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Japan “Land of the Rising Sun” © 2011 Clairmont Press.

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1 Japan “Land of the Rising Sun” © 2011 Clairmont Press

2 Population 127 million people High population density 65% live in cities like Tokyo and Osaka most live on island of Honshu 90% of population is Japanese Non-Japanese must register and carry identification

3 Language Japanese books are read from “back” to “front” use several types of alphabets: –Kanji –Hiragana –Katakana English is taught in schools and often used in business

4 Religion 80% practice combination of Shinto and Confucianism Less than 1% of population is Christian

5 Government Constitutional monarchy Unitary System Japan’s emperor is Head of state and the Prime Minister is head of government. Diet (legislature) makes the laws certain political families have held a seat in the Diet for several generations

6 Economy Market economy, but the government works closely with business leaders. Successful in manufacturing and fishing Japanese work hard and are loyal to their companies. Japan exports a lot more than it imports= trade surplus= good for the economy! They import half of their food and many raw materials. U.S. is most important trading partner.

7 Place Japan’s economy on your economic continuum

8 Schools Education in Japan is extremely important. Japanese study more and spend more time in school than U.S. students. Many attend juku. Schools are more formal. There is great respect for teachers. Students help with chores or serving others. Students wear uniforms.

9 Culture: Food

10 Culture: Games & Sports

11 Cities Tokyo Sapporo

12 Issues & Challenges Japan ust import much of its food and natural resources. Japan has had recent natural disasters. Overcrowding is a problem. Pollution is an ongoing issue. March 15, 2011 Tsunami damage

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