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Shoguns V. Meiji Restoration. I. Achievements of the Shoguns 1. Ashikaga family in power a. 1330s-1568 b. Daimyos increased power -civil wars -no central.

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Presentation on theme: "Shoguns V. Meiji Restoration. I. Achievements of the Shoguns 1. Ashikaga family in power a. 1330s-1568 b. Daimyos increased power -civil wars -no central."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shoguns V. Meiji Restoration

2 I. Achievements of the Shoguns 1. Ashikaga family in power a. 1330s-1568 b. Daimyos increased power -civil wars -no central government -regional rule (feudalism) c. Zen Buddhism introduced -enlightenment through quiet thought -self-control -removal from earthly wants -attractive to samurai d. Direct trade with China -introduced new ideas

3 2. Toyotomi Hideoshi a. Failed invasion of Korea b. Arrival of Europeans -Portuguese (1542) -Introduced muskets -firearms / weapons -Introduced Christianity -Francis Xavier

4 3. Tokugawa Ieasu Clan (1600) a. Fear & punish Christians and Europeans -mass execution(s) -restored isolation -Japanese people revolted

5 II. The Meiji Restoration 1. Europeans & Americans wanted trade with Japan a. U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry -forced open-door policy with Japan b. Japanese enjoyed European goods -technology, weapons, architecture…. c. Emperor Meiji took control -ended shogun rule -restored central government -modernized Japan -Constitution 1889 -Diet=Parliament=Congress -supported Bushido & Shinto -Emperor=God

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