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Published byOscar Glenn Modified over 8 years ago
Stop the Spread Post Campaign Prepared for: July 2011 41110781 VB/BG
2. Presentation Content Introduction Research Method The Findings 1.Perceptions of own weight 2.Indicators for being overweight 3.Waist size – awareness, understanding and current practice 4.Recall of and Response to ‘Stop the Spread’ TV Ad 5.Recall of and Response to ‘Stop the Spread’ Radio Ad Conclusions
3. Research Method & Overall Objectives This presentation reviews the findings of a survey carried out by Millward Brown Lansdowne on behalf of Safefood. This study is a post-campaign study, conducted after the first burst of advertising of the Stop the Spread campaign (TV, Radio). The main objectives of this study were to: –Measure any changes in attitude or behaviour since the benchmark study conducted before the campaign launch –Measure recall and response to the TV and radio campaign –To understand the public’s awareness of overweight as an epidemic –To ascertain how well the link between overweight and heart disease, diabetes and cancer is understood –To understand to what extent the public believe that being overweight increases the likelihood of family and friends also being overweight –Evaluate all aspects of waist measurement in the context of being overweight –Understand awareness of safefood as an authority on weight management Research Method A questionnaire was developed between Millward Brown Lansdowne and Safefood. Identical questions were included on the Millward Brown Lansdowne Omnibus Survey and on the Millward Brown Ulster Omnibus Survey. The Omnibus is a face-to-face, in-home survey asked of a representative sample of adults aged 15+ years living in the Republic of Ireland; and the MBU Omnibus Survey is asked of a nationally representative sample of adults aged 16+ living in Northern Ireland. This study was conducted among a sub sample of adults aged 18+. The sample is quota controlled in terms of gender, age, social class and region, to reflect the actual demographics of the adult population in both ROI and NI. Interviews were conducted at 64 sampling points in ROI and 43 sampling points in NI, representative of the size and spread of urban and rural localities nationwide. Sample size: 1,962 in both ROI and NI combined. Fieldwork dates: ROI: 15 th – 29 th June 2011 NI: 6 th – 11 th June 2011 Campaign airing dates: TV: 9 May – 22 May (40”edit); 23 May – 5 June (30” edit) Radio: 10 May – 22 May (30”) Online: 10 May – 31 July (search)
The Findings
Perceptions of own weight
6. Overweight About the right weight Underweight Don’t know IOI % ROI % NI % Q.1 Given your height, which ONE of these statements do you feel best describes your own weight? (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962) (Base: n=967)(Base: n=995) (38) (57) (3) (1) (37) (59) (3) (1) (42) (51) (4) (2) ( ) = Mar ‘11 Just over a third of IOI adults admit to being overweight – higher in NI. = significant increase vs. last period
7. Q.1 Given your height, which ONE of these statements do you feel best describes your own weight? Overweight About the right weight Underweight Don’t know (Base: All ROI Respondents, n=967) (37) (59) (3) (1) ( ) = Mar ‘11 % ROI Demographic Analysis – women, 35+ yr olds, and those exposed to the campaign more likely than average to say they are overweight
8. Q.1 Given your height, which ONE of these statements do you feel best describes your own weight? Overweight About the right weight Underweight Don’t know (Base: All NI Respondents, n=995) % (42) (51) (4) (2) ( ) = Mar ‘11 NI Demographic Analysis - women, 35+ yr olds, and those exposed to the campaign more likely than average to say they are overweight
Waist size – awareness, understanding and current practice
10. Q.4If you were given a measuring tape to measure your waist, around which area would you put the tape? Other IOI % ROI % Where trousers/jeans sit Around my bellybutton area The thinnest part of my waist Don’t know (Base: n=967) (n/a) (33) (37) (20) (3) (8) (n/a) (31) (38) (20) (3) (8) Around the middle (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962) ( ) = Mar ‘11 Almost four in ten now say they would measure their waist ‘around the middle’ – a direct reference from the campaign. Lower level of mention of inaccurate reference points – ‘where trousers/jeans sit’, and ‘thinnest part of waist’. NI % (n/a) (37) (34) (19) (1) (9) (Base: n=995)
11. Q.4If you were given a measuring tape to measure your waist, around which area would you put the tape? NI % (Base: n=995) 2942 2427 3818 38 33 22 Male % Female % ( ) = Mar ‘11 Other Where trousers/jeans sit Around my bellybutton area The thinnest part of my waist Don’t know Around the middle (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962) In both regions, men are more likely than women to believe that their waist size is ‘where trousers/jeans sit’ Male % Female % ROI % 39 2535 2312 1012 11 22 (Base: n=967) (n/a) (31) (38) (20) (3) (8) (n/a) (37) (34) (19) (1) (9)
12. One in five have measured their waist in the last 6 weeks – ROI adults much more likely to have done this Q.3Have you measured your waist in the last 6 weeks? Yes No (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962) IOI
13. In both regions, those exposed to the campaign and ABC1’s are more likely to have measured their waist recently (Base: All ROI respondents, n=967) Q.3Have you measured your waist in the last 6 weeks? (Base: All NI respondents, n=995) ROI NI Yes No Yes No
14. One in three IOI adults give “correct” answer from campaign – ROI adults are more likely to identify correct threshold for men. Higher levels of ‘don’t know’ responses in NI. Q.5Can you tell me what waist size in inches indicates that a man is overweight? Greater than/more than/over 37 inches 37 inches Other Don’t know 4124 1516 1523 2938 Total % ROI (n=967) % NI (n=995) % (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962)
15. In ROI, ABC1’s and those exposed to the campaign more likely than average to identify the correct threshold for men Greater than/more than/over 32 inches 32 inches Other Don’t know Total (967) % (Base: All ROI respondents, n=967) Q.5Can you tell me what waist size in inches indicates that a man is overweight?
16. In NI, women and those exposed to the campaign are more likely than average to identify the correct threshold for men Greater than/more than/over 32 inches 32 inches Other Don’t know Total (995) % (Base: All NI respondents, n=995) Q.5Can you tell me what waist size in inches indicates that a man is overweight?
17. 3 in 10 give ‘correct’ answer from campaign regarding a woman’s waist measure – more positive response noted in ROI vs. NI Q.6Can you tell me what waist size in inches indicates that a woman is overweight? Greater than/more than/over 32 inches 32 inches Other Don’t know 3519 2022 1213 3346 Total % ROI (967) % NI (995) % (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962)
18. In ROI women, ABC’s and those exposed to the campaign are most likely to identify the correct threshold for women Greater than/more than/over 32 inches 32 inches Other Don’t know Total (967) % (Base: All ROI respondents, n=967) Q.6Can you tell me what waist size in inches indicates that a woman is overweight?
19. In NI, women and those exposed to the TV ad are most likely to identify the correct threshold for women. Highest level of don’t know responses among men. Greater than/more than/over 32 inches 32 inches Other Don’t know Total (995) % (Base: All NI respondents, n=995) Q.6Can you tell me what waist size in inches indicates that a woman is overweight?
Recall and Response to ‘Stop the Spread’ TV ad
21. One in two recall seeing the ‘Stop the Spread’ TV ad – higher in ROI YesNo Q.10Have you seen this TV ad before of not? (based on TV ad played in real time) (Base: All Respondents, n=1,962) TV Norm ROI 49% TV Norm UK 57%
22. Highest recall of the TV ad among women in both regions; among those aged 45-64 and C2DE’s in NI; recall lowest in Dublin. (Base: All who saw Stop the spread TV) ROI (n=967) % Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 65+ ABC1 C2DE Total Gender Age 55-64 Dublin Rest of Leinster Munster Conn/Ulster Region Social Class NI (n=995) % Social Class Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 65+ ABC1 C2DE Total Gender Age 55-64
23. Overweight message resonates more clearly than obese message Q.Can you tell me which ONE of the following statements most closely describes one of the main functions of the TV ad? It gives waist guidelines for being overweight It gives waist guidelines for being obese Both – there is no difference between being overweight Don’t know 6562 1618 17 33 Total % ROI (n=510) % NI (n=463) % (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973)
24. Summary of Response to TV ad: The ad is validated by a consensus on growing number of overweight in IOI, it is seen as informative by majority and one in every two are now motivated to measure their waist. Q.12Thinking about this ad from Safefood, please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements? You enjoyed watching it a lot It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight It contained new information about the link between being overweight and cancer The points made in the ad were relevant to you More and more people are becoming overweight on the Island of Ireland 9290 8380 7371 6758 6053 6040 4937 4527 1519 Agree IOI % ROI % NI % It made you more likely to measure you waist size It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends This ad motivated you to start to lose weight You are getting fed up with seeing it (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973)
25. Response to TV ad vs MB Norms: Relevance, talkability and informative are key strengths and there is appetite for re-airing of the execution. % Agreeing with the statement about the adTotal ROI % ROI Norm % % Point Difference Vs ROI Norm % Total NI % UK Norm % % Point Difference Vs UK Norm % You enjoyed watching it a lot6075-155361-8 It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight 8373+108045+35 It contained new information about the link between overweight and cancer 73 =7145+26 The points made in the ad were relevant to you 6762+55825+33 More and more people are becoming overweight on the island of Ireland 92n/a 90n/a It made you more likely to measure your waist size60n/a 40n/a It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends 4941+837 24+13 The ad motivated you to start to lose weight 45n/a 27n/a You are getting fed up with seeing it*1518+31930+11 (Base: All who saw ‘Stop the spread’ TV ad)
26. Response to TV ad X Demographics (ROI); The ad resonates most strongly among women for call-to-action *MB norm reflects “made you more likely to buy” (Base: All who saw ‘Stop the spread’ - ROI) % Agreeing with the statement about the adTotal ROI (510) % Male (224) % Female (286) % <35 (162) % 35+ (348) % ABC1 (221) % C2DE (260) % You enjoyed watching it a lot606159 606357 It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight 83848385828582 It contained new information about the link between overweight and cancer 737671737473 The points made in the ad were relevant to you 67656864696765 More and more people are becoming overweight on the island of Ireland 929391 929488 It made you more likely to measure your waist size605267655760 It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends 49425551 485244 The ad motivated you to start to lose weight 45405043464445 You are getting fed up with seeing it15131615141714
27. Response to TV ad X Demographics (NI): The ad resonates most strongly among women, those 35+ and C2DE’s. (Base: All who saw ‘Stop the spread’ - NI) % Agreeing with the statement about the adTotal NI (463) % Male (175) % Female (288) % <35 (124) % 35+ (339) % ABC1 (186) % C2DE (277) % You enjoyed watching it a lot53505446554856 It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight 80 84787981 It contained new information about the link between overweight and cancer 71707270726873 The points made in the ad were relevant to you 58565953605262 More and more people are becoming overweight on the island of Ireland 90899190 9190 It made you more likely to measure your waist size40354534433942 It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends 37304232 3937 The ad motivated you to start to lose weight 27242921302231 You are getting fed up with seeing it191820 191621 *MB norm reflects “made you more likely to buy”
28. Q.14 Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % If a man has a waist size of more than 37 inches, he is overweight Message Communication Summary: The most salient messages relate to health risks of being overweight and the existence of an epidemic. Waist threshold for defining overweight is credible, but the “spread” message is less credible overall. NI % If a woman has a waist size of more than 32 inches, he is overweight Every man with a waist measure of more than 37 inches is obese Every woman with a waist measure of more than 32 inches is obese Carrying extra weight around the middle leads to a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer Being overweight is an epidemic that is spreading on the Island of Ireland You are more likely to become overweight yourself if your friends & family are overweight Being overweight is something that you can catch from other people who are overweight Top 2 Box Scores Shown (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973)
29. Message Communication: Majority agree that waist size is a useful measure to indicate overweight. Q.13Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % NI % Guidelines for waist size are useful indicators to know if you are overweight or not. Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 87% Net Agree 86% Net Agree 88% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 8% Net disagree 7%
30. Message Communication: Polarised view regarding universal application of waist size threshold as one in three believe height, age & build must be a factor. Q.13Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % NI % The guidelines for waist size apply to everyone – height, age & build do not matter. Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 55% Net Agree 57% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 34% Net disagree 31% Net disagree 36%
31. Message Communication: 2 in 3 of those who saw the ad agree that 37+ inches means a man is overweight Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. If a man has a waist of more than 37 inches, he is overweight Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know IOI % ROI % NI % Net Agree 63% Net Agree 62% Net Agree 67% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 24% Net disagree 26% Net disagree 19%
32. Message Communication: those exposed to the ad in ROI are more sceptical about the threshold for women than their NI counterparts. Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. If a woman has a waist size of more than 32 inches. She is overweight Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know IOI % ROI % NI % Net Agree 56% Net Agree 54% Net Agree 62% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 28% Net disagree 31% Net disagree 21%
33. Message Communication: At least one in two in both regions reject the notion that a waist of 37+ for a man means he is obese indicating they have understood the campaign. Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Every man with a waist measure of more than 37 inches is obese Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know IOI % ROI % NI % Net Agree 29% Net Agree 30% Net Agree 27% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 54% Net disagree 55%
34. Message Communication: Almost 6 in 10 in both regions reject the notion that a waist of 32+ for a woman means she is obese indicating they have understood the campaign. Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know IOI % ROI % NI % Net Agree 25% Net Agree 26% Net Agree 24% Every woman with a waist measure of more than 32 inches is obese (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 58% Net disagree 57%
35. Message Communication: Consensus that weight around the middle increases the risk of certain diseases. Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % NI % Carrying extra weight around the middle leads to a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 90% Net Agree 88% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 4% Net disagree 3% Net disagree 6%
36. Message Communication: Majority agree that overweight is an epidemic Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % NI % Being overweight is an epidemic that is spreading on the Island of Ireland Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 85% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 6%
37. Message Communication: The spread message of the campaign could be dialled up to emphasise how weight is influenced by friends & family Q.14Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % NI % You are more likely to become overweight yourself if your friends & family are overweight Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 56% Net Agree 60% Net Agree 46% (Base: All who have seen TV ad, n=973) Net disagree 29% Net disagree 27% Net disagree 35%
38. Engagement I am going to show you three lists of words which might apply to that advert. In each case I would like you to choose the one word which you think applies most to the ad. Engagement is an essential element to an ad’s success. This is measured by asking respondents to pick one word that best describes the ad from a list of four words.While the detailed results of this question provide us with rich data to understand an ad’s strengths or weaknesses, we also use a one number summary of the ad’s engagement or active rating to understand how well the ad will operate to gain an audience.
39. Engagement – What Works? Passive Positive Active Negative Irritating/Unpleasant/Disturbing ? Passive Negative Boring/Dull/Weak X Active Positive + Interesting/Distinctive/Involving Pleasant/Soothing/Gentle Need enjoyment to counter passive nature of ad in order to cut through
40. Engagement IOI – The Stop the Spread TV ad scores very highly on engagement. It has strong potential to draw its viewers in and involve them in its key messages. Q.16Which one of these four words do you think applies most to the advert? (Base: All Respondents, n=973)
41. Engagement ROI – excellent score in ROI, well above norms. (Base: All Respondents, n=510) Q.16Which one of these four words do you think applies most to the advert?
42. Engagement NI – excellent score, well above norms. (Base: All Respondents, n=463) Q.16Which one of these four words do you think applies most to the advert?
Recall and Response to ‘Stop the Spread’ Radio ad
44. One in three IOI adults have heard radio ad – higher in ROI Q.17Can you tell me if you have heard this radio ad before or not? Yes No (Base: All Respondents, n=1962) Radio Norm ROI 38% Radio Norm UK 19%
45. Recall X Demographics for ‘Stop the Spread’ Radio Ad (ROI & NI): Lower recall in Dublin and among the <35’s (Base: All who heard ‘Stop the spread’) ROI (n=967) % Male Female 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 65+ ABC1 C2DE Total Gender Age 55-64 Dublin Rest of Leinster Munster Conn/Ulster Region Social Class NI (n=995) % Male Female 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 65+ ABC1 C2DE Total Gender Age 55-64 Social Class
46. Key Response Metrics – Summary Q.18Thinking about this ad from Safefood, please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements? You enjoyed listening to it a lot 9091 8684 8075 6947 6055 6146 5329 4743 1923 Agree IOI % ROI % NI % It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight It contained new information about the link between being overweight and cancer The points made in the ad were relevant to you It made you more likely to measure your waist size It's the sort of ad you would talk about with friends This ad motivated you to start to lose weight You are getting fed up with hearing it (Base: All Heard Ad at Q.17) More and more people are becoming overweight on the Island of Ireland
47. Response to Radio ad vs MB Norms: The ad scores well on informative, relevance and the epidemic message cuts through strongly. % Agreeing with the statement about the adTotal ROI % ROI Norm % % Point Difference Vs ROI Norm % Total NI % UK Norm % % Point Difference Vs UK Norm % You enjoyed watching it a lot6075-155561-6 It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight 8676+108458+26 It contained new information about the link between overweight and cancer 8076+47558+17 The points made in the ad were relevant to you 6962+74725+22 More and more people are becoming overweight on the island of Ireland 90n/a91n/a It made you more likely to measure your waist size61n/a46n/a It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends 4741+643 24+19 The ad motivated you to start to lose weight 53n/a29n/a You are getting fed up with seeing it*1918+12330-7 (Base: All who heard ‘Stop the spread’ – ROI & NI)
48. Response to Radio ad X Demographics (ROI); The ad resonates most with women overall. *MB norm reflects “made you more likely to buy” (Base: All who heard ‘Stop the spread’ - ROI) % Agreeing with the statement about the adTotal ROI (396) % Male (193) % Female (203) % <35 (110) % 35+ (286) % ABC1 (179) % C2DE (194) % You enjoyed watching it a lot60586253635960 It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight 86828988848785 It contained new information about the link between overweight and cancer 80827879817880 The points made in the ad were relevant to you 69647372676670 More and more people are becoming overweight on the island of Ireland 90 87929190 It made you more likely to measure your waist size6154685963 58 It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends 47365749 465044 The ad motivated you to start to lose weight 53495852545255 You are getting fed up with seeing it19 2022182317
49. Response to Radio ad X Demographics (NI): Call to action most keenly felt among women, C2DE’s and those 35+ (Base: All who heard ‘Stop the spread’ - NI) % Agreeing with the statement about the adTotal NI (168) % Male (74) % Female (94) % <35 (55) % 35+ (113) % ABC1 (69) % C2DE (99) % You enjoyed watching it a lot55515843613966 It contained new information about how to identify if you are overweight 84 8385838086 It contained new information about the link between overweight and cancer 75747674756880 The points made in the ad were relevant to you 47405333544847 More and more people are becoming overweight on the island of Ireland 91879589929489 It made you more likely to measure your waist size46395140484645 It’s the sort of ad you would talk about with friends 43355034 474541 The ad motivated you to start to lose weight 29193824313525 You are getting fed up with seeing it232026 212720 *MB norm reflects “made you more likely to buy”
50. Q.20 Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % If a man has a waist size of more than 37 inches, he is overweight NI % If a woman has a waist size of more than 32 inches, she is overweight Every man with a waist measure of more than 37 inches is obese Every woman with a waist measure of more than 32 inches is obese Carrying extra weight around the middle leads to a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer Being overweight is an epidemic that is spreading on the Island of Ireland You are more likely to become overweight yourself if your friends & family are overweight Being overweight is something that you can catch from other people who are overweight Message Communication – Summary: Similar response as per the TV execution; the most salient messages relate to health risks and epidemic. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Top 2 Box Scores Shown
51. Message Communication: majority agree waist size is useful indicator. Q.19Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. IOI % ROI % NI % Guidelines for waist size are useful indicators to know if you are overweight or not. Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 82% Net Agree 81% Net Agree 86% (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Net disagree 6% Net disagree 8% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
52. IOI % ROI % NI % The guidelines for waist size apply to everyone - height, age & build do not matter. Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 57% Net Agree 60% Q.19Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Message Communication: some lack of clarity or disagreement on inclusion of height/age/build as a factor in the context of waist size guidelines. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Net disagree 25% Net disagree 26% Net disagree 24% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
53. IOI % ROI % NI % If a man has a waist of more than 37 inches, he is overweight Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 68% Net Agree 70% Net Agree 61% Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Message Communication: Strong belief from radio ad that a man with a waist of 37+ inches is overweight. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Net disagree 17% Net disagree 16% Net disagree 19% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
54. IOI % ROI % NI % If a woman has a waist size of more than 32 inches, she is overweight Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 60% Net Agree 59% Net Agree 60% Message Communication: 6 in 10 agree that a waist size of 32+ for a woman means she is overweight; less conviction compared to the male example. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Net disagree 20% Net disagree 21% Net disagree 16% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
55. IOI % ROI % NI % Every man with a waist measure of more than 37 inches is obese Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 32% Net Agree 35% Net Agree 22% Message Communication: Less clarity in ROI compared to NI on what waist size constitutes obesity for a man. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Net disagree 49% Net disagree 46% Net disagree 60% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
56. IOI % ROI % NI % Every woman with a waist measure of more than 32 inches is obese Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 28% Net Agree 31% Net Agree 18% Message Communication: Less clarity in ROI compared to NI on what constitutes obesity for a woman based on waist size. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Net disagree 50% Net disagree 47% Net disagree 63% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
57. IOI % ROI % NI % Carrying extra weight around the middle leads to a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 91% Net Agree 92% Net Agree 87% Message Communication: Consensus that weight around the middle increases the risk of developing certain diseases. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Net disagree 2% Net disagree 3% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
58. IOI % ROI % NI % Being overweight is an epidemic that is spreading on the Island of Ireland Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 80% Net Agree 78% Message Communication: Majority agree that overweight is an epidemic that is spreading. (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Net disagree 8% Net disagree 7% Net disagree 13% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
59. IOI % ROI % NI % You are more likely to become overweight yourself if your friends & family are overweight Agree strongly Agree Neither Disagree Disagree strongly Don’t know Net Agree 53% Net Agree 55% Net Agree 44% Message Communication: Significant disagreement particularly in NI re likelihood of becoming overweight if friends & family are overweight (Base: All who recall radio ad only, not TV n=169) Q.20Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the statements I read out. Net disagree 29% Net disagree 27% Net disagree 38% (Base: n=105)(Base: n=64)
Stop the Spread Post Campaign Prepared for: July 2011 41110781
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