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International Crime Victim Survey International Crime Business Survey Anna Alvazzi del Frate UNODC/PARB/RAS.

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Presentation on theme: "International Crime Victim Survey International Crime Business Survey Anna Alvazzi del Frate UNODC/PARB/RAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Crime Victim Survey International Crime Business Survey Anna Alvazzi del Frate UNODC/PARB/RAS

2 The ICVS is a household survey that uses a standard questionnaire in all participating countries Between 1500 and 2000 households are interviewed in each country/city More than 70 countries have already been involved The database is available from UNICRI. It currently contains more than 230,000 cases The ICVS

3 ICVS Participation 1989-2003 Total: 72

4 Fifth ICVS 2004-05 1. United Kingdom 2. Sweden 3. Denmark 4. the Netherlands 5. Belgium 6. France 7. Portugal 8. Italy 9. Greece 10. Spain 11. Germany 12. Luxemburg 13. Austria 14. Finland 15. Ireland 16. Estonia 17. Poland 18. Slovenia (2005) 19. Hungary (2005) 20. Lithuania 21. Czech Republic 22. Canada 23. USA 24. Australia 25. New Zealand 26. Japan 27. Switzerland 28. Norway 29. Iceland 30. Mexico 31. Argentina 32. PR China (Hong Kong) 33. Chile (2005) 34. South Africa

5 ICVS questionnaire The questionnaire includes questions on: –11 types of crime against the household and individual; consumer fraud and corruption –reporting to the police, reasons for reporting and not reporting; attitudes towards the police –victim support –crime prevention measures at the household level; fear of crime –attitudes towards punishment

6 Developments The 2004 questionnaire has maintained comparability with the past but includes some necessary changes. In many countries the ICVS has become the standard for national victim surveys. Standard presentation of the key results Expand secondary analysis

7 The ICBS The ICBS is a business survey that uses a standard questionnaire in all participating countries Approximately 500 businesses are interviewed in the capital city of each country 9 countries participated in 2000 The database is available from UNICRI. It currently contains approximately 4,500 cases

8 The ICBS 2000

9 ICBS questionnaire The questionnaire includes questions on: –Experiences of crime, safety in the area, security devices and costs involved, attitudes towards the police and private policing, –Fraud by customers and employees –Corruption –Extortion and intimidation –Reporting to the police, reasons for reporting and not reporting; attitudes towards the police

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