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Somerset Academy Sports Medicine Organization: Athletic Training Club Interested in the sports medicine field? Do you want to study physical therapy, athletic.

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Presentation on theme: "Somerset Academy Sports Medicine Organization: Athletic Training Club Interested in the sports medicine field? Do you want to study physical therapy, athletic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somerset Academy Sports Medicine Organization: Athletic Training Club Interested in the sports medicine field? Do you want to study physical therapy, athletic training, exercise science, nursing or any other health- related field? SASMO (Somerset Academy Sports Medicine Organization) is an Athletic Training Club which can offer interested students a first-hand experience of what it is like to be in these related career-fields.

2 What Is Our Mission? What Is Our Mission? The mission of this organization is to expose aspiring students to the various career fields related to sports medicine, as well as provide fundamental workshops that will help students develop professional skills as a future health care provider. Our goal is to provide all members of the Sports Medicine Club with fun and enriching experiences that they can take into their future endeavors.

3 Background Info… o NSU Alumna – GO SHARKS! o B.S. Degree in Athletic Training, Minor in Exercise and Sport Science o Certified and Licensed Athletic Trainer o Nationally Registered EMT o American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard o Previous Experiences: Assistant Athletic Trainer at University School, Cypress Bay High, and NSU (Men’s and Women’s Basketball, as well as Volleyball and Women’s Soccer) About Ms. Sacramento

4 SASMO Club Members!!

5 Hours/Volunteer Work : Assisting the Athletic Trainer (Ms. Sacramento): To participate in SASMO, each student must… Meet the minimum required hours. Sign in/out daily with Team Supervisor and have only Ms. Sacramento sign off on hours.

6 Commitment: As Assigned per sport each member must commit to: o 4 hours per week o 1 game coverage per month If you are unable to attend your scheduled practice/game o Let us know via a phone call or email at least 48 hours in advance Meetings are mandatory! only 5 absences per year. o 3 rd absence: the student will be issued a warning o 4 th absence: the student is placed on probation o 5 th absence: the student will be terminated from the club (no refunds from club fees).

7 Chain of Command: Student members will be divided into sport-team groups, and will report to their corresponding team supervisors. Team supervisors are to report to the board members in order of command. The head of the chain of command will be Ms. Sacramento. 1.Club/Org. Sponsor: Ms. Christine Sacramento 2.Board Members: 1.President 2.Vice President 3.Secretary 4.Historian 5.Liaison/Board Members 3.Sport Team Supervisors 4.Club Members

8 Skills: The Ms. Sacramento will be teaching the students various skills to assist in helping athletes get ready for practice and games. The students will then get tested on that skill before they are allowed to perform it on the athletes. If at any time the student feels uncomfortable with a situation, please let the Ms. Sacramento know. Some of the skills are as follows: Various taping/wrapping skills (ankles, wrists, fingers, etc.) CPR/AED/First aid and wound care. Preliminary anatomy and rehabilitation skills.

9 Duties: Each week you may be assigned various duties to help keep the training room in working order. The duties will be rotated every week so that everyone has a turn. Some of your duties will include… Helping keep the athletes hydrated by providing water for practices and games. Help keep track of training room inventory and all athletic training equipment (including all water bottles & coolers). Taping of the injured athletes as directed and supervised by the athletic trainer (Ms. Sacramento). Help with various fundraising activities for the SASMO: Athletic Training Club. Attitude is everything, please be respectful when dealing with athletes, parents, coaches, ATCs and especially each other. Remember, we are a TEAM and we must all work together.

10 Clothing/Other Rules: When working in the athletic training room/game/practice, students are to adhere to the following dress code… Students must wear SASMO club shirt that we will provide. Students may wear navy or khaki shorts (Finger-tip length only) or pants during game days or practices, or athletic shorts / pants during practice days only. Students may not wear skirts, sandals, short shorts, tank tops or pants with holes in them. Remember, Ms. Sacramento encourages professionalism, so good grooming habits are a must. Listening to I-pods and playing games/texting on cell phones is not allowed in the training room unless you are contacting a parent.

11 SASMO: Athletic Training Club Application / Club Member Agreement *Student Member Handbooks: Due Monday, October 5th, 2015 @ 2:45 pm, After School To be turned in to Ms. Sacramento's mailbox - Located outside of the weight room in front of the training room/coach's office

12 Further Announcements

13 Club Fees The club fee is $25.00- includes Dry-Fit T- Shirt!! FEES DUE BY OCTOBER 1, 2015 First come first serve for the first shipment of shirts. Make sure you purchase it before the due date! Made ONLINE ONLY

14 *Board Members Meeting (Mandatory for Chair Holders): Thursday, October 8th, 2015 @ 2:45 pm, After School, in the Judo Room

15 **HOMECOMING WEEK:** Athletic Trainers' Theme: Young Frankenstein **October 19: Broadway Star Day** Dress up as your favorite Broadway character **October 20: Color Wars** Rep your class! **October 21: Pep Rally** Wear Blue and White **October 22: Parade @ 10am** Early Release & HCN Football Game @ 7pm October 23: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Planning

16 Upcoming Guest Speaker: (Counts as Mandatory Meeting) Thursday, October 29th, 2015 @2:45 pm, After School, in the Judo Room Sign-in's begin at 2:45 pm, and we will introduce the guest speaker promptly at 3:00 pm. Please understand that this person is coming for your benefit, so it is imperative that we demonstrate professionalism and welcome him with some Panther Pride by being on time and ready to learn!

17 Fundraising Gatorade: will be selling products Fundraising is for the Club’s benefit, this will help us raise enough money to pay off any field trips or activities we want to do

18 Upcoming Field Trips… NSU Campus / ATEP & Exercise and Sport Science Program tour Exact Dates TBA Sometime in April / May

19 Questions? We would like to thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Somerset Academy Sports Medicine Organization and are excited for you to be involved in the many opportunities that we have planned for you this year. If you have suggestions as far as future field trips / guest speakers / event or activities opportunities, please let us know. @SASportsMed Contact our board members if necessary. Email Ms. Sacramento:

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