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ASTROPHYSICS Yr 2 Session 3 – Orbits & the Solar System 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTROPHYSICS Yr 2 Session 3 – Orbits & the Solar System 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTROPHYSICS Yr 2 Session 3 – Orbits & the Solar System 1

2 Solar System Contents One star

3 Inner planets (not to scale) Mercury Mars Earth Venus

4 Asteroids

5 Outer (gas giant) planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

6 Kuiper Belts objects Pluto & Charon

7 Comets

8 Meteoroids

9 The whole Solar System

10 L  =3.826×10 26 Watts r L  /4  r 2 Wm -2 1 A.U. 1.36×10 3 Wm -2 The Solar constant Solar radiation

11 Apparent brightness of the Planets Albedo A = Fraction of solar radiation reflected by planet Venus & crescent Moon

12 Example: Saturn’s moon Iapetus High albedo Low albedo

13 r (A.U.’s) R Cross sectional Area =  R 2 S 0 = Solar constant. S mars = ‘solar constant’ for Mars S mars = S 0 /r 2 Wm -2 Total radiation reflected by Mars = A × S mars ×  R 2

14 Planet positions & motion

15 Principal planet positions  ° = elongation

16 Retrograde motion


18 Eclipses

19 Moon at perigee & apogee


21 Lunar eclipses

22  Earth’s orbit as seen from the Sun  Sun’s apparent orbit as seen from the Earth The Ecliptic (again) Celestial Equator

23 North pole of the ecliptic North celestial pole is here

24 Ecliptic coordinates

25 Johannes Kepler 1571 - 1630 Kepler’s laws of planetary motion

26 The Epicycle Planetary motion problems

27 Tycho Brahe 1546 - 1601

28 Kepler’s Laws First Law: The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. Second Law: The rate at which the radius vector sweeps out an area on the ellipse is a constant. Third Law: The ratio of the semi-major axis cubed to the orbital period squared is the same constant for all the planets. i.e. is a constant, where P is the planet’s orbital period.

29 The Ellipse Directrix Area =  ab GF 1 /GZ 1 = GF 2 /GZ 2 = e e = eccentricity (<1) Cartesian equation

30 F 1 PA = Periapsis r 1 F 1 AA = Apapsis r 2 Line of apsides For an orbiting body at P

31 r = Radius vector  = True anomaly For an orbiting body at P

32 Important ellipse properties Polar form of Ellipse equation

33 Example: Proof of OF 1 = ae OF1F1 P1P1 P2P2 Z P 1 P 2 = 2a P 1 F 1 = eP 1 Z: P 2 F 1 = eP 2 Z P 2 F 1 – P 1 F 1 = e(P 2 Z - P 1 Z) = e × 2a Also: P 2 F 1 = a + OF 1 & P 1 F 1 = a – OF 1  P 2 F 1 – P 1 F 1 = 2OF 1 = e × 2a: Hence OF 1 = ea aa

34 Kepler’s Third Law = 1 if… a is in A.U.’s P in sidereal years (365.257 days) We need to determine a for the Earth.

35 Finding the Astronomical Unit Jeremiah Horrocks 1619 - 1641

36 The 2004 transit of Venus


38 The Asteroid Eros

39 Venus

40 Next time – Orbits & the Solar System 2

41 Logarithms Quick Notes



44 The number ‘e’ = 2.718 Same basic properties as for logs to base 10


46 See ‘Serious Logarithm Notes’ on Blackboard for full details

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