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FISH Book by Stephen Lundin, PhD., Harry Paul, and John Christensen, Hyperion Pub., NY, NY (2000).

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Presentation on theme: "FISH Book by Stephen Lundin, PhD., Harry Paul, and John Christensen, Hyperion Pub., NY, NY (2000)."— Presentation transcript:

1 FISH Book by Stephen Lundin, PhD., Harry Paul, and John Christensen, Hyperion Pub., NY, NY (2000).

2 FISH or How to Find Joy on the Job

3 1. CHOOSE to make today a great day. 2. PLAY. Be serious about your work with out taking yourself too seriously at work. 3. BE THERE. Don't let distractions destroy the quality, which is present in each moment. 4. Find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of support, or a good ear and MAKE THEIR DAY! The FISH Philosophy Is Based on Four Principles

4 You can choose the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself. Choosing the right attitude for the day should become a daily routine. It will provide you the energy and faith you need to guide you through the day. So what is the weather going to be like for you today? Think Sunny! Choose Your Attitude

5 “ There is always a choice a about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself.” p.37

6 Why Choose your Attitude? How can your school become world famous? Who do we want to be while we do our work?

7 Play Happy people treat others well. Fun leads to creativity. Time passes quickly when we play. Having a good time is healthy. Work becomes a reward and not just a way to a reward.

8 Playing at Work You can be professional and make support learning while having fun at work. When work seems more like play you will have more interest and energy to get tasks started and finished.

9 Here’s a FISH Thought Look for ways to break the tension or to insert a little humor into your routines.

10 Play at School? How can we “play” at school when there are no fish to throw? List as many ways to play as you can think of. Can you think of 50?

11 Make Their Day Look for ways to create great memories. Engage! Respectfully include people in the “fun” and by doing so you make their day.

12 Making Their Day Your positive attitude and sense of play should bring a smile to your face and to the faces of your coworkers and customers.

13 One Way to Make Someone’s Day Sharing a smile, a compliment, a thoughtful gesture will make someone's day.

14 Who and How? Whose day can we make in school? Students Parents Colleagues Administrators Friends HOW?

15 Be Present The past is history The future is a mystery Today is a gift That is why we call it the present

16 Being Present! Are there times you are doing one thing and already thinking about the next, thereby losing all that the present moment has to offer?

17 Be Present Because we can think twice as fast as we can hear, its easy to let our minds wonder during conversations. Be attentive. Listen to others with all your senses and look for clues to understand not only the statements made but the meaning behind them.

18 Being Present at Work Ask questions to sum up points to make sure you understand both the facts and meaning.

19 Being Present It takes courage and determination to take action and affect change. But sitting still and doing nothing is costly.

20 How to Be Present at School? Teachers and administrators never have enough time – How can we model this part of FISH ?

21 FISH Resources hy.htm hy.htm 100102/opi_burnett.shtml 100102/opi_burnett.shtml


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