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This person is responsible for helping sick or injured people get to the hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "This person is responsible for helping sick or injured people get to the hospital."— Presentation transcript:


2 This person is responsible for helping sick or injured people get to the hospital

3 EMT/Paramedic

4 This person is responsible for putting out things that catch on fire and educating the public about fire safety.

5 Firefighter

6 This person is responsible for ensuring the safety of the city. They use patrol cars and wear duty belts with gear to help them with their job.

7 Police Officer

8 This agency is responsible for planning and coordination the response to any major disaster whether natural or man-made

9 Emergency Management Agency


11 Polk County Sheriff’s Office

12 GSP

13 Georgia State Patrol

14 FBI

15 Federal Bureau of Investigations


17 Georgia Emergency Management Agency


19 Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

20 In order to properly handcuff someone, their thumbs must be pointing…

21 Up

22 The ABCs of CPR are…

23 Airway, Breathing, Cardiovascular

24 What is an AED used for?

25 To re-start someone’s heart (in place of/with CPR)

26 In CPR, how many compressions do you do before you stop to check the breathing and pulse?

27 10

28 The first thing you should do before helping anyone in any kind of emergency is…

29 Make sure it is safe for you to help

30 How many seconds should you stop compressions for to check for breathing and a pulse?

31 2

32 If someone is in shock, what do you do?

33 Try to keep them as calm as possible, elevate their feet and have them sip on room temperature water.

34 What are some signs of hypothermia?

35 Shivering, Dizziness, Hunger, Nausea, Fast Breathing, Slurred Speech, Confusion, Fatigue, Fast Heartbeat, Weak Pulse, Discolored Extremities, etc

36 What are the three stages of a heat injury?

37 Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke

38 How do you warm up frozen limbs?

39 Gradually re-warm them either via room temperature water or with warm clothing/blankets. NEVER rub frozen limbs!

40 How do you treat a heat injury?

41 Get them to a cool, dry place, have them lay down with their feet elevated and sip room temperature water. You can place a cool cloth on the back of their neck, if available.

42 The following slides require answers from the Bill of Rights

43 I protect the freedom to speech, press, assembly, religion and petition

44 Amendment 1

45 I protect you from being searched or seized without a warrant

46 Amendment 4

47 I protect States’ rights

48 Amendment 10

49 I protect your right to bear arms (carry a gun)

50 Amendment 2

51 I state that more amendments can be added to the constitution

52 Amendment 9

53 I protect your right to having a lawyer represent you in court, even if you cannot afford one.

54 Amendment 6

55 I protect you from having to pay excessive bail and/or fines

56 Amendment 8

57 I protect you from having to testify against yourself (I plead the…)

58 Amendment 5

59 I allow a civil lawsuit to be tried by jury if the damages exceed $20

60 Amendment 7

61 I protect you from having to keep soldiers in your house during peacetime

62 Amendment 3

63 The following slides require answers in the form of 10 codes

64 I am making a traffic stop at…

65 10-38

66 Ok/I understand

67 10-4

68 I have made an arrest

69 10-95

70 The following slides require answers from the phonetic alphabet

71 C

72 Charlie

73 A

74 Alpha

75 G

76 Golf

77 J

78 Juliet

79 O

80 Oscar

81 M

82 Mike

83 R

84 Romeo

85 N

86 November

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