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Agenda for Education in a Democracy. AED: What is it?

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1 Agenda for Education in a Democracy

2 AED: What is it?


4 Agenda for Education in a Democracy The Agenda for Education in a Democracy is a comprehensive educational renewal initiative developed by John I. Goodlad. It addresses how best to prepare teachers and students in a social and political democracy. These ideas are laid out in a variety of books and other publications.The Agenda for Education in a Democracy bookspublications

5 1.Mission 2.Conditions 3.Strategy

6 Agenda for Education in a Democracy Mission (Moral, encompassing both ends and means) Knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to participate in a democracy Nurturing pedagogy Access to knowledge by all students Stewardship of the school


8 Teaching of skills and dispositions (Enculturation)

9 EnculturationAttention to how we teach - - modeling democratic dispositions and nurturing each individual child (Nurturing Pedagogy)

10 EnculturationNurturing PedagogyAttention to equity and justice - - whose interests are being served? (Access to Knowledge)

11 EnculturationNurturing PedagogyAccess to KnowledgeAccepting responsibility (Stewardship)

12 Education in a Democracy Purpose of schools is to prepare well educated, creative, and thughtful citizens who are active, critical participants in the civic processes that promote our democracy.

13 Agenda for Education in a Democracy Conditions (Those necessary to the education of America’s teachers and the health of the public schools) 20 Postulates Sufficient Resources Leadership Connections with the ecology of schooling -- community and context

14 Agenda for Education in a Democracy Strategy Simultaneous Renewal of schools and the education of educators Systematic implementation of DDAE Ongoing assessment of implementation

15 AED: Who Does This Work?

16 Agenda for Education in a Democracy Participants Institute for Educational Inquiry Center for Educational Renewal National Network for Educational Renewal League of Small Democratic Schools

17 Institute for Educational Inquiry

18 Institute for Educational Inquiry A small non-profit organization whose aim is to deepen understanding of and support action toward the AED’s implementation.

19 Institute for Educational Inquiry The National Network for Educational Renewal A national membership network of school-university partnerships whose shared mission is to implement the AED.

20 League of Small Democratic Schools

21 League of Small Democratic Schools 14 small elementary and secondary schools together for professional development and support for their work

22 Institute for Educational Inquiry The National Network for Educational Renewal League of Small Democratic Schools Institute for Educational Inquiry National Network for Educational Renewal Agenda for Education in a Democracy

23 Related Programs (Current) Developing Networks of Responsibility to Educate America’s Youth Journalism, Education, and the Public Good

24 Agenda for Education in a Democracy Leadership and Inquiry Programs (Recent and Current) Sustaining Simultaneous Renewal Initiating Simultaneous Renewal Summer Symposium Forum for Educational Leadership Examining The Role of Hybrid Educators

25 Agenda for Education in a Democracy

26 Setting Renewal Sessions Sponsored by the IEI and the NNER And local settings

27 Goals

28 To provide renewal of the concepts for those familiar with the AED To prepare a cadre of people who can carry out these sessions in the future To give us feedback to refine the curriculum To increase understanding of the AED among those new to settings

29 Agenda for Education in a Democracy


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