (CBAM) - in XaiTools Detailed CAD data from CATIA Idealized analysis features in APM Explicit multi-directional associativity between detailed CAD data & idealized analysis features Modular generic analysis templates (ABBs) Library data for materials & fasteners Focus Point of CAD-CAE Integration

18 18 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Bike Frame Diagonal Brace Lug Joint Analysis Typical Current Approach

19 19 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Lug Template Applied to Bike Frame APMABB CBAM SMM *WIP items Solution Tool Interaction Boundary Condition Objects (links to other analyses)* CAD-CAE Associativity (idealization usage) Material Models Pullable Views* Geometry Focus Point of CAD-CAE Integration

20 20 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Accomplishments - Phase 1 u Developed analysis template language & techniques: –Facilitates template generation & usage –Captures associativity with design information & other analyses –Aids integration of existing CAD & CAE capabilities »Demonstrates concepts to include in current tools »Wraps and reuses current tools in next generation tools u Implemented representative examples: –Associativity with CATIA CAD models and libraries (materials, fasteners) –Use of existing solvers as black boxes (e.g., FEA, math, in-house tools) –Creation of modular, reusable template catalogs: lugs & fittings –Usage in “bike frame”: » Bulkhead & rear spar channel fittings (part-specific adaptation) » Diagonal brace lug joint

21 21 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Anticipated Benefits - Current Phases u Provide methodology for bridging associativity gap –Focus: Cases with different design vs. analysis geometries Ex. Multi-part built-up structure –Reduce costs, decrease time, increase quality: »Improve engineering productivity »Reduce information inconsistencies »Increase analysis intensity & effectiveness »Capture engineering knowledge in a reusable form u Progress along production solution path for next.-generation structures environment –Clarify and evaluate recommended approaches –Build consensus with users and developers (in incrementally larger groups) See Advanced Topics re: Current Work

22 22 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Short Course Outline Part 1: Constrained Objects (COBs) Primer –Nomenclature Part 2: Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) Primer –Analysis Integration Challenges –Overview of COB-based XAI Part 3: Example Applications »Airframe Structural Analysis (Boeing) »Circuit Board Thermomechanical Analysis (DoD: ProAM; JPL/NASA) »Chip Package Thermal Analysis (Shinko) –Summary Part 4: Advanced Topics & Current Research

23 23 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ProAM Project Highlights Title: Product Data-Driven Analysis in a Missile Supply Chain (ProAM) Sponsor: National ECRC Program From DoD DLA/DISA Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office (JECPO), via subcontract under Concurrent Technologies Corp. (CTC) Technical Team: AMCOM - Stakeholder, Atlanta ECRC/Georgia Tech (lead) SMEs: Circuit Express (Tempe), S3 (Huntsville) Duration: 8/97-6/99 Focus: - X-Analysis Integration (XAI) techniques - Engineering Service Bureau (ESB) paradigm for SMEs - Electronics domain (PWA/Bs) - STEP AP210, etc. Extensions:- Transform demo ESB into SME commercial pilot - Release next-generation XAI toolkit SME = small-medium enterprise

24 24 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC STEP AP 210 PWA/B Design Information Technology Physical Geometry Component Placement Bare Board Geometry Layout items Layers non-planar, conductive & non-conductive Material product Geometrically Bounded 2-D Shape Wireframe with Topology Advanced BREP Solids Constructive Solid Geometry Part Functionality Termination Shape 2D, 3D Single Level Decomposition Material Product Characteristics Configuration Mgmt Identification Authority Effectivity Control Requirement Traceability Analytical Model Document References Product Structure/ Connectivity Functional Packaged Fabrication Design Rules Product Design Rules Requirements Design Allocation Constraints Interface

25 25 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ProAM Technical Team Circuit Express Atlanta ECRC Georgia Tech AMCOM S3 Missile supply chain SME PWB fabrication expertise Tool usage & feedback Electronic commerce resource center Mgt., ESB, computing support Research & development lab Program management Technical concepts Tool implementation Missile supply chain SME PWB design & fabrication expertise Tool usage & feedback Missile system end-users Supply chain context Technical oversight

26 26 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ProAM Focus Highly Automated Internet-based Analysis Modules World Wide End User AMCOM Feedback, Products Atlanta Physical Simulation Internet-based Engineering Service Bureau Self-Serve Results Response to RFP, Technical Feedback, Products Missile Mfg. Prime 1 Tempe PWB Fabricator Life Cycle Needs Friona PWB Fabricator SME 2 Rockhill PWB Fabricator SME 1SME n … Idealized Product Data ProAM Focus RFP with Product Data (STEP, IPC, …)

27 27 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Why Do SME Manufacturers Need Analysis? u Typically niche-experts –Precise mfg. process knowledge –Specialized product design knowledge (ex. PWB laminates) u SME analysis needs –Product improvements (DFM) –Mfg. process troubleshooting –Mfg. process optimization u More accurate data  Better analysis u Bottom line drivers: Higher Yields, Lower Cost, Better Quality, Fewer Delays

28 28 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Barriers to Ubiquitous Analysis u Lack of awareness u High costs of traditional analysis capability –Secondary: Specialized Software, Training, Hardware –Primary: Model Access/Development, Validation, Usage u Lack of domain-specific integrated tools Skilled PersonnelProduct ModelAnalysis Model

29 29 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Self-Serve Engineering Service Bureau Lower cost, better quality, fewer delays in supply chain Analysis DocumentationReady-to-Use Analysis Modules

30 30 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ESB Analysis Module Catalogs & Documentation

31 31 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Analysis Modules Attributes

32 32 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Paper-based IPC-D-279 Plated Through Hole Fatigue Analysis PTH/PTV Fatigue Life Estimation Tedious to Use

33 33 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Web-based IPC-D-279 PTH Analysis Module Easy to Use

34 34 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Product Data-Driven IPC-D-279 PTH Analysis Module u Data Driven aspect: Web Browser Processes Neutral File +Local Browser Computation +Less Errors than manual idealization & re-entry +Exhaustive search +Data Compression (e.g. 100x) +Security Xparse JavaScript parsing GenCAM/GenX Easier to Use

35 35 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Analysis Data Flow Web-based Approach (c. 1997) ANSYS xxx.mailcommands.tmp rcp nnnn.gif gif xxxx.prep7 ANSYS db.out ANSYS (Analysis Server: Sun) Browser: PTH Input (HTML Form) (Client PC) Perl CGI Script xxxx.prep7 ANSYS Linux rsh rcp (Web Server: Linux PC) nnnn.gif gif User Unix mail Unix rcp Email Tool (1) (3a) (3)(2) (4) (3c2) (3b) (3c1) (5) (6) (n) Data Flow Legend: Possible Newer Methods (c. 2001) Constrained objects, Web application servers, Java-based middleware, XML,...

36 36 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ESB Characteristics u Self-serve analysis –Pre-developed analysis modules presented in product & process contexts –Available via the Internet –Optionally standards-driven (STEP, GenCAM...): »Reduce manual data transformation & re-entry »Highly automated plug-and-play usage –Enabled by X-analysis integration technology u Full-serve analysis as needed u Possible business models: (beyond ProAM scope) –Pay-per-use and/or Pay-per-period –Costs averaged across customer base

37 37 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ProAM Design-Analysis Integration Electronic Packaging Examples: PWA/B Analysis Modules (CBAMs) of Diverse Mode & Fidelity Design Tools Laminates DB FEA Ansys General Math Mathematica Analyzable Product Model XaiTools PWA-B XaiTools PWA-B Solder Joint Deformation* PTH Deformation & Fatigue** 1D, 2D 1D, 2D, 3D Modular, Reusable Template Libraries ECAD Tools Mentor Graphics, Accel* Analysis Tools PWB Warpage 1D, 2D Materials DB PWB Stackup Tool XaiTools PWA-B STEP AP210 ‡ GenCAM**, PDIF* ‡ AP210 DIS WD1.7 * = Item not yet available in toolkit (all others have working examples) ** = Item available via

38 38 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Overview of PWB Stackup Design Fabrication engineer designs PWB stackup details Stackup Specs - PWA/B Designer Layer 1: 1 Oz. Cu Foil Layer 2: 2 Oz. Cu Foil Layer 3: 1 Oz. Cu Foil Layer 6: 1 Oz. Cu Foil Layer 4: 1 Oz. Cu Foil Layer 5: 2 Oz. Cu Foil component plane signal plane solder Epoxy Glass GF/ PGF.065.055 over base material OR 1 Oz. Cu 2 Oz. Cu M150P2P11184 M150P1P21184 3 x 1080 2 x 2116 Design Alternative 1 Stackup Design - PWB Fabricator 3 X 106 M150P1P21184 M150P2P11184 M150P1P11184 1 Oz. Cu 2 Oz. Cu … Design Alternative n 1 Oz. Cu

39 39 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Impact of Stackup Design 3Stackup details impact PWB behavior: warpage, PTH reliability, crosstalk (impedance), etc. 3Fabrication engineer needs tools to evaluate alternatives 3Precise material and manufacturing process expertise of fabrication engineer enables more accurate analysis 1 Oz. Cu 2 Oz. Cu M150P2P111824 Polyclad -Tetra M150P1P211824 Polyclad -Tetra 3 x 1080 2 x 2116 Manufacturing Conditions Detailed Material Characterization Accurate Analysis Results which can be compared to Prime’s Specs

40 40 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Post-Lamination Thickness Calculation Before: Typical Manual Worksheet (as much as 1 hour engr. time) After: Tool-Aided Design (ProAM)

41 41 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Iterative Design & Analysis PWB Stackup Design & Warpage Analysis Analyzable Product Model PWB Stackup Design Tool 1 Oz. Cu 2 Oz. Cu Tetra GF 3 x 1080 2 x 2116 2D Plane Strain ModelDetailed FEA Check 1D Thermal Bending Model Layup Re-design PWB Warpage Modules Quick Formula-based Check (TIGER extensions)

42 42 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC PWB Warpage Modules a.k.a. CBAMs: COB-based analysis templates PWB Thermal Bending Model (1D formula-based) PWB Plane Strain Model (2D formula-based)

43 43 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC u Original design: –Six layer board –Unsymmetrical layup –Severe warpage –Analysis predicted thermal distortion u Alternate design: –Modeled construction variables –Analysis predicted improved distortion u New capability aided design improvement Example SME Usage

44 44 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC ProAM Design-Analysis Integration Electronic Packaging Examples: PWA/B Analysis Modules (CBAMs) of Diverse Mode & Fidelity Design Tools Laminates DB FEA Ansys General Math Mathematica Analyzable Product Model XaiTools PWA-B XaiTools PWA-B Solder Joint Deformation* PTH Deformation & Fatigue** 1D, 2D 1D, 2D, 3D Modular, Reusable Template Libraries ECAD Tools Mentor Graphics, Accel* Analysis Tools PWB Warpage 1D, 2D Materials DB PWB Stackup Tool XaiTools PWA-B STEP AP210 ‡ GenCAM**, PDIF* ‡ AP210 DIS WD1.7 * = Item not yet available in toolkit (all others have working examples) ** = Item available via

45 45 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC PWA/B Analyzable Product Model (partial)

46 46 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Solder Joint Deformation CBAM Informal Associativity Mapping Plane Strain Bodies System PWA Component Occurrence C L 1 material,E( ,) geometry body plane strain body, i = 1...4 PWB Solder Joint Epoxy Component base: Alumina core: FR4 Component Occurrence Plane Strain Model total height, h linear-elastic model  1  2  ABBPM  1 3 APM4 CBAM 2 ABB c 4 body 3 2 1 h o T primary structural material  3 2 i i i

47 47 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Solder Joint Deformation CBAM Constraint Schematic 3 APM2 ABB 2  1 

48 48 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Summary of Accomplishments u General techniques: u Internet-based engineering service bureau (ESB) u X-analysis integration (XAI) u Product data-driven plug-and-play analysis modules u General purpose XAI toolkit u Applications in specific AMCOM context: u pilot commercial ESB with Internet-based PWA/B-specific analysis modules & toolkit u Usage by SMEs in AMCOM supply chain: u Full-serve and self-serve missile examples Mature Prototype State Early Pilot State

49 49 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Summary of Benefits u Internet-based engineering service bureaus (ESBs) Key step towards affordable SME analysis u Product data-driven analysis technology u Analysis integration toolkit u AMCOM missile supply chain application & electronic packaging analysis u Exemplar usage of electronic data files like STEP u Applicability to other product industries  Framework for automated analysis Improved product performance, reliability, and manufacturability

50 50 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Short Course Outline Part 1: Constrained Objects (COBs) Primer –Nomenclature Part 2: Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) Primer –Analysis Integration Challenges –Overview of COB-based XAI Part 3: Example Applications »Airframe Structural Analysis (Boeing) »Circuit Board Thermomechanical Analysis (DoD: ProAM; JPL/NASA) »Chip Package Thermal Analysis (Shinko) –Summary Part 4: Advanced Topics & Current Research

51 51 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC

52 52 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Outline AP210-based Environment - JPL/NASA Phase 1 –Ancillary Information Problem –Phase 1 Scope (work-in-progress) »Background: ProAM/TIGER Projects, XAI »Phase 1 Architectures –Collaboration –Expected Benefits

53 53 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Design Hub u Central group for CAx tools & processes u Supports NASA space system design activities at JPL u Management has diverse background: –Mechanical systems, electronics, systems engineering “The Design Hub provides computerized tools for JPL engineers so they may design electrical and mechanical devices and software programs for spacecraft.”

54 54 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Ancillary Information Needed Tools Tool B 1 Tool C 1... Tool B n Typical end-user tools (for novices  experts) Instance population tools (for experts) Problem: Insufficient Information Capture Existing Tools Tool A 1 Tool A n Product Model (e.g., AP210 + AP2xx +...)... “dumb” information capture (only human-sensible, I.e., not computer-sensible) Legend

55 55 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Example PWA Ancillary Information Component Assembly Instructions Maximum Height Restrictions Stackup Notes Conformal Coating Restrictions PWA = printed wiring assembly PWB = printed wiring board

56 56 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Example PWB Ancillary Information Outline Detail Stackup Specs Stackup Notes

57 57 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Current Situation (typical) u CAx tools of diverse disciplines u Each focuses on information subset (some overlap) u Much ancillary information –Some captured as “dumb” notes & sketches in CAD »Human-oriented, not computer-sensible –Much not captured at all –Lack of fine-grain explicit associativity u Problems –Manually intensive transformations –Error-prone transcription / re-creation downstream –Little knowledge capture

58 58 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Target Situation (longer term) Collaborative Engineering Environment with Advanced Interoperability Domain Specific Analysis Cross Domain Analysis CAx Applications and PDMs PDM Schema Analysis Schema (AP209) Repository Schema Generator Requirements Design & Analysis Data Viewer System Engineering Schema Catalog & View Schemas Application Access/Translation Layer Electrical Schema (AP210) Mechanical Schema (AP203) Documentation Facility (UML) Mfg. Capabilities (AP220) (Text, XML, SGML, etc.) (STEP) (STEP, XML) (STEP) Model Development and Interactive Environment Request Broker Or Remote Access Mech. Objects Entities, Relations & Attributes Object Oriented or Object Relational DBMS Data Views and PDM Analysis Agents Negotiation/ Communications Agents Data Dictionary Facility (Express) Potential Standards-based Architecture (after G. Smith, Boeing)

59 59 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Outline AP210-based Environment - JPL/NASA Phase 1 –Ancillary Information Problem –Phase 1 Scope (work-in-progress) »Background: ProAM/TIGER Projects, XAI »Phase 1 Architectures –Collaboration –Expected Benefits

60 60 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Phase 1 Scope Work-in-Progress u Initial step towards vision u Capture of representative ancillary information –Focus: PWB stackup information –Extend Georgia Tech stackup tool (from ProAM) –STEP AP210 as information container structure –Develop & demonstrate method u Initial steps (Phase 1): file-oriented –Use Metaphase as PDM capability –Manage files: ECAD file, MCAD file, Gerber file, stackup tool file (AP210 subset),... u Next steps (Phase 1+, 2): Fine-grained interactive sharing (Accelis-type tools) See ProAM slides for stackup overview

61 61 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC LKSoft Collaborative Engineering Environment Initial Steps - Phase 1 Design Tools Laminates Library Product Knowledge Management System Metaphase ECAD Tools Mentor Graphics, Cadence Materials Library PWB Stackup Tool XaiTools PWA-B Native files AP210 file CC24 LKSoft STEP s/w JSDAI LKSoft,... Instance Browser/Editor STEP-Book AP210, SDAI-Edit, STI AP210 Viewer,... Work-In-Progress AP210 file CCx1-xn

62 62 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Collaborative Engineering Environment Next Steps - Phase 1+,2 Metaphase Accelis Standards-Based Coarse/Fine-Grained Interoperability Notes: Accelis & Metaphase are SDRC products. Product Knowledge Management System Engineering Middleware LKSoft Design Tools Laminates Library ECAD Tools Mentor Graphics, Cadence Materials Library PWB Stackup Tool XaiTools PWA-B LKSoft STEP s/w JSDAI LKSoft,... Instance Browser/Editor STEP-Book AP210, SDAI-Edit, STI AP210 Viewer,... J2EE-compliant Web Application Server Other Tools AP210 content

63 63 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Mentor Graphics LKSoft, … Ancillary Information Added Tools XaiTools PWA-B LKSoft, … Typical end-user tools (for novices  experts) Instance population tools (for experts) Phase 1 View Existing Tools Mentor Graphics Product Model (AP210) “dumb” information capture (only human-sensible, I.e., not computer-sensible) Legend AP210 Viewer, STEP-Book AP210, SDAI-Edit,... Instance Browser/Editor PWB Stackup Tool ECAD Tools

64 64 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Collaboration u JPL/NASA –Primary stakeholder, end users, tool experts u Georgia Tech –Architecture/method, PWB stackup tool, XAI methods u AP210 Implementers Forum –Common interests & techniques –Cooperative exchanges u JPL/NASA suppliers –Software vendors

65 65 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Expected Benefits: Phase 1 u STEP AP 210-based method »Depth, extendibility u Capture of ancillary information –Representative tool: PWB stackup design »Graphics, automation »Tangible end user benefits »Technique illustration –“Better, faster, cheaper” »Increased product model completeness »Reduced downstream errors »Increased automation »Increased knowledge retention

66 66 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Short Course Outline Part 1: Constrained Objects (COBs) Primer –Nomenclature Part 2: Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) Primer –Analysis Integration Challenges –Overview of COB-based XAI Part 3: Example Applications »Airframe Structural Analysis (Boeing) »Circuit Board Thermomechanical Analysis (DoD, JPL/NASA) »Chip Package Thermal Analysis (Shinko) –Summary Part 4: Advanced Topics & Current Research

67 67 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Phase 1 Summary - Shinko Project (Phase 2 is underway and evaluating usage of STEP AP210)

68 68 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Chip Package Products Shinko Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Packages Quad Flat Packs (QFPs)

69 69 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Flexible High Diversity Design-Analysis Integration Electronic Packaging Examples: Chip Packages/Mounting Shinko Electric Project: Phase 1 (completed 9/00) EBGA, PBGA, QFP Analysis Modules (CBAMs) of Diverse Behavior & Fidelity FEA Ansys General Math Mathematica Analyzable Product Model XaiTools ChipPackage Thermal Resistance 3D3D Modular, Reusable Template Libraries Analysis Tools Design Tools PWB DB Materials DB* Prelim/APM Design Tool XaiTools ChipPackage Thermal Stress Basic 3D** ** = Demonstration module Basic Documentation Automation Authoring MS Excel

70 70 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Traditional VTMB FEA Model Creation Manually Intensive: 6-12 hours FEA Model Planning Sketches - EBGA 600 Chip Package VTMB = variable topology multi-body

71 71 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC APM Design Tool Preliminary Design of Packages - PBGA Screens APM = analyzable product model

72 72 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Test Cases - Shinko Example Chip Package Idealizations (PBGA) Idealization for solder-joint/thermal ball Idealization for thermal via Courtesy of Shinko - see [Koo, 2000]

73 73 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Generic COB Browser with design and analysis objects (attributes and relations) Customized Analysis Module Tool with idealized package cross-section COB-based Analysis Tools Typical Input Objects COB = constrained object

74 74 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC COB-based Analysis Tools Typical Highly Automated Results COB = constrained object FEA Temperature Distribution Thermal Resistance vs. Air Flow Velocity Auto-Created FEA Inputs (for Mesh Model) Analysis Module Tool

75 75 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Using Internet/Intranet-based Analysis Solvers Thick Client Architecture Client PCs XaiTools Thick Client Users Internet June’99-Present: EIS Lab - Regular internal use - Demo usage: - US - Japan Nov.’00-Present: Electronics Co. - Began production usage (dept. Intranet) Future: Company Intranet and/or (commercial) - Other solvers Iona orbixdj Mathematica Ansys Internet/Intranet XaiTools Ansys Solver Server XaiTools Ansys Solver Server XaiTools Math. Solver Server CORBA Daemon XaiTools Ansys Solver Server FEA Solvers Math Solvers CORBA Servers CORBA IIOP... Engineering Service Bureau Host Machines

76 76 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Test Cases - Shinko Auto-Generated FEA Model of PBGA 256 with Thermal Vias FEA Model Relational Complexity 29 idealized bodies 10 idealized materials 1 main pattern ~3 sub patterns Small Idealized Vias Thin Copper Layers

77 77 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Results Validation Thermal resistance Good comparisons: (a) simulation via VTMB algorithm (in XCP) (b) simulation via traditional manual approach (c) physical measurements (a) (b) (c)

78 78 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 4 1a 2 3a 1b 1c 3b3c 3a3b 2 1a1b1c 1d1e 3 1a1b 1c 1d 2 3 4a4b4c Analytical BodiesFEA Model Decomposed Volumes original topology change (no body change) variable body change (includes topology change) Variable Topology Multi-Body (VTMB) FEA Meshing Challenges See Advanced Topics re: Current Work Labor-intensive “chopping”

79 79 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Design Changes with Large Topology Impact Example Variations: PBGAs & EBGAs EBGA 600 with 2 Steps EBGA 325 with No Steps PBGA 313 with Thermal Vias & Thermal Balls 2D partial views of 3D models

80 80 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Idealized Analytical Models FEA Mesh Models thin & largethick & small 2D partial views of 3D models z-direction topology changes Design Change with Small Topology Impact Heat Spreader Size Variations - EBGA 600

81 81 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Product Information-Driven FEA Methodology Purpose of VTMB Methodology algorithm ij Design Types i = 1…m Analysis Types j = 1…n Design Instances Analysis Instances VTMB FEA Models VTMB Methodology create algorithm ij once for a given ijj  {1…n} (not all design types have all analysis types) e.g.) for i=1(EBGA), j=1(thermal resistance) j=2 (thermal stress) for i=2 (PWB), j=1 (warpage) Chip package APMsthermal resistance CBAMs PWB APMs thermal stress CBAMs ANSYS SMMs VTMB= variable topology multi-body use algorithm ij many times

82 82 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Methodology Scope of VTMB algorithm ij for cbam ij Conditions & Next-Higher CBAMs Boundary Condition Objects & Discipline Analyzable Product Model Part Feature & Assembly Structure Behavior/Mode MoS allowable actual Objectives Analysis Context Context-Based Analysis Model (CBAM) idealizations,  allowables Step 1a boundary variables Step 1b Associativity Linkages,  Step 4 Pseudo-Analysis Building Blocks (pseudo-ABBs) Analysis Subsystems Solution Method Models (SMMs) transformations,  Step 2 Step 3 VTMB algorithm ij for cbam ij [Tamburini, 1999] [Peak, 2001]

83 83 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Test Cases - Shinko Auto-Generated FEA Model: QFP PCDPH FEA Model Relational Complexity 23 idealized bodies 9 idealized materials 1 main pattern ~3 sub patterns

84 84 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Design Changes with Large Topology Impact Example Variations: QFPs QFP 128 SL Die Pad QFP 208 DPH HS/Tape 2D partial views of 3D models

85 85 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Basic Stress Analysis Module Tool Highly automated FEA model creation Uses same: APM CORBA-based solvers, etc. Pattern-based meshing Adjustable mesh density PBGA 625

86 86 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Multi-Fidelity Idealizations Mode-dependent Idealized Geometries; Same Dimension Thermal Resistance Thermal Stress FEA ModelIdealized Geometry (3D) Common Design Model FEA Model Idealized Geometry (3D)

87 87 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Pilot & Initial Production Usage Results Product Model-Driven Analysis u Reduced FEA modeling time > 10:1 (days/hours  minutes) u Reduced simulation cycle > 75% u Enables greater analysis intensity  Better designs References [1] Shinko 5/00 (in Koo, 2000) [2] Shinko evaluation 10/12/00 VTMB = variable topology multi-body technique [Koo, 2000]

88 88 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC An Introduction to X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Short Course Outline Part 1: Constrained Objects (COBs) Primer –Nomenclature Part 2: Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) Primer –Analysis Integration Challenges –Overview of COB-based XAI Part 3: Example Applications »Airframe Structural Analysis (Boeing) »Circuit Board Thermomechanical Analysis (DoD, JPL/NASA) »Chip Package Thermal Analysis (Shinko) –Summary Part 4: Advanced Topics & Current Research

89 89 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Advanced Topics & Current Research Outline Advanced Product Information-Driven FEA Modeling –Focus on cases with: »Variable topology multi-body geometries »Different design & analysis geometries »Mixed analytical bodies and idealized interfaces Constrained Object (COB) Extensions –Automating support for multiple views –Next-generation capabilities Optimization and the MRA

90 90 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Cost of Associativity Gaps Categories of Gap Costs u Associativity time & labor –Manual maintenance –Little re-use –Lost knowledge u Inconsistencies u Limited analysis usage –Few iterations/part –Limited part coverage u “Wrong” values –Too conservative: Extra costs, inefficiencies –Too loose: Re-work, failures, law suits

91 91 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC XAI Summary u Emphasis on X-analysis integration (XAI) for design reuse (DAI,SBD) u Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) –Addressing fundamental XAI/DAI issues »Explicit CAD-CAE associativity: multi-fidelity, multi-directional, fine-grained –General methodology --> Flexibility & broad application u Research advances & applications –Product data-driven analysis (STEP AP210, GenCAM, etc.) –Internet-based engineering service bureau (ESB) techniques –Object techniques for next-generation aerospace analysis systems –FEA modeling time reduction in pilot tests (chip packages): > 10:1 (days/hours to minutes) Improved Simulation-Based Designs u Tools and development services –Analysis integration toolkit: XaiTools ™ and applications –Pilot commercial ESB: –Company-tailored engineering information system solutions u Motivated by industry & government collaboration

92 92 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Selected Tools and Services Offered via Georgia Tech Research Corp. u XaiTools Framework ™ –General-purpose analysis integration toolkit u Product-Specific Toolkits –XaiTools PWA-B ™ –XaiTools ChipPackage ™ u ™ –Internet-based engineering service bureau (ESB) –Self-serve automated analysis modules  Full-serve consulting  Research, Development, and Consulting –Analysis integration & optimization –Product-specific analysis module catalogs –Internet/Intranet-based ESB development –Engineering information technology »PDM, STEP, GenCAM, XML, UML, Java, CORBA, Internet, … –CAD/CAE/CAM, parametric FEA, thermal & mechanical analysis

93 93 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC For Further Information... u EIS Lab web site: –Publications, project overviews, tools, etc. –See: Publications  DAI/XAI  Suggested Starting Points X-Analysis Integration (XAI) Technology u XaiTools ™ home page: u Pilot commercial ESB: –Internet-based self-serve analysis –Analysis module catalog for electronic packaging –Highly automated front-ends to general FEA & math tools

94 94 Engineering Information Systems Lab  © 1993-2001 GTRC Nomenclature

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