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East Asia: History Title Page 69, Japan and Korea: History.

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Presentation on theme: "East Asia: History Title Page 69, Japan and Korea: History."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Asia: History Title Page 69, Japan and Korea: History

2 Warm Up: match the following 1. Mao Zedong 2. Deng Xiaoping 3. Great Leap Forward 4. Cultural Revolution 5. Dynasty 6. Mandarin a.Attempt by Chinese gov. to industrialize China b.Line of hereditary rulers c.1 st communist leader of People’s Republic of China d.Language of the Chinese e.Attempt by communists to purge opposition f.Reformed Chinese economy

3 Warm Up: match the following 1. Mao Zedong- C 2. Deng Xiaoping- F 3. Great Leap Forward- A 4. Cultural Revolution- E 5. Dynasty- B 6. Mandarin- D a.Attempt by Chinese gov. to industrialize China b.Line of hereditary rulers c.1 st communist leader of People’s Republic of China d.Language of the Chinese e.Attempt by communists to purge opposition f.Reformed Chinese economy

4 Japan: Early History Ainu populate 1000s of years ago 300 BC- new immigrants take over and bring rice farming Today, descendents of Ainu are a minority group

5 Japan: Early History Distinct political system: – Headed by emperor – Real power rests with shogun (warlord) – Daimyo: wealthy landowners – Samurai: warriors Similar to European feudal system

6 Japan: Modern History Trade with Europe begins in 1500s, but is restricted Japan limits trade with Europeans 1850s- US Navy Commodore Matthew Perry Meiji Resolution- restores power of emperor By 1890 Japan has a parliament and constitution

7 Japan: Modern History Power  need for resources  imperialism – 1895, Taiwan – 1905, Russo-Japanese war – 1910, annexes Korea – 1920s, invades Manchuria – 1930s, invades rest of China and parts of Pacific Ends with WWII

8 Japan: Modern History Japan under Allied control – General Douglas MacArthur Japanese Constitution – Page 646 – Diet- Elected, lawmaking body – Prime Minister

9 Japan: Culture Heavy Chinese influence on architecture, art, language 99% ethnic Japenese Practice a combination of Buddhism and Shintoism Heavily populated, mostly on coastal plains Rice and seafood High literacy, excellent education

10 Korea: Early History Early northern and central Asian settlers Invaded by Chinese in 108 BC- long period of Chinese influence Eventually, controlled again by Koreans

11 Korea: Modern History WWII ends Japanese occupation Korea split b/t Soviets and U.S. 1949-both leave, but leave Korea divided at 38 th parallel – North: Communist – South: elected republic

12 Korea: Modern History N. Korea invades S. Korea in 1950 UN Forces (mostly US) push N. Koreans near China’s border China enters war Armistice signed in 1953 1 million Koreans die 34,000 US deaths

13 Korea: Modern History N. and S. separated at 38 th Parallel DMZ- demilitarized zone 2.5 miles wide, no people Heavily fortified De facto nature preserve

14 Essay Assignment: YAY!!! Explain the effect of World War II on Japan and Korea. Include the following: – Name, date, and period – Full explanations IN YOUR OWN WORDS – Introduction, conclusion, and a body

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