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1 Seamless Transitions: Partnerships Between VR and Local School Systems to Provide Assistive Technology (AT) Michael Dalto, Executive Director Maryland.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Seamless Transitions: Partnerships Between VR and Local School Systems to Provide Assistive Technology (AT) Michael Dalto, Executive Director Maryland."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Seamless Transitions: Partnerships Between VR and Local School Systems to Provide Assistive Technology (AT) Michael Dalto, Executive Director Maryland Technology Assistance Program 410-554-9245 (voice) 866-881-7488 (TTY)

2 2 The Problem Transitions don’t always go smoothly Local school systems provide AT to students with disabilities when needed for “free appropriate public education”, but retain it when students leave school. VR agencies often are not greatly involved in transition activities until the final high school year.

3 3 The Problem Transitions don’t always go smoothly Gaps often occur between students’ exit from high school and their receipt of AT from VR. VR agencies provide short-term services, but many students need long-term AT training.

4 4 The Result Students leave high school unprepared for work or higher education Students often leave high school without AT they can keep, and must wait to get it. They lose skills in AT use during the gap. The need for AT training further delays readiness for work or college.

5 5 Maryland’s Attempted Solution Agreements between VR and local school systems to collaborate on AT assessments, devices and training School systems refer students to VR by the sophomore year. VR and school systems jointly provide AT assessments during the junior year, if AT is likely to be needed for work or higher ed. VR purchases AT early in the senior year. School systems provide AT training for the remainder of the senior year.

6 6 Maryland’s Attempted Solution Agreements between VR and local school systems to collaborate on AT assessments, devices and training To date, five Memoranda of Understanding have been negotiated – three with suburban districts, two with rural systems. Implementation began during the 2006 - 2007 school year.

7 7 Projected Results A seamless, successful transition for students who use AT Students will obtain AT devices they need for work or higher education – and which they can keep for the long term - long before they exit school. Students will receive extensive training to use AT before they leave high school. Students will be ready to work or begin college after high school.

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