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1 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK New Build prospects in the UK International Nuclear Forum Bulgarian Nuclear Energy – National, Regional and World.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK New Build prospects in the UK International Nuclear Forum Bulgarian Nuclear Energy – National, Regional and World."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK New Build prospects in the UK International Nuclear Forum Bulgarian Nuclear Energy – National, Regional and World Safety 28-30 th May 2008 Bulgarian Atomic Forum BULATOM

2 2 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK Who will finance new build in the UK ?  Not the Government, the Nuclear White Paper stated; –it is in the public interest that new nuclear power stations should have a role to play in this country’s future energy mix alongside other low carbon sources –that it would be in the public interest to allow energy companies the option of investing in new nuclear power stations –that the Government should take active steps to open up the way to the construction of new nuclear power stations

3 3 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK Who will finance new build in the UK ?  The Utilities and generators will finance and lead new build, perhaps in consortium, interested parties include –EDF –British Energy –RWE –EoN –Centrica –Other UK and overseas utility parties are expressing interest also  Energy companies will also meet the full costs of decommissioning and their full share of waste management costs

4 4 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK Who will back the process?  Government will facilitate; – Engagement with Public and Stakeholders – Planning reform for major electricity generating stations – Undertake a strategic siting & environmental assessments – Run a process of justification (involving ionising radiation) – Generic Design Assessment of the reactor designs – Energy Bill clauses (duty to create WM&D funds) – Push for strengthening of EU Emissions Trading Scheme – Managing Radioactive Waste safety

5 5 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK What technology will be adopted in the UK ?  Only standard and proven nuclear technology will be adopted, as reviewed under the generic design assessment process –Westinghouse (AP1000) [under construction in China & US announced 1 st Contract] –AREVA (EPR) [under construction in Finland and France] –GE Hitachi (ESBWR) –AECL (ACR 1000) focusing on Canadian Market

6 6 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK What technology will be adopted in the UK ?  Only standard and proven conventional turbine generator technology will be adopted, typically as supplied by –ALSTOM Power –SIEMENS –Mitsubishi –GE Hitachi

7 7 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK When is UK new build likely to start/finish?  Generation output from the first unit of UK new build expected by 2020, (EDF suggest 2018) other units to follow thereafter, typical early timescale is –Site review and selection between 2008 and 2010 –Early contracts between 2009 and 2011 –Early civil works start between 2010 and 2012 –First concrete between 2012 and 2015 –First generation possible 2018 and 2020

8 8 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK Step 1: Design & safety case preparation Step 2: Fundamental Safety (Claims) Review Step 3: Overall Design Safety Review (Arguments) Step 4: Detailed Design Assessment (Evidence) Initiation Fundamental Review Detailed Review Consultation HSE Environment Agency Decision Dec-2010 Jul-2011 Apr-08 Apr-09 Oct-09 Now Source BERR Energy Bill Feb 2008 Consultation on Funded Decommissioning Programme Guidance for New Nuclear Power Stations When is the GDA due to complete?

9 9 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK Possible timing of new nuclear power plants

10 10 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK Where is UK new build likely to be?  Not in Scotland (SNP threatened to block their development) but within England and Wales where preference is for sites and local community support with experience of nuclear power and process operation –British Energy sites –NDA sites (18 off)  Government may sell its stake in British Energy

11 11 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK What is the impact on UK plc?  Strong UK involvement in large scale new build programme –Owners groups will require experienced UK staff with regulatory and power plant experience. –Possible programme of multiple build will require flexible resources –UK programme, project and construction management companies will be employed –Heavy on site and some off shore civil works –UK supply chain will be used –Additional trained UK resources will support existing UK resource

12 12 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK What will be the process in the short term?  Owner groups will be formed  Contracting strategy will be confirmed (EPC turnkey vs incentive style arrangement)  Preferred sites and reactor designs will be selected  Justification/Strategic Siting Assessment process will start  First orders placed  Early site works will be started

13 13 BULATOM - New Build prospects in the UK White Paper Forward by the Prime Minister “More than ever before, nuclear power can and will make a real contribution to meeting our commitments to limit damaging climate change” Gordon Brown January 2008 This view is fully supported by the BNES/INucE, the NIA, AMEC and the UK utilities and supply chain. It is no longer if we choose nuclear power as part of our energy mix. It is how and when and where.

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