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Hollis-Brookline Women’s Soccer 2005 Hollis – Brookline Women’s Soccer Program 2005 Kick-Off Meeting Craig Powers / Tom Borick Tuesday June 14, 2005 6:00.

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Presentation on theme: "Hollis-Brookline Women’s Soccer 2005 Hollis – Brookline Women’s Soccer Program 2005 Kick-Off Meeting Craig Powers / Tom Borick Tuesday June 14, 2005 6:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hollis-Brookline Women’s Soccer 2005 Hollis – Brookline Women’s Soccer Program 2005 Kick-Off Meeting Craig Powers / Tom Borick Tuesday June 14, 2005 6:00 PM

2 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Agenda  Introductions  Coaching Philosophy  Goals, Roles and Responsibilities  Summer Training Opportunities  Tryouts  Wrap-up Actions / Q&A

3 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Coaching Staff  Women’s Soccer Program Director Craig Powers and Varsity Head Coach - 2 nd year at Hollis-Brookline after posting 14-4 record in 2004; (2) All- State players -U16 Coach with NGSA / Club Vice President / (Cell) 978.815.5622 / (W) 978.470.5739 31 Cedar Street, Hudson, NH 03051  Women’s JV Head Coach Tom Borick - 2 nd year at Hollis-Brookline after posting winning record in 2004 -Over 40 years soccer experience as a player and a coach -Actively involved in GSYSL in a leadership capacity -President and Director of Coaching for Nashua Soccer Club / (Cell) 603.557.3199 / (H) 603.881.7593

4 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Coaching Philosophy  It’s a Player’s Game  We recognize that soccer is a game that simultaneously… -humbles and inspires -punishes and rewards -requires outstanding team play and individual play -demands creativity but also structure  Our role as coaches is to create an environment in which successful chemistry is created by bringing out the best in each player… -by recognizing that every player is different, -by building confidence in each player’s ability to contribute and play beautiful soccer, -by encouraging players to take risks (always with the knowledge that she will be supported by her coach and teammates)  Provide the technical, tactical, physical and psychological training to enable our players to “solve the problem”

5 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 What’s Different about Coaching Young Women ?  Train them like men, treat them like women  The social fabric of the team and the desire (need) to “fit-in” is much more important with young women than with young men  The “performance bar” will be influenced by the coach but shall ultimately be set by the team leaders  Individual excellence should be encouraged not only by the coach but by all of the players-Role models (from within the team) are vitally important  Cliques are poison  Hazing of any sort (class-based prejudice) will have no place in this program

6 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Goals, Roles and Responsibilities  Win the Class I Championship in 2005 and do so in a manner that has opponents, fans, friends and neighbors awed by the quality of play, intensity of play and sportsmanship on and off the field  Set specific team goals at the beginning of the season and review them often (e.g. no 1-0 losses; no goals allowed in last five minutes of half; 100 goals during regular season, etc)  Understand your role and accept the responsibilities of that role  Abide by all NHIAA and HBHS rules & regs – if you make good, smart decisions in the course of managing your affairs, you will have no problems complying with NHIAA guidelines  Stay ahead of your academics – don’t be satisfied with keeping your GPA during soccer season – raise your grades! -Help your teammates with your special skills (especially the freshman!)

7 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Summer 2005 Training Opportunities  Women’s Summer League -(7) games / $50 cost (includes (2) game shirts) -Objective : FUN!!! -Coaches : Sabrina Cote / Erik Powers -website :  Don’t NOT do this if you can’t make all of the games and you think you’d be letting someone down if you miss a game!  Don’t NOT do this because you’re a freshman and you don’t know anyone, are afraid you’ll get stomped, yada yada yada

8 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Summer 2005 Training Opportunities  Pick-up Evening Soccer -Very informal (no commitment required) -More social than technical! -Opportunity to get to know future teammates and to knock the ball around  When : Tuesday / Thursday evenings 6:45 – 8:15 pm starting 6/28  Where : Hollis Brookline HS varsity field (we’ll move to one of the other fields if we get bumped by Boreball or Pep’s league game

9 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Summer 2005 Training Opportunities  Nashua Girls Soccer Association / Hollis-Brookline High School Pre-Season Soccer Camp -Open to NGSA players and HBHS players only  When : August 8 th – 12th (Week immediately before tryouts) 8:30 am – 12:30 pm  Where :Hollis – Brookline High School  Cost :NGSA players from Spring 2006 – Free Non-NGSA HBHS Players - $75  Deadline : 15 July 2005 -All Players to send e-mail with “Yes” or “No” -Checks should be made out to “NGSA” / Write “Summer Camp” in notes section of check and mail to: Craig Powers 31 Cedar Street Hudson NH 03051

10 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Summer 2005 Training Opportunities  Individual Speed and Conditioning Training  Between now and 18 July engage in a regular (though light) individual activities such as: -bike riding -rope jumping -stomach strengthening activities -light lifting -running (make sure you’ve got some good shoes)  18 July – 5 August : 3-week pre-season Soccer Speed Training program -Distance training doesn’t adequately prepare an athlete to compete on the soccer pitch -Anaerobic vs aerobic demands on the soccer player  Expectation : All serious candidates for the Varsity Team will complete the speed training program on their own (or better still, with teammates)

11 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Speed Soccer Training (Continued)  Begin each session with a General warm-up and Speed Warm- up  General Warm-up -Jog : Weeks 1 and 2 – ½ mile; Week 3 – 1 mile -Full body stretch (quads / hamstrings / hip flexor / groin / ankle / neck / shoulders / lower back)  Speed Warm-up -High heels (30 yards x 3 reps) -High knees (30 x 3) -Side to side (30 x 3) -Grape vine / carriocca (30 x 3) -Dynamic stretching (hamstrings / gluts / quads) -Lunges / side lunges

12 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Soccer Speed Training Week 1 18 – 22 July Monday 18 July Monday 18 July Sprint Speed Sprint Speed General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Sprints 30 yard x 3 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 60 yard x 3 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 90 yard x 3 reps (45 second rest in between reps) Friday 22 July Friday 22 July Sprint Speed Sprint Speed General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Sprints 30 yard x 3 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 60 yard x 3 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 90 yard x 3 reps (45 second rest in between reps) Wednesday 20 July Wednesday 20 July Speed-Endurance Speed-Endurance General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Use 3:1 rest ratio (e.g. if it takes 30 seconds to run 150 yards, then rest for 1:30 before running the 200 yard 50 yard / 100 yard / 150 yard / 200 yard / 150 yard / 100 yard / 50 yard Repeat the progression 1 more time

13 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Soccer Speed Training Week 2 25 – 29 July Monday 25 July Monday 25 July Sprint Speed Sprint Speed General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Sprints 30 yard x 5 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 60 yard x 5 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 90 yard x 5 reps (45 second rest in between reps) Friday 29 July Friday 29 July Sprint Speed Sprint Speed General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Sprints 30 yard x 5 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 60 yard x 5 reps (45 second rest in between reps) 90 yard x 5 reps (45 second rest in between reps) Wednesday 27 July Wednesday 27 July Speed-Endurance Speed-Endurance General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Use 2:1 rest ratio (e.g. if it takes 30 seconds to run 150 yards, then rest for 1:00 before running the 200 yard 50 yard / 100 yard / 150 yard / 200 yard / 150 yard / 100 yard / 50 yard Repeat the progression two more times

14 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Soccer Speed Training Week 3 1 - 5 August Monday 2 August Monday 2 August Sprint Speed Sprint Speed General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Sprints 30 yard x 6 reps (30 second rest in between reps) 60 yard x 6 reps (30 second rest in between reps) 90 yard x 6 reps (30 second rest in between reps) Friday 6 August Friday 6 August Sprint Speed Sprint Speed General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Sprints 30 yard x 6 reps (30 second rest in between reps) 60 yard x 6 reps (30 second rest in between reps) 90 yard x 6 reps (30 second rest in between reps) Wednesday 4 August Wednesday 4 August Speed-Endurance Speed-Endurance General Warm-up Speed Warm-up Use 2:1 rest ratio (e.g. if it takes 30 seconds to run 150 yards, then rest for 1:00 before running the 200 yard 50 yard / 100 yard / 150 yard / 200 yard / 250 yard / 200 yard / 150 yard / 100 yard / 50 yard Repeat the progression two more times

15 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Tryouts  When :Mon, Tues, Wed 15, 16, 17 August 10:00 – 11:30 amIndividual Skills / Small sided game evaluation 6:30 – 8:00 pmFull-field scrimmage  Player selection and team assignment will be made following the scrimmage on Wednesday evening  Thursday 18 Aug -Team Building sessions : 8:00 am – 12:00 noon HBHS -Training session : 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm  Friday 19 Aug -Team Building session : 2:00 – 3:30 pm HBHS -Training session : 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

16 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Tryouts Admin stuff  All players should bring: -Plenty of water -Inflated #5 soccer ball -Wear shin guards / cleats -Wear white-background T-shirt -Hollis-Brookline HS Interscholastic Sports Agreement -Medical Statement certifying the successful completion of a physical -Health Information / Permission Request Form  Request parent volunteer to manage gathering of all documentation and working with AD’s office (Mrs. Kim Smith) to ensure timely and complete completion of all paperwork  Players should bring “Goals Worksheet” to 1 st tryout session – it is your admission ticket!

17 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 Actions  Need “yes” or “no” from all players regarding summer league (need info ASAP) -Send e-mail to by COB Wed 6/15  Need parent volunteer to coordinate Sports Agreement Forms / Health Agreement Forms / Proof of Physical Form (within 2 years) ( ( (  Make the commitment to come into tryouts in match-condition

18 HBHS Women’s Soccer 2005 14 June 2005 2004 Season Record Hollis-Brookline Women’s Soccer After a 4-3 start, the Cav’s ripped-off (10) straight wins including a first round play- off win against Kennett Record included (5) 1-0 wins and no 1-0 losses

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