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Network Security  introduction  cryptography  authentication  key exchange  required reading: text section 7.1.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Security  introduction  cryptography  authentication  key exchange  required reading: text section 7.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Security  introduction  cryptography  authentication  key exchange  required reading: text section 7.1

2 Network Security  intruder may  eavesdrop  remove, modify, and/or insert messages  read and playback messages  important issues:  cryptography: secrecy of info being transmitted  authentication: proving who you are and having correspondent prove his/her/its  identity

3 Security in Computer Networks User resources:  login passwords often transmitted unencrypted in TCP packets between applications (e.g., telnet, ftp)  passwords provide little protection

4 Network resources:  often completely unprotected from intruder eavesdropping, injection of false messages  mail spoofs, router updates, ICMP messages, network management messages Bottom line:  intruder attaching his/her machine (access to OS code, root privileges) onto network can override many system-provided security measures  users must take a more active role

5 Encryption plaintext: unencrypted message ciphertext: encrypted form of message intruder may  intercept ciphertext transmission  intercept plaintext/ciphertext pairs  obtain encryption decryption algorithms

6 A simple encryption algorithm substitution cipher: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzpoiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvczx  replace each plaintext character inmessage with matching ciphertext character: plaintext: Charlotte, my love ciphertext: iepksgmmy, dz sgby 

7  key is pairing between plaintext characters and ciphertext characters  symmetric key: sender and receiver use same key  26! (approx 10**26) different possible keys: unlikely to be broken by random trys  substitution cipher subject to decryption using observed frequency of letters  'e' most common letter, ;the' most common word

8 DES: Data Encryption Standard  encrypts data in 64-bit chunks  encryption/decryption algorithm is a published standard  everyone knows how to do it  substitution cipher over 64-bit chunks: 56-bit key determines which of 56! Substitution ciphers used  substitution: 19 stages of transformations, 16 involving functions of key

9  decryption done by reversing encryption steps  sender and receiver must use same key

10 Key Distribution Problem  problem: how do communicant agree on symmetric key?  N communicants implies N keys  trusted agent distribution:  keys distributed by centralized trusted agent  any communicant need only know key to communicate with trusted agent  for communication between I and j, trusted agent will provide a key

11  we will cover in more detail shortly

12 Public Key Cryptography  separate encryption/decryption keys  receiver makes known (!) its encryption key  receiver keeps its decryption key secret  to send to receiver B, encrypt message M using B's publicly available key, EB  send EB(M)  to decrypt, B applies its private decrypt key DB to receiver message:  compute DB( EB(M) ) gives M

13  knowing encryption key does not help with decryption: decryption is a non-trivial inverseof encryption  only receiver can decrypt message  question: good encryption/decryption algorithms

14 RSA: public key encryption/decryption RSA: a public key algorithm for encrypting/decrypting entity wanting to receive encrypted messages:  choose two prime numbers, p, q greater than 10**100  compute n=pq and z = (p-1)(q-1)  choose number d which has no common factors with z  compute e such that ed = 1 mod z, i.e., integer-remainder( (ed) / ((p-1)(q-1)) ) = 1, i.e., ed = k(p-1)(q-1) +1  three numbers:  e, n made public  d kept secret

15 RSA (continued) to encrypt:  divide message into i blocks, bi of size k: 2**k < n  encrypt: encrypt(bi) = bi**e mod n to decrypt:  bi = encrypt(bi)**d to break RSA  need to know p, q, given pq=n, n known  factoring 200 digit n into primes takes 4 billion years using known methods

16 RSA example  choose p=3, q=11, gives n=33, (p-1)(q-1)=z=20  choose d = 7 since 7 and 20 have no common factors  compute e = 3, so that ed = k(p-1)(q-1)+1 (note: k=1 here)

17 Further notes on RSA why does RSA work?  crucial number theory result: of p, q prime then bi**((p-1)(q-1)) mod pq = 1  using mod pq arithmetic: (b**e)**d = b**(ed) = b**(k(p-1)(q-1)+1) for some k = b b**(p-1)(q-1) b**(p-1)(q-1)... b**(p-1)(q-1) = b 1 1... 1 = b Note: we can also encrypt with d and encrypt with e.  this will be useful shortly

18 How to break RSA? Brute force: get B's public key  for each possible bi in plaintext, compute bi**e  for each observed bi**e, we then know bi  more: choose size of bi "big enough"

19 man-in-the-middle: intercept keys, spoof identity:

20 Authentication Question: how does a receiver know that remote communicating entity is who it is claimed to be?

21 Approach 1: peer-peer key-based authentication  A, B (only) know secure key for encryption/decryption  A sends encrypted msf to B and B decrypts: A to B: msg = encrypt("I am A") B computes: if decrypt(msg)=="I am A" then A is verified then A is verified else A is fradulent else A is fradulent  failure scenarios?

22 Authentication Using Nonces to prove that A is alive, B sends "once-in-a-lifetime-only" number (nonce) to A, which Aencodes and returns to B A to B: msg = encrypt("I am A") B compute: if decrypt(msg)=="I am A" then A is OK so far then A is OK so far B to A: once-in-a-lifetime value, n A to B: msg2 = encrypt(n) B computes: if decrypt(msg2)==n then A is verified then A is verified else A is fradulent else A is fradulent  note similarities to three way handshake and initial sequence number choice  problems with nonces?

23 Authentication Using Public Keys B wants to authenticate A A has made its encryption key EA known A alone knows DA symmetry: DA( EA(n) ) = EA ( DA(n) ) A to B: msg = "I am A" B to A: once-in-a-lifetime value, n A to B: msg2 = DA(n) B computes: if EA (DA(n))== n then A is verified then A is verified else A is fradulent else A is fradulent

24 Digital Signatures Using Public Keys Goals of digital signature:  sender can not repudiate message never sent ("I never sent that")  receiver can not fake a received message Suppose A wants B wants to "sign" a message M B sends DA(M) to A A computes if EA ( DA(M)) == M then A has signed M then A has signed M Question: can A plausibly deny having sent M?

25 Symmetric key exchange: trusted server problem: how do distributed entitues agree on a key? assume: each entity has its own single key, which only it and trusted server know server:  will generate a one-time session key that A and B use to encrypt communication  will use A and B's single keys to communicate session key to A, B


27 Symmetric Key exchange: trusted server Preceding scenario: 1. A sends encrypted msg to S, containing A, B, nonce RA: EA(A,B,RA) 2. S decrypts using DA, generates one time session key, K, sends nonce, key, and B-encrypted encoding of key to A: EA(RA,B,K,EB(K,A)) 3. A decrypts msg from S using DA and verifies nonce. Extracts K, saves it and send EB(K,A) to B. 4. B decrypts msg using DB, extracts K, generates new nonce RB, sends EK(RB) to A 5. A decrypts using K, extracts RB, computes RB-1 and encrypts using K. Sends EK(RB-1) to B 6. B decrypts using K and verifies RB-1

28 Public key exchange: trusted server  public key retrieval subject to man-in-middle attack  locate all public keys in trusted server  everyone has server's encryption key (ED public)  suppose A wants to send to B using B's "public" key

29 Clipper Chip: technical aspects US gov't proposed federal information processing standard (voluntary)  obviously need to encrypt many things passed over phone line  encryption technique for Clipper (skipjack algorithm) highly classified  voluntarily installed in telecommunications equipment (existing products)

30 call setup: A and B want to communicate  A, B use standard public key techniques to agree on a session key  session key encrypted using clipped chips unit key  encrypted session key and unencrypted unit ID put into LEAF (Law Enforcement Access Field) which is sent  note: LEAF redundant, A and B know session K  session key transmitted so it can be intercepted!  session communication encrypted using session key

31 Privacy issues Clipper I: device manufacturers split unit chip key in half:  unit chip key hardwired into tamper proof, non reverse-engineerable chip  half in escrow at NIST, half at Treasury  gov't wants to wiretap machine with known unit ID  gov't (e.g., FBI) presents court orders to both agencies, gets unit chip key  uses chip key to determine session key from LEAF  unencrypts using session key US gov't outlawed export of greater-than-40-bit key technology  Oct 96: 56 bit key technology selectively exportable for two year trial basis

32 Protection against Intruders: Firewalls

33  firewall: network components (host/router+software) sitting between inside ("us") and outside ("them)  packet filtering firewalls: drop packets on basis of source or destination address (i.e., IP address, port)  application gateways: application specific code intercepts, processes and/or relays application specific packets  e.g., email of telnet gateways  application gateway code can be security hardened  can log all activity

34 Security: Internet activity IP layer:  authentication of header: receiver can authenticate sender using messageauthentication code (MAC)  encryption of contents: DES, RFC 1829 API  SSL - secure socket layer: support for authentication and encryption  port numbers: 443 for http with SSL, 465 for smtp with SSL Application Layer  Privacy Enhanced Mail  secure http: supports many authentication, encryption schemes

35 Security: conclusion key concerns:  encyption  authentication  key exchange also:  increasingly an important area as network connectivity increases  digital signatures, digital cash, authentication, biometrics increasingly important  an important social concern  further reading:  Crypto Policy Perspectives: S. Landau et al., Aug 1994 CACM  Internet Security, R. Oppliger, CACM May 1997 

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