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National Export Initiative (NEI) The U.S. Commercial Service Services for U.S. Exporters.

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2 National Export Initiative (NEI) The U.S. Commercial Service Services for U.S. Exporters

3 National Export Initiative (NEI) USCS’ mission is to help U.S. companies export Optimize client’s export operations Determine optimal target markets Approach foreign markets Promote your goods overseas Find and engage trading partners Expand export sales!

4 National Export Initiative (NEI)

5 Convenient: US Export Assistance Centers in over 100 American cities 160 Overseas offices in 89 countries: Expertise in local market conditions Product specialization (in larger markets)

6 National Export Initiative (NEI) Strategy Engage ‘export-ready’ companies Established manufacturer or service provider Has the means and commitment to become proactive exporter Often already exporting to one or more countries 51% U.S. Content

7 National Export Initiative (NEI) Trade Promotion Services

8 National Export Initiative (NEI) *Based on SixSigma and Project Management Institute (PMI) best practices Best Practice Engagement Methodology

9 National Export Initiative (NEI)

10 U.S. Commercial Service Market Entry Support International Company profile International Partner Search Gold Key Platinum Key Trade events Trade leads

11 National Export Initiative (NEI) International Company Profile Designed to evaluate potential trading partners your company has identified Detailed report provided Including: Company History Financial Information Key Contacts Reputation And anything else our posts can find out!

12 National Export Initiative (NEI) International Partner Search Find overseas partners fast! Save valuable time and money Receive complete contact information Obtain high-quality market information Get all this information in approximately 30 business days

13 National Export Initiative (NEI) Gold Key Program Pre-screened, in-country appointments with prospective partners Customized market briefings Timely and relevant market research Post-meeting debriefing and follow-up Help with travel, accommodations, interpreters, and clerical support

14 National Export Initiative (NEI) Trade Events Trade missions USA pavilions Trade fair certification International Buyers Program

15 National Export Initiative (NEI)

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